Monday, August 22, 2011

No. 6 episode 7

Not the most productive day ever. Sorta got sucked into watching a lot of Sci-Fi movies. But hey I am allowed to be a lazy bum on my days off right? Bit since I found the lost Pokemon cards I can call this day a success. Happy husband! They have been found so we can stop looking in silly places like under the sink. XD

In other news the rain has been a pain lately. I guess it is better it storms when I am not being forced to drive and risk my life for 15 dollars but then my days off are spent all inside. Because I am such an outside girl. XD But it is hard to spend money I don’t have when I can’t get to the stores.


Can't you feel the love tonighttttttttttttttttttttttttt.

Up now is No. 6 episode 7. It should have been up earlier but again the Sci-Fi movies kept me glued to my seat. So sleepy. Spoilers for poor communication skills and happy endings? XD


Nezumi has weird negotiation skills.

Episode Summary: Sion is cleaning the dogs as DogWatcher…watches. She introduces Sion to the new litter of puppies and demands he not have fun. Sion mentions going to see Rikiga later in the afternoon. DogWatcher goes back inside and sees Nezumi all chillin out. He has a big job for DogWatcher but he refuses. Nezumi is like oh okay…so next time you are in trouble I am not coming to rescue youuuuuuuuuuuu. DogWatcher freaks out and decides to help out. Nezumi wants updated information about the Correction Facility of Doom. DogWatcher finds out why Nezumi wants the information and tries teasing Nezumi. In the city Sion’s Momma tries to find out where Safu is but SURPRISE the city is saying she never existed. Upset Momma goes outside to be all upset. A random old lady comes and sits next to Momma and asks her what is wrong. Momma starts talking about the city being full of liars when all of a sudden Yoming comes up and takes her away. He drives her away saying that city tends to get rid of dissenters (AKA your son!!!) and he is going to investigate what they are up to. Sion eventually meet up with Rikiga. Rikiga has none of the materials for Sion and he gets worried he won’t have his serum ready in time for spring. Touched by Sion’s caring attitude Rikiga takes Sion to get some new threads. But when arriving at the store Sion freaks out because Safu’s jacket is there. Safu barely wakes up long enough to hear some scientists talking about her being the best experiment ever.


Translation: I love you a lot and in case I don't come back I want you to know that.

DogWatcher contacts Nezumi, with information about the correctional whatever facility and that Sion knows Safu has been kidnapped. Sion is going to go rescue her all by himself because Nezumi has left him in the dark. Nezumi gets mad and walks away. At home Wifey Sion has made a famously meal for the two of them (and the mice). Nezumi tries talking about Momma and Safu to see what kind of reaction Sion gives him. Sion just keeps eating and looking wistful. Instead of talking about No. 6 Sion says that he is so happy to have met Nezumi, that he is a better person for it. He leans down and kisses Nezumi. He leaves saying he has to go to work early. Nezumi is like X_______x. Nezumi follows him in the morning and punches him in the face. He doesn’t appreciate him lying and going off to play the hero alone. Nezumi explains that Momma gave him the info and that he is slowly making a plan to save Safu. Sion gets up and punches Nezumi for not telling him the truth and not treating him like an equal. Nezumi explains that when Sion rescued him in his hour of need that showed him that humans can help each other. That there is good in the world. They promise to help each other and not keep secrets. Nezumi then decides he is going to take Sion somewhere special. Maybe even tell him why he hates No. 6? THE END!!!!!

XO And XD. And a bit of ?_? Because texting became popular after I was out of high school and I didn’t get to make all the lovely nonsense texts that people make now. And I don’t really know how Twitter works.

But this episode rocked. And not because there was boy on boy kisses. Which there was. And I am sure it was done better in the novel. HOWEVER even if I didn’t see the world in yaoi colored glasses I could see how this show is excellent and doesn’t slather on the yaoi. It is done at a natural pace and doesn’t cling to over the top stereotypes. It is showing a gay couple natural as the series could probably take place if one of the characters was female. So I think this show is the step in a right direction in portraying gays in a positive and natural light.

And two cute boys kissed. WOOHOO!!!!

Now that I know DogWatcher is a dude I am watching him with all 4 of my eyes. Watching you. I guess I was thrown off by the long hair. And since I am permanently scarred by huge boobies DogWatcher was a nice change. But he can be a dude. Which you know….makes the fact that Sion is hanging around him even MOGer. A love triangle of sorts?


We can't say exactly say those words or the fanboys will tune out!!!

Okay that might be TOO much yaoi for a mainstream show (or at least that is how they are trying to portray it). So maybe DogWatcher just wanted a friend, because humans need friends. And he is jealous that Sion just came in and Nezumi became….well slightly human. But I do like that instead of killing Sion DogWatcher opened his heart and let Sion make him slightly human too. I am glad DogWatcher decided to take that direction instead of the jealous direction. I mean DogWatcher still has some issues but he doesn’t smack Sion when he is being all naïve and suchies. DogWatcher teaches Sion the ways of the real world and Sion is a little bit of light in a world of darkness.


What do you mean this was a really dumb thing to do?

Sion’s mom is….special. I can see where Sion gets his super naïve nature. She sees Safu get arrested for no reason at all by the Department of Creepy People. So what does she do? Marches over to the Department of Creepy People and demands answers. I am surprised she wasn’t arrested the second she walked out of the room. Poor momma, she needs to be a little more on her game. You think she would have been already since her son was nearly killed and banished.


You might need to work on that comfort thing lady.

Thank goodness Mr Reporter dude is there to save her. Also I am glad that granny might have been working for the City. Because up until now old people were given a good rap in this anime. You don’t sit down next a person, comment that they look depressed, and go on and on about how awesome your life is. That would be a crazy level of narcissism that I have only seen on BRAVO TV shows. But duh momma, duh that something crazy is going on in the city.


He has had everything taken away but still finds joy in the world.

Sion and the puppy scene was too cute. That is coming from a cat person so you know it must have been adorable. I don’t think cats would make good blankets or pillows. They barely make good pets half the time. XD


What? You mean we aren't besties?!

The scene between DogWatcher and Nezumi show how dysfunctional living in the real world has become. I wouldn’t help Nezumi either with the crappy attitude he has had lately. Plus he isn’t really the most trustworthy of people. But then Nezumi threatened to kill him or allow it to happen. Now usually that is not a great way to get people to do what you want but I guess DogWatcher was too scared not to. But after he agreed DogWatcher was all sunshine and rainbows. These people are really dysfunctional. I will find your information but I will taunt you about Sion first AHA!


Grandma can make jackets like this? Doubt it.

But then DogWatcher proves to be a good person again when coming to Nezumi about Sion knowing about Safu. I am ignoring the fact that many people out there own the same type of clothes. Unless it said “I want Sion’s sperm” on the tag Sion going ballistic about the jacket was weird. Putting that aside though I think DogWatcher was kind which I think is his true nature. He made good points to Nezumi, that not telling Sion about Safu was a mistake and if something didn’t happen things would end badly.


Don't forget about me!!!!!

Safu’s scene was very, very brief. It looks like she is in some glass bubble Resident Evil while the scientist talk about her fate. When she fainted Nezumi fainted as well. So was Nezumi the start of the experiment gone wrong? Were the bees designed to keep people in line but instead it ages people instantly? Whatever the case may be it looks like Safu is going to be okay for a while as her numbers are maxed out. Whatever that means.


I don't think that is how one seals the deal....

So while Nezumi is spending all his money trying to save Safu Sion spends all his money on a “last meal” with Nezumi. Now if Nezumi hadn’t already known Sion knew about Safu he wouldn’t have known he was lying. I thought he did a great job holding it together while Nezumi went on about Safu. But word to Nezumi. I know you don’t understand these FEELINGS you have towards Sion but telling him to go out and have the sex with Safu probably won’t help your relationship.


WOOHOO they actually showed it!

Then the kiss folks! XO I am sure it was more romantic in the other versions. But this one did well despite having a tone down attitude. Sion told Nezumi how he felt, that he is a better person having met Nezumi, and kissed him goodbye knowing his plan was full of fail. And Nezumi was like @_@.


Err....yeah. Very romantic? XD

Of course it then ends with both the boys hitting and screaming at each other. Sion is mad that Nezumi kept the truth from him and Nezumi is mad that Sion is too stupid to live. Both boys want to be told the truth and treated as equals. Nezumi promises to help save Safu as long as Sion doesn’t go off on his own and ruin his plans. In doing so he promises not to keep Sion in the dark. No more farewell kisses indeed. How about we get some make-up ones instead? XD


How about some good morning kisses? Or just got out of the shower ones?

I hope that since the show took this step, by showing a kiss, that it isn’t swept under a rug. I hope it doesn’t turn into oh you are my friend and super important to me and it really was an appreciate/good bye kiss. But both boys have problems understanding what feelings are and such I wouldn’t put it pass the writers to make the boys just be BESTIES FOR FOREVER! I want them to grow in their relationship which is clearly that of a romantic one. Goodbye kisses indeed. XD That was an I love you kiss and if I never see you again I want you to know it. Keep that pace going PLEASE!

The episode ends with Nezumi taking Sion to The Hill have Eyes. It looks like another teaser of Nezumi telling Sion the truth but I am sure it will turn into something else. Also it looks like Nezumi is getting his butt kicked while Safu is released from confinement. Can’t wait for next week!


Marona said...

Okay, now that I think about it . . . maybe there's something else going on with the bees. Like maybe everyone has a bee inside them already and the scientists at the hive have some control over them, turning them on or off or something. Cause I don't remember seeing wasps enter humans, just exiting them after the bodies have been dried out.

And regarding sex/gender of DogWatcher, I guess officially the jury is still out. But I'm cool with DW being guy or girl. But guy would be nice. If DW is a girl she has a pretty flat chest compared to Momma and Safu. If DW is a guy, he looks more girlish than Nezumi in my opinion. And his pictures show some womanly hips similar to Safu's. So . . . *shrug*. Call him/her whatever you want, but that was the only time I recall DW's gender being addressed by someone. XP

I liked the kiss. It was short and bittersweet. I like how the relationship between these two characters is developing. It's so normal. :) We need more representation like this. Physical and emotional signs of love without rape happy situations. Or physicality that happens too fast and suddenly.

I hope Safu will be okay. I want to see more of her next episode.

And my guess is Momma thought they didn't know Safu was at her place. Otherwise investigating her whereabouts was a really stupid idea. Also I thought that the talk about dissenters concerned her more than Sion. I mean, she was the one talking to the lady and nearly getting herself into trouble.

Oh my god, was that the same old lady that talked to Safu??? I don't remember if Safu said anything to her, but maybe her interaction with that lady or the guy at her grandma's funeral is what got her into trouble.

I've been focusing on the ending sequence and I feel like Nezumi might die in the end. That would make me a sad panda cause I want Nezumi and Sion to have a happy ending. :( But you see, he catches the snowball and then he's alone. And it looks like it's springtime. And spring is a very important theme in this series for some reason.

Anonymous said...

I think Nezumi was asking Shion about having sex with Safu as a way of gauging Shion's feelings for him. The same way a person fishes for compliments by saying something derogatory about themselves, I think Nezumi was seeing how Shion would respond if he mentioned having sex with that girl.

The kiss in the novel was the culmination of a bit of flirting (Shion gets mad and hits the bookcase, sending books flying into Nezumi, then apologizes for getting too excited, and Nezumi teases him that he finds his excited face alluring and wants to see it again, then they kiss).

But I really like how the anime made it seem like a kiss between an old married couple. It was shown as plainly stated sign of affection/attraction, nothing more, nothing less. It was really refreshing and I'm proud of Bones for treating the scene with maturity and respect!

Christina said...

Marona- It could be possible that No. 6 planted these bees inside people a long time ago. That it is a way to somehow control the masses. Maybe after the WAR (that has yet to be explained) they were looking for a way to make everyone drones to a Queen? But from the way No. 6 runs I would think they would want no outside contact so it is weird Safu was even allowed to go overseas and study.

DogWatcher would make sense if he or she was either gender. And since Sion and Nezumi are both boys and that relationship is being treated just like any other relationship (LIKE IT SHOULD CRAZY TEA PARTIERS!!!!) it probably doesn't matter how DogWatcher identifies. I guess I rather know so I can refer to them in the proper term.

I like how Nezumi was all @___@. Like he thinks he is so worldly and Sion is stuck in happy unicorn land and a kiss had him momentarily stunned. Of course he then goes and smacks Sion but I will take that over NoMeansYes any day.

I think next episode we will see more of Safu. The boys will break in to rescue her but little do they know Ms Test Subject has already been released on the public.

All old people are now on my Shifty Eye List. At first I was like MOG retirement home care taker was being evil for no reason. But now I see she was onto something!

Nezumi does not die. He can't. Unacceptable.

Christina said...

Anonymous- I hope that is why he was asking. It certainly was a X___X moment. But Nezumi likes to pretend he is above feelings and what not so I can see him pretending that he was only trying to tease Sion when really he was having a jealous attack.

From what you say I think I might like the anime kiss better. Nezumi had the shocked face on, Sion got to be in control, and it was nice and simple.

Even the boys pounding each other's faces into the ground was nice and simple. XD

But yes I am happy with how this relationship is being portrayed. Hopefully this opens the door to more gay characters getting air time/main leads as they can LEAD a show and not be rape happy/sex starved teenagers.

Not that I would say no to some Sion/Nezumi action.......XD