I think it has been confirmed that there will be a road trip this weekend. Maybe even Friday. X___X Good thing I spent a lot of time today cleaning and catching up on laundry so I am not behind on everything when I get back. It will be weird though, going on such a long road trip with no real plans in mind. Usually we go somewhere and.....there is a theme park or anime convention. What do adults do on vacations that don't involve costumes and rides?
I guess I will find that out later. Wish me luck in trying to ask off for Saturday on a Thursday. I would say worse employee ever but I have co-workers who ask off 15 minutes after they are supposed to be there. XD So what is up now in terms of anime? Tamako Marker episode 7 weee! Spoilers for more islanders showing up.
Episode Summary: Dera and Tamako are sleeping away when suddenly a girl appears in the house and starts playing a flute like instrument. Dera flies/falls downstairs where the girl yells at him for being a failure. Later when everyone is done sleeping the girl is given breakfast and introduced as Choi. Turns out that Dera has been telling the truth the whole time and he is a royal bird. Choi is from the same royal family and serves as a fortune teller. She has to use the birds though and with Dera so fat obviously this is made of fail. Dera looks nervous as Tamako scampers off to club practice in the ugliest school girl outfit later. Tamako tells her friends about Choi and they seem to want to rob the girl blind...I mean see her awesome treasures. Choi is walking around the city trying to understand why Dera is so fat. Oh and why his communication device is broken. Probably because he is fat. Dera throws himself down and apologizes a million times. He decides to lie and say the whole street has kidnapped him and made him to serve as the slave of the mochi family and they force him to eat all day long. Choi now views the entire street as a threat....but still wants to pay for her room and board. She is caught sleeping on the job as the wind chimes put her to sleep. Tamako finds her cute but Choi stays guarded. Tamako offers Choi some mochi but Choi turns it down. Sadness for all.
Tamako tries to take Choi out to a street restaurant but soon all the venders show up to give all their crap away for free. Choi is overwhelmed and decides this is all a trick as well. Then the vendors assume the girl has had a rough life and excuse her behavior. Choi tries to use Dera to see the future to get people off her back but her very......lame vision comes true because the vendors decide it applies. The girls then go to the bathhouse later. Dera decides to not spy as he values his life. Choi almost drowns in the bath but the girls save her. Choi curses her luck as now she has to repay everyone for their kindness. She sets up shop telling fortunes. She makes vague ones at first that seem to apply to any situation. The meat vendor is then told his love interest will end badly for him. He looks a little sad, especially when the bunny girl bath house person comes along and is told her love life will be fine. She plans on getting married soon and everyone rejoices. The meat vendor is sad as the bath girl was the one he liked. That night the bath house is closed as the father has to be all sad and such his little girl is getting married. That means everyone has to bathe at home. Choi almost drowns as she was thinking about her love interest the Prince. Tamako sets to work taking care of the girl. Choi is touched and then realizes Dera is a lying piece of crap. She beats him up and all seems well in the world. Later Choi tries mochi and declares it tasty. She and Tamako walk down the street where Choi asks if she can stay long enough to fix Dera. Tamako wants Choi to stay forever and offers to help find a bride for the Prince. Suddenly Choi looks at Tamako, as if Tamako would be the perfect bride. THE END!
Is mochi bad for you? Is it a good nutritional food? I ask because Dera has gained like 50 pounds and needs to be on the Biggest Loser and that is all Tamako eats. I am worried we are going to have to wheel her to the hospital soon for various reasons.
I am pretty sure that a requirement for living on this street is that you have to be missing part of your brain. Because instead of calling the police or beating Choi with a baseball bat they give her a room to stay in and breakfast. Do they not lock their doors in Japan?! Strange girl in your house! But since this is a feel good anime we must hug all the random people that come our way. Save the killing for other animes yes?
Dera was suffering so in this episode. As he should be. He has been in this town for over 6 months yes? Well besides the fact that he has gotten so fat he can't fly he hasn't been doing his job. Now people might be questioning why they sent just Dera and not Choi with him so they could get the job done faster with her powers. Oh and the fact that Dera is a bird. Plus the fact that Choi probably wants to be the bride. But yes Dera deserved to be yelled at. He didn't do his job!!!!!
But Dera should have birded up and told Choi the truth. Choi seems a bit sheltered so it is understandable that she fell for his obvious lie. Dera! You is a liar. You are busy throwing pepper in girl's faces so they sneeze on you. While you build your harem up you are passing the time eating everything you see. But no you have to blame your faults on other people.
Clueless Tamako didn't do herself any favors though. She is constantly handing out mochi like people are starving for it. And if people don't like it she is personally offended. Like if Tamako is the one who invented mochi. Tamako is really trying to take over the world one treat at a time. So no wonder Choi really thought Dera was telling the truth. TRICKER!
How does anyone on this street stay in business? Here have this. Oh you are friends with Tamako? Have two! Part of business is charging people a fair price for goods and services. I think anyway. But if everyone is giving away things free no wonder Tamako is constantly worried for the street. Get back to your stores and sell. Stop stalking Tamako you crazy people!!!
I like how Choi said she was suspicious of everyone but kept doing things with them. I got my eye on you Tamako...but I will go to the baths with you. Everyone made Dera fat...but I will tell your fortunes to pay back debt. Silly Choi. You should have taken Dera and ran for the hills. Can't stay with people you don't trust. Plus...don't you have a mission to complete?
As for the fortune telling...I am not sure how she was using Dera nor if she has actual powers. A lot of the fortunes seem to go with what was already going on or were applied to situations after the fact. I sense that someone has lost someone in the audience...someone old. I did feel bad for the meat guy. :( I mean it is possible that the bunny bath girl was talking about him. She could be the crazy type that plans a wedding without telling the groom. But I am not sure. She didn't say why are you wishing me happiness, we are the ones getting married. So that was a bit sad. :( Woe is him.
Despite the fact that Choi was trying to act all big and bad she is just a kid in a strange place all alone. Can't the Prince find a bride on his own island?! But yeah Choi was having a tough time adjusting to being away from home and probably having to deal with the fact completing her mission will only bring her sadness. But since Choi was feeling down Tamako stepped up to cheer her up. Because that is the Tamako way!
And that is how the episode ends. Choi realizes that Dera is a lying sack of crap and that mochi is wonderful. And that Tamako is the nicest person that ever lived. Choi gets to stay as long as she wants as she fixes Dera's communication device (because he is bird robot) plus Tamako might be the one! The bride she is searching for. Which will be bad news for several people yes? XO What will happen next folks? Will Dera lose the weight and keep it off? Will there be a mochi shortage in the world? Who knows. Who knows indeed.
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