Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Guilty Crown episode 7

Such a couch potato. I am a lazy little couch potato. Maybe that is because of all the leftover turkey I have been eating lately. Turkey just makes one so tired. XD But it is so delicious. Just I found out yesterday that I shouldn’t eat turkey before going to work. So sleepy in the raaaain.

But in happy news we received our refund from Disney. Well we got an email saying we will get our refund next billing cycle. So glad that worked out otherwise it would have been a 126 dollar mistake. I feel foolish too. X__X Dear lord I live in Florida. How did I buy Disney LAND tickets. Note to all though: Disneyland and Disneyworld are not financially connected. If they were we probably could have just exchanged the tickets. But it all worked out and apparently I freaked out for no reason. According to my husband obviously.


......Okay then. Hello there baby Inori who doesn't even LOOK like Inori.

While watching the Big Loser I will sit here with my ice cream and blog. Because I feel as if that is what the show is teaching me people. XD Spoilers for Guilty Crown episode 7. Which means spoilers for Gai being AMAZING right?


We are also running out of people....

Episode Summary: For some reason Shu has returned to school…with Inori. And Antibodies allows this. Okay. People immediately start talking trash about Shu when he walks in and warns Inori to stay away from the criminal. Insert student body present Arisa. She slaps down the main person talking trash and says people should not be spreading rumors. She also follows Shu to his classroom and asks the right questions that allow Shu to lie about why GHQ took him and transforms Shu into a hero! Shu asks where Yahiro is and apparently his butt has not come back to class since Shu got interrogated. This is briefly talked about after school but mainly Shu just hangs out with his friends. Gai and his main people talk about how they need to replenish their supplies. Money is not a problem but the means to transport them is. Cut to Arisa eating dinner with her family. Her grandfather is yelling at an employee as their SHIPPING business has suffered due to the strict rules at GHQ. Grandfather is grooming Arisa to take over the business one day and that means she has to be the best at everything. She has a heart to heart with herself naked in the bathroom over this issue. Meanwhile Inori and Shu are folding clothes and being boring when momma Haruka comes home. Apparently this smarty pants scientist likes to come home and strip in the doorway. So when she sees Inori and her son on top of her she is like…okay let’s order pizza. Haruka decides that Inori is an interesting girl. Momma then talks about a party she is going to and picks out a fabulous dress to wear to the occasion.


My gift to you...a cellphone!!

Daryl, Segai, and some other dude meet with Dan, the stereotypical American. He is here with his extensive knowledge of pushing things on their sides and a boat. GHQ received a tip that a boat full of GHQ haters so they have decided to load up a boat full of missiles and blow them up. Turns out Arisa’s grandfather is throwing this party as a HEY Japan can take care of herself now so leave GHQ event. Momma Shu is there. Oh and Shu and Gai are there to talk to Arisa’s grandfather. Shu has a run in with Arisa and blots out of the main area pretty fast. Gai acts as a distraction to keep Arisa way from Shu. Now Arisa thinks they are both creepy. Gai goes to speak to Arisa’s grandfather and leaves him a phone. Shu gets word that GHQ is about to blow the ship up and to flee. Shu is like my mom is on this ship and I am going to save it! Gai agrees and gets Arisa to the deck. There Shu Voids her and takes out her shield thing. He is able to block all the missiles and turns them into fireworks. Grandfather sees how impress Gai’s group and agrees to be the shipping group that backs them up. Gai is the one who told GHQ where the boat was going to be and everything is amazing!!! Arisa wakes up and is all blushy to see Gai on snap. Shu and Inori go to school as normal as Haruka looks at a picture of baby Shu and someone with pink hair. THE END!

Every week I go HMMM after each episode. HMMMM folks. HMMMM.

So….is Shu stupid? Yes I think he is. Or maybe he has memory problems. Because not once did I see Shu looking all sad at Inori. You know the girl who ripped his heart out, stomped on it, and left it on the floor for my cat to puke on. I am pretty sure she said HEY me pretending to have feelings for you was all and act and Gai told me to do it. That happened right? Or am I remembering things wrong?


Err she is Queen of the Criminal People?

So why is Inori back in Shu’s house? Because he is stupid. If he has agreed to help Funeral Parlor then Gai doesn’t need Inori to spy on him. Maybe Inori is more there for protection purposes but still. Shu should have reacted slightly negative to the fact that she is there. Shouldn’t he have racing thoughts of Inori and Gai having fun times? Shu should have been mopey and emo like and instead he was like Back to Normal at Casa de Shu.


What do you mean parading in front of my son in my underwear is in bad taste?

Oh look another parent acting inappropriately with their child. Fun times. Now there have been times I have come home from work and my pants were all wet and I had to take them off before entering the house. Now I do this because I live with my husband and two cats. NOT A CHILD! And certainly not MY CHILD! And I am not wearing Victoria Secret’s Angels underwear or whatever she had going on. Now that I have bored you with personal details about my life….no. No no and no.

Maybe Yuki’s mom from Future Diary can trade tips on how to be a good parent with Shu’s mom. I am sorry, Haruka. Because mom is so last century. I mean….at least Yuki was trying to hide his girl in the closet. Shu was on top of Inori when HARUKA came home. And she was like let’s order pizza. No yelling at the kid or anything. Oh you mean Inori is being abused by her brother and you let her stay in MY house?...Okay help me pick out clothes for my party YAY!


Nope not suspicious at all.

But at least everything is okay at school. Well except for the part that people were gossiping about Shu and Yahiro is nowhere to be seen. Even when Shu asked where he was he didn’t get an answer. Yes his brother is in the hospital and that is why he has been selling drugs. But why would he disappear now? He didn’t even go to school the next day to see if people were going to bully him because of what he did to Shu. So…that is a bit WEIRD. Could have had some real tension there.


I am going to slap some respect into you people!

However there was no tension at all. Because WEEE let’s insert a new character and make all the problems go away. YAY Arisa! Because you are student council president that means everyone will believe you and follow your every word. Because this is an anime show WEEEE!

Had Arisa been shown earlier, maybe being on the subway and acting all sad too I would not be all WTF right now. But she wasn’t and I am. Because really why would she go out of her way to protect someone who was taken by the popo? Shu’s friends I could see defending him PRIVATELY but home slice Arisa who seems to have no connection to Shu went above and beyond to make sure Shu was okay.


Let me help you lie to the entire class. Because I am a good person.

Or maybe Arisa is just a nice person and doesn’t want people to get bullied. Maybe I should stop being over critical and accept sometimes people just want to be nice. Or maybe it is part of her “perfect act”. Or maybe since she is from a family that doesn’t appreciate the GHQ she wants to stick it to the man anyway she can.

I think I have a better understanding on what is going with this anime. Or maybe I do. Maybe my apologetic American side is showing but I see similarities with what is going on with Iraq and America. Maybe that is me reading too much into a show that has a young boy reaching between boobies to grab weapons. I don’t know.



But whatever the case may be I think that both sides of the “war” hate GHQ. Antibodies seem like the baddies but really they are under the thumb of another government. Funeral Parlor and Antibodies are all Japanese people. Funeral Parlor might just be expressing how they really feel about how having foreign occupation in their country. Antibodies might want to kick the GHQ ass but they know they couldn’t do so without further hurting the Japanese people. So they might be on the side of the “baddies” because it is best for the country. 10 years is a long time “help” a country out though. Time for them to stand on their own or at least help them become independent.


I think a lot was said in that one sentence.

But it doesn’t seem that way does it? Hello Crazy American stereotype! Could he have been more obnoxious? Probably not. But all the big wigs at Antibodies were nobodies on that boat. So that really makes me wonder what is going on with all this mess. I am sure it will turn out that they were on Funeral Parlor’s side the entire time but couldn’t support them.


Gai is the master at everything weeee!!!

Gai is a pretty sneaky person. Let’s tell the enemy where we are so we can demonstrate to a maybe ally how impressive we can be and making this seem like Shu’s decision instead of forcing his hand. Of course this was all banking on Arisa’s Void being super useful. Maybe Gai has met Arisa before and just KNEW she was going to be on the ship. Because Gai sees and plans for everything. Sounds like someone else I know….


Aren't these fireworks beautiful?!

The entire boat deal was special. Arisa being…brisk with someone she just met, Momma being on the boat, and the fact that missiles nearly killed all on board but they thought they were watching fireworks. I guess that plays into the fact that the rest of the country is naive to what is really going on and only those who have woken up and seen the truth understand the severity of the situation. Dance on rich people.

It seems that Shu’s mom is trying hard to fight the Crystal Virus. But the way she was apologizing to Arisa’s grandfather she is also responsible for it? That could be possible. Of course I like to think it was aliens because that would make more logic sense. But if her company makes…things that allow people to pull weapons out of people I guess making a virus that turns people into sparkle crystals could happen.


This is what every girl wants to hear. Yes indeed Gai.

Did anything else happen this episode? Arisa had her dramatic bathroom scene. She has been pushed into the Perfect Kid role and might crack under the pressure. Shu is now the hero of the school instead of being cast out. Inori hasn’t suffered any ill side effects from betraying Shu. And Gai is amazing. Does that about cover it? Next week we will see Arisa having day dreams about Gai and Daryl joining their class too right? Because that would be FUN.


eternia said...

Again with the ridiculous powerful issue. How could Arisa's shield blocked all those missiles like it was nothing?? Where is the source of power for that shield to be that powerful?
Even "Gundam"s run out of energy. Even Fate Stay Night characters run out of magic points.
But a normal students such as Shuu and Arisa has infinite energy/mana/battery to block all those military attacks.
Don't tell me Shuu is turned into an alien too, now.
Wait? Is Inori really alien to begin with? It was all ours joke.

Ruben said...

It was funny when this Dan guy called Segai "Scarface", it was like "oh hey i don't know your name so i'm gonna call you whatever i want and i don't care if you like it or not" xDD.

I didn't expect this anime was good, but I started to watch it 3 days ago and yes, it is good.

Christina said...

Eternia- Inori might not be an alien but her "battle outfit" is definitely made of alien technology the way it stays in place. No wardrobe malfunction for her. XD

Isn't one of the rules to Voids you have to be under 17 to work? Maybe all the people Shu has been Voiding have been 17 thus their power level is at the highest it can be thus they can shoot down satellites and stop 3293 missiles and destroy gravity. Because teenage kids in Japan are AMAZING!!!

I do think though that the people who get Voided should have more of an after effect from the experience. It does look pretty traumatic. X__X

Ruben- Everything can be solved with GUTS! Don't know your name? Well have guts and make up weird nicknames! We need this missiles on a boat? Well have guts and tip the machines on their sides. Who cares if they cost 2390824 billion dollars weeee!!!