Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Best shirt EVER!

I think it is pretty obvious by now that I like Stuff. I am not one to go on and on about meals nor do I need to spent the weekends parting at bars. No no, my joys in life come from buying tiny little treasures, usually in the form of mini figurines and Hello Kitty...anything.

Sometimes I have slight shopping regret when I realize BLEH I could have saved money to help pay off the house faster or put money towards buying a new car when my rust bucket inevitable goes to car heaven. That and it is almost Christmas time. That means it is time to stop buying for yourself and buy for others.

But...I needed this shirt. I walked away from this shirt when I was out shopping with my mom because we were "Christmas" shopping and I felt guilty buying something for myself. But I kept thinking about this awesome shirt and how it was made just for me. So I braved going to Rue 21 again (because their customer service skills are just so AWESOME at the shop near my house) to see if they had the shirt in my size. BEHOLD! The most awesomest shirt ever!!!


Everyone must stop at Rue 21 on Black Friday and get this shirt. Hopefully it won't take them 15 minutes to ring you up though...

TADA! Are you amazed yet?

Let me review on how awesome this shirt is okay?

First of all it is a cute little dinosaur. I am sure in real life dinosaurs were rather ugly, probably even uglier than the ones in Jurassic Park. They were not cuddly creatures. But now look how cute this guy is?! He won't eat you folks. He wants to go and hang out at the mall with you!

Second not only is this a cute little dinosaur but he is MEXICAN! He has a little mustache on and is saying Los NOM NOM NOM. NOM is a fun word to begin with but when you stick LOS in front of it...well now it is Spanish. My forgotten Mexican heritage is pleased. Or insulted. But I'll go with pleased.


So delicious.

And finally....he is eating Tacos. And I LOVE tacos. Maybe that falls under the Mexican category too but I think it is a true Tenchi love that seals the deal with me. MHHHH tacos. I think I had tacos 3 times in the past 3 days. XO And there is enough to make one more taco! WEEEEEE!!

So in conclusion this in an adorable Mexican dinosaur eating a taco and saying Los Nom Nom Nom. How could this shirt get any better? Well I guess it could be my favorite color...OH WAIT IT IS!! XD I love you shirt. I will wear you a million times in the next month where you will inevitable fall apart. Maybe I should buy another one so I can love and hug it forever?


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