Sunday, May 27, 2012

Hyouka episode 5: Burn it to the ground

Two episodes in one day? I must be crazy. Or lazy. Probably lazy since we only left the house to obtain pizza. No delivery fee today as the website was broken. But other than that it has been TV watching time and blogging. Has Beauty and the Beast really stood the test of time? She may be my favorite princess but Tangled…Rapunzel might be my favorite movie.
X__X Such words of love...
But this an anime blog post so enough with Disney…even if I spent half the day looking at pins. My wallet would cry but it is already empty so there are no tears. XD Instead it is Hyouka episode 5 time. There are 21 episodes in this series and SPOILER ALERT the mystery has been official solved. Enjoy.
What else would Houtarou have done? Take a nap? PSHT crazy talk.
Episode Summary: Houtarou and Satoshi have just left Eru’s house and it is raining. Houtarou is thinking about his theory and how it might be incomplete. Satoshi has to add his two cents about how this is so unlike Houtarou, that he didn’t have to go to the bathroom and think of that theory. Instead of admitting he likes Eru Houtarou says he did this all because Eru is crazy and it is easier to make her happy that say no. But before Houtarou can really enjoy his victory he receives a phone call from his sister. When Houtarou talks about how he figured out the Uncle mystery his sister implies accidentally about how sad that story is and poor Uncle. This makes Houtarou really question his theory. After doing some research he gets the rest of the gang together. He states that the lines in the prologue are important, implying a sacrifice and this was not a happy victory. It is suggested that they find the writer of this article to find out what her wording really meant. Well Houtarou has already found her…and it is the librarian.
If you would kind lady! XD
They head on down the library where Houtarou explains she was a 1st year student who wrote the article as she was in the Classic Club with Uncle. She listens to Houtarou’s theory and is amazed he was basically right with such a small piece of the puzzle. She fills in the gaps, that Uncle was forced to be the leader of their group by the real leader. That student just didn’t want to get in trouble. Things started off with a peaceful protest but the students accidentally burnt down a building. Uncle was kicked out of school as an example and no one had his back. Thus the picture of a tiny bunny being eaten while the rest of the student class (the other bunnies) looking on. The word Hyouka means Ice Cream in English which can be said as I Scream. Uncle’s last words to the student body. That is why Eru cried and the mystery is solved! After all that it is decided that Houtarou will write Uncle’s story as the main feature in their anthology. Houtarou asks later why Eru allowed him to tell the others her personal business. She has no answer for that but is happy the mystery got solved. Houtarou wonders if his sister sent him to the Classics Club on purpose, like she knew this would happen. THE END!
Houtarou is just creepy like that, pay no attention to him.
Well….that was super quick. Walk with me as this series has wrapped itself up in 5 short episodes. 16 left? Maybe that is the real mystery, what the rest of the show is going to be about? (I bet it will be about where the Uncle is!).
The wheels are still turning in Houtarou's crazy and overactive brain.
I liked how the second they left Eru’s house Houtarou was already thinking about how his theory was either wrong or incomplete. I think he is SLIGHTLY like me. Slightly. Like once I start thinking about something it is hard to get it out of my head. If I can’t remember a song lyric I have to look it up right then or there or it will bother me all night long. I am a crazy person. So I can understand how something can eat away at a person, even if that person is trying to conserve energy. Does he think he is getting a rebate at the end of the year or something?
X___X So many colors.
What is with all the references to colors though? We had….neon pink last week and now we have rose colored? And I don’t blame Houtarou for being confused. Satoshi is insane. Rose colored? Rose colored what? Maybe it was a weird translation but usually that term is used for lalala people, who only see the good in life and neglect to see some of the…bad things in life. Not that one should focus on bad things in life just that they must be acknowledged. I wouldn’t really apply that to a wonderful high school life. I am getting confused just trying to explain why I am confused. XD
Don't say something like that and hang up!
Houtarou’s sister. She is the plot mover and she is in India. Is she going to end up finding the Uncle? Is she going to be his winter/spring romance? Because thus far she has been pretty important. Got Houtarou into the club and now she told him that his theory was wrong without even knowing what the theory was! Like oh yeah that tragic story from long ago. She said very little but it was enough to explode Houtarou’s crazy thinking to go into overdrive. Good job sister.
See this small line? It is the answer to everything!!!
While the sister planted the seeds Houtarou watered the trees, picked the fruit, and processed the wood into pages ready for manga chapters. He takes tiny little pieces and expands it into something amazing. He was able to find a few lines in a prologue that MAYBE would make his theory wrong. Things that were dismissed before became super important. So while it was okay for Houtarou to put those lines aside to see the bigger picture now it was time to analyze all the information and see it as a whole.
Cue the dramatic music!!!
But I do think it is a little special that the librarian is the one who wrote that piece 45 years ago. Just so magical. I like the sister plot better. Not the whole AHA this person is still alive and…well down the hall. Staying in a school after the HORRIBLE thing happened. I often want to work at a place where the students…rioted and did something cruel to one student.
Just so horrible!!!!!
Can we talk about that protest? I did try to familiarize myself with the tensions of the 1960’s in Japan but I kept finding information about what was happening in the United States at that time. Thanks Google! I have to think in the mind set that this is Japan and that protests there mean something different than they do here in the U.S. I saw students hanging signs and not attending schools. I mean things got bad when the building ACCIDENTALLY caught on fire but other than that…it was a lot of drama going on over what looked like a peaceful protest. The younger version of the librarian was so sad and horrified in the flashbacks.
Can the new mystery be finding out who really was behind it?
But the entire story was explained. Uncle didn’t want to be the leader of the rebellion. Some unnamed dude (who probably still works at the school too and feels guilty over what he did to this day) forced Uncle to be their leader and scapegoat. It is still unclear why the Uncle was expelled in October. The students were lucky they weren’t all in deep trouble for burning down a building. They shouldn’t have had to wait until after the festival to placate the masses. Like um sorry bye you burnt down our building.
If this had happened in the Bible the descendants would still be in danger.
Since Ms. Young librarian wrote this piece…I wonder why the word hero wasn’t used. She seemed pretty upset at the way Uncle was treated. Maybe she should have written it in a way that stuck it to the rest of the students. Like the reason you got your festival is because of what YOU did to him. Hero no? Okay then our sacrificial lamb. Or bunny as it were.
A big giant EFF YOU!!!!
The name of the anthology and the image…I didn’t feel as if it was the Uncle leaving behind something for everyone. Doing one last thing for his class. To me it felt like EFF YOU! Stupid little rabbits not helping me out! What the hell is wrong with you?! I SCREAM indeed. Something that was completely lost upon me and probably most English speakers. But it all makes sense now. I would probably cry to if my Uncle was still messed up from a high school experience and no one helped him out.
Um....tears of joy?
So the mystery is now solved. The Uncle didn’t want to be a hero, the student body was really crying over a FESTIVAL, and Eru can now lay her Uncle to rest. If he is dead. I am not sure why Houtarou is rethinking his energy saving life or questioning why his sister sent him to the club but his carefree days seem to be gone. He still hasn’t admitted to himself why he has been going above and beyond for Eru but I am sure that will come soon.
But I just solved the mystery. Why do I have to do more work?
So….what now? X___X Houtarou has already learn about himself, the Uncle mystery has been solved, and everyone seems happy. Like I said before…the real mystery will be what happens now with 16 episodes left! But in the meantime I have learned that school festivals are super important and if you mess with them prepare to lose a few buildings. On to the next mystery of why one stall in the bathroom always runs out of paper!!!
School festivals. Serious business. Most fun ever.

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