Saturday, January 8, 2011

To Aru Majutsu No Index episode 13

XO This work day went pretty decent! Only two people were rude to me, nothing got burnt, and I didn’t yell at anyone. And the funny thing is I didn’t make a New Year’s Resolution to be nicer or have more patience. Wait did I make a resolution at all…. X__X


Okay Touma just looked so pretty in this picture I had to use it. Enjoy.

But yay for me. Also onward to blogging the newest episode of To Aru Majutsu no Index. And guess what? THE ARC FINALLY ENDS! Everyone rejoices right? Right?!

Spoilers for people Touma knows getting the crap beat out of them.


Oh look Touma is getting his butt kicked by Oriana. I am shocked.

Episode Summary: Stiyl is down for the count and Motoharu is a fried piece of toast. Touma tries kicking Oriana’s ass but she is being way too awesome again. Touma asks what her intentions are and she says to help create a world where everyone is happy. Touma is like EFF YOU and tries to punch her in the face. But she is uses every single spell against Touma at the same time. Stiyl decides to get up and summon his fire beast thingy. Only now Touma doesn’t want to completely kill Oriana and keeps messing with Stiyl’s spells. As a result Oriana is too confused to counter attack the two and both boys punch her in the face (despite Stiyl being all stabbed and stuff). Only she gets back up and nearly kills Touma. At the last second Touma finds the power to punch her some more and she goes flying WEEE. After that miracle Lidvia starts talking to Touma via the piece of paper tucked into Oriana’s boobies. Lidvia decides to clue Touma in and state she is super far away because the Cross of Confusion has a long range and Touma will never make it to her in time. Touma looks super defeated as Lidvia does a victory dance. To help with her victory dance fireworks light up the sky and block the constellation. GAME OVER CRAZIES!


Touma's happiness comes from making epic speeches to the enemy.

Touma and the gang are then taken to the hospital because they nearly died 15 times. Index is like…so you knew there was danger and didn’t tell me…and precedes to eat his head. Misaka and Kuroko go to visit Touma and Misaka is all jealous over Index. But she gloats as her school won the tournament and she can make Touma do whatever she wants. In a plane somewhere Lidvia is holding her Super Awesome Cross and hoping next time things will go better. Only Laura starts talking to her (in her MIND folks) and says game over. Laura makes the cabin door explode via Stiyl’s powers and out Lidvia flies. Lidvia is still convinced she was only trying to save the world and goes crazy. She chooses to save the cross rather than herself or the pilot. It is unclear what happens to her but a SPLAT is heard. Aisa wakes up with a sleeping Index on her. When told what happened Aisa doubts Touma’s reason for saving her. But with a brief pep talk from Index Aisa feels better about liking a crazy person like Touma. Elsewhere Aleister is floating in his tube thinking of ways to destroy Touma. THE END!!!!


:( :( :(

Do not like To Aru Majutsu no Index. DO NOT LIKE.

So I take back what I said about last week’s episode. Or really this episode will be my least favorite despite the fact someone got thrown from a plane. How can an episode that has someone getting thrown from a plane not get extra credit in my book?!


This took like 15 episodes. For real folks.

Oriana finally got her ass kicked. But not in the way I had wanted. I wanted Touma to come up with some awesome plan to overcome all this crazy and punch her in the face at the end. The punch in the face did come but not the awesome plan. No no, Oriana used her entire spell book to tear Touma up. And then when that didn’t work Stiyl was going to set her on fire and finally win.


Um no. Please be setting Oriana on fire please.

Only not. Despite the fact that Oriana had just got done hurting three of his friends and was attempting to take over Acdemy City he still didn’t want her killed. He kept pushing Stiyl out of the way and an epic shove match took place instead of a battle. And that is how Oriana was defeated. Because she couldn’t plan against crazy and random attacks. That and home girl probably shouldn’t have used all her spells up for one super attack.


Not a very shining moment there Stiyl.

So yeah. That was disappointing. I sensed she was going to get smashed in the face but I was expecting more of a battle in between. Touma usually figures things out and comes up with a way to turn the tide. But this time it was just luck and that disappoints me a little.


So all along my husband's love of fireworks was really just a way to save the world. THE MORE YOU KNOW!

I do want to say I love that the stars were covered up by the fireworks. I know I just said up above I like it when Touma figures things out to save the day but what fun would it be if the bad guys didn’t have everything planned out so perfect that Touma is absolutely powerless to stop it? I mean we got to have some smart baddies right? Of course they aren’t smart because while they picked the one day that Academy City would be vulnerable they didn’t do their math about the whole fireworks thing. XD So I am greatly amused by that.


You don't even KNOW people. Don't even know. Once she tripped while doing a fire attack and the whole world almost ended. Oh wait...

What I am NOT amused by is why Touma then didn’t hunt down Lidvia and smash her in the face. I understand why Lidvia took her Cross of Power and ran. The event was over and security would be tightened in Academy City again. That and she didn’t have a decoy anymore to throw people off. But when Touma was showing off how amazing he was couldn’t he have crawled his way to Lidvia? Because I am doubting that Styil had time to place magic stuff on all the planes. It is almost like they let her get away.

Of course they were injured right Tenchi? They didn’t have time to go find el crazy when they were busy dying and bleeding all over the place. Well if they were too busy dying and bleeding ALL OVER THE PLACE why didn’t Lidvia wait out the fireworks? They weren’t going to last all night and while I am sure the smoke would have lingered in the air it wouldn’t have taken all night. If the boys were so injured she could have tried moving locations and doing the spell as soon as the smoke clears.

So yeah. I think things ended way too easy. Or maybe I am hard to please. I didn’t want Touma to save the day without a fight but I didn’t want Lidvia to get away. I think it could have ended with more than a smirk on Toum’a face. Like BAM and I was behind you the whole time.


Someone took an extra notice of crazy pills today woohoo!!!

But Laura did throw her from a plane. I guess she didn’t get away…XD Laura is HARDCORE people. Well I doubt that Lidvia is dead since one has to kill puppies, eat their souls, and wear the skulls as hats to be worthy of death. So since Lidvia only caused a few people to be maimed and had plans to take over the world she gets to live.


Obviously that cross was not made for flying.

But home girl got THROWN from a plane. And the pilot too. And she decides that saving the Stab Stab Cross is more important than saving herself. I think the pilot is okay as Lidvia’s body probably broke his fall. But someone who wants everyone to live in peace and harmony needs to start acting like that. Creepy smile was creepy. She got what she deserved and there will be no tears from me.


All is well in the world when Index is eating Touma.

And I guess the ending was just okay. Touma got yelled at because he put his neck on the line without informing Index. You know, the one with all the magical spells in her head. And Aisa needs to have a little more self-confidence or something! Or Touma needs to stop stringing girls along. I thought it was nice that Misaka brought him a basket and threatened him at the same time. That is the correct way to do it folks. XD


I hope he has something to wear when he goes out on the town to kill Touma!

After a million years this arc is finally over. Amen people. Next up it looks like Aleister has finally noticed that Touma is a bad ass and aims to change that. But first….Touma and Index are off to Italy! Buy something nice for me!!!




Anonymous said...

The Evil defeat tranks to touma

eternia said...

Umm, you do know that this anime was made from light novels, right? The latest volume is 22 which is released last October. One must read them in order to truly enjoy this anime. Yeah, it sounds ridiculous, but that's how it is.
Small spoiler, the evil nun is actually arrested by Neccesarius. Yup, even though she goes "SPLAT!"

Christina said...

Eternia- I think I should read the novels if only to understand more of the terminology as I think the anime must be glossing over some stuff. That and every time I open Wiki up (because I rock at spelling names) THERE ARE SO MANY CHARACTERS X__X Clearly something is being left out.

I am often arrested when I am thrown from a plane and a man and a huge cross land on me as I make a small dent in the Earth. Don't you?

eternia said...

No, I have never been arrested. :-P
Terminology, yes. But the anime hasn't missed a character, so don't worry. They make appearance later~