Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Anime Series! Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica episode 1

My good day from yesterday did not carry over to today folks. Just note if you work a place that USED to be called something else but has a totally different name now…don’t give out the old name. Because then poor innocent pizza drivers will be driving up and down the streets looking for your dumb self because you WON’T ANSWER THE PHONE!!!!!

That rant came out of nowhere. XD But it feels good to get it off my chest.


This anime is full of serious moments!

But enough of that for now. It is time for the new anime series Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Yeah the name looks mighty special there folks. Spoilers for WINDOWS!!!


My kingdom for a magical girl!!!

Episode Summary: Our heroine is off being happy somewhere and decides to go outside. Which is a bad idea since the entire world has gone to crazy town. Floating objects and abstract weirdness is everyone. A girl is fighting off…something. Not sure what. Heroine Madoka is then told by a talking animal thing to become a magical girl too and help the girl out. Madoka wakes up and finds out it was only just a dreeeeeeeeeeeeeam. After some touching breakfast scenes at casa de rich people Madoka catches up with her two friends and they dance to school. DANCE. They attend House of Glass school for future magical girls and all the walls are made of glass. After their teacher moans about her lack of boyfriend she introduces a new girl. Her name is Homura and she is the girl from Madoka’s dream. After being questioned by all the girls Homura declares herself tired and demands Madoka take her to the clinic. While walking Homura is a bit weird and Madoka is freaked out. Homura then says Madoka should remain Madoka and NEVER CHANGE. Hmm people hmm.


Um are you stalking me?

After Homura is done making weird faces with Madoka she then impresses the rest of her class by being good at everything. Madoka is scared of Homura and her friends aren’t very impressed with her either. One of her friends goes off to some rich girl after school thing but Sayaka sticks around. When they go to the music store Madoka hears the cute little animal thingy (Kyubey) calling for help. Madoka locates its hurt self and Homura too. Homura is acting slightly…evil but Sayaka comes out of nowhere and attacks with a fire extinguisher. The two girls and the animal thing try to escape but their surroundings become crazy like at the beginning of the episode. Another girl Mami comes out of nowhere and protects the girls from…whatever it was. Mami has cold words for Homura and heals Kyubey. Kyubey is then like OH HI want to be a magical girl too? THE END!

Well then folks.


Not really sure what I am well thening. Just that watching this series and then trying to blog it while watching The Happening might not have been a good combination. Although when does The Happening make sense? XD

But yeah. Not sure what I was expecting when I said I would watch this series. So really if I wasn’t expecting anything should I be all WELL THEN?


Could her head be any larger?!

To start off the art was a bit off for me. Not that it was done BAD. That is not what I am saying. Just for me and my particular taste in art this is not a show I would typically pick. Their faces were far too fat and nothing seemed to have true definition. That and they did that funny type of running that I hate. So yeah…not so sure about the art on this one.

Also those girls are supposed to be 14? Well I guess if the Black Rock Shooter girls were around that age why not these girls too.


Of course this makes sense folks!

I thought how the episode/series started out was interesting. A dream that wasn’t a dream. None of that foreshadowing stuff and not the typical this is the future and now we will start over at the beginning. Although if I were Madoka I probably would have woke up screaming.

However when one sleeps with that many stuffed animals all is good. I miss those days of a plushie filled bed.


I am always this happy when going to school. Always.

I thought the girls skipping along to school was a bit crazy. Like woohoo let’s show how awesome and cute we are by being so playful going to school. This is all lies people. I was either halfway asleep when I walked across a broken sidewalk or I was RUNNING for my life as I was late late late late late. So I think that there were better ways to get the closeness across to us viewers. We get it, the three girls are best friends forever. But do they really need to frolic on their way to school?

X__X So is Madoka’s family rich or something? Did you see the size of that bathroom?! Rich momma is going off to an excellent job. Because if the parents are shown in anime they are either super pathetic or super amazing. No normal parents for us. But dude seriously…that house was huge.


I totally want a bathroom made of windows! What could go wrong there?!

I noticed that windows were a big to do in this anime. The whole bathroom was a window, the school didn’t have real walls, and the mall had windows all over the place. I wonder if that will be important or if the directors thought it made the anime look cool. You know, contrasting with the crazy “other” world.


And this is when I would be passing out.

Speaking of the crazy world…yeah folks. X_X Yeah. That was a bit too much for my eyes to take in. It was like if Willy Wonka had a bad dream while on acid. It might take some getting used to. A lot to take in. Visually it looks like it was hard to create. But mentally my mind is slightly…X__X when I see it.


Surely we shall be the best of friends.

Homura being amazing at everything yet being a cold person was nothing new. She is supposed to contrast Madoka’s happy happy personality. Also Homura being all the bad guy in this episode probably won’t hold up for long. Her intentions are just off folks. Doing bad for good you know.



I LOVE KYUBEY! I have no idea what it is but I WANT ONE! It is time to pre-order those plushies folks. Maybe I can sleep again in my dream bed or something. But yes…SO CUTE!!! XD


I am here to guide you into magical girl land.

Mami is cute. Probably a high school student judging by her boobies. Because once you turn 15 BAM they come in folks. Like magic. Mami probably doesn’t understand Homura’s intentions and is trying to save the world from….killer dandelions in her own way. For now she is the only person Sayaka and Madoka can count on. YAY FOR FRIENDS!

We didn’t get any info on what the enemy is, what they want, or what the crazy world actually is. Which is okay. We shouldn’t be getting this details so soon anyway. It is best to leave everyone all dazzed and confused. Just note that I would be losing my mind if a cute talking anything needed to be rescued from evil dandelions.

So…yeah. It was a weird episode folks. The art was throwing me off, too many windows taking over the place, and the general wtfness of the all. But I will watch next week despite the fact that I am an art snob. I do love me some magical girls and I thought this was going to be a fluffy show to watch. But maybe it is deeper than I thought.

Or I will watch because Kyubey is cute. XD


Isaac said...

omg reading a comment of the anime from the time feels so weird, you would never see anyone say "I LOVE KYUBEY! I have no idea what it is but I WANT ONE! It is time to pre-order those plushies folks. Maybe I can sleep again in my dream bed or something. But yes…SO CUTE!!! XD" now

Isaac said...

omg reading a comment of the anime from the time feels so weird, you would never see anyone say "I LOVE KYUBEY! I have no idea what it is but I WANT ONE! It is time to pre-order those plushies folks. Maybe I can sleep again in my dream bed or something. But yes…SO CUTE!!! XD" now

Isaac said...

omg reading a comment of the anime from the time feels so weird, you would never see anyone say "I LOVE KYUBEY! I have no idea what it is but I WANT ONE! It is time to pre-order those plushies folks. Maybe I can sleep again in my dream bed or something. But yes…SO CUTE!!! XD" now