Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya movie

XO Look at all this motivation people. So much blogging and it is only the 6th. I hope I can keep this momentum up. XD Counting down the days until once again I am full of apologies and lateness.

Oh and I had a great day. XD Caught the last pokemon I can get on my pokewalker, was only nearly killed once, and work went well. GO ME! Time to do something really fun and blog The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya!


A late Merry Christmas present to us all? XD Good old Haruhi always thinking about the big picture though...

If you haven’t watched the first two seasons…well you are out of luck and will be lost. Spoilers for OOCness and vicious stabbings.


Total cat abuse!

Movie Summary: OH SNAP you don’t get one! XD Because my post is long enough without my paragraphs of doom ya’ll. Go to Wiki and read their version of a summary. The only thing I would really add is all the talk about people being sick and stuff means NOTHING. It is not important. Also every morning Kyon gets up the cat is abused by the little sister.

Holy crap people. Holy crap.

This is directed at both the awesomeness of the movie and the length of the movie. In case that wasn’t obvious.

But yes folks. Long movie was LONG. Being the special person I am I thought oh I will start watching the movie after 11 and start blogging it around 12:30 and hopefully have it up before I went to bed at 1:30/2 am. WRONG FOLKS. Well as you can tell by it being the next day and all.


XO Finally our girl after like an hour off screen!

The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya is 2 hours and 43 minutes long. Yeah folks. I thought it was more like an hour and 20 minutes at the most. Not that most people are complaining though. Most fans get enough of this franchise so they were probably loving every minute of it. XD But it is a pretty long movie for those who haven’t seen it yet.

In terms of the actual movie…this is me being impressed folks. Only a few things bothered me/didn’t feel right. But overall the movie was great and worth the wait. :( Sad is me that most of us had to wait at least until December 18th to see a decent subbed version of this movie.

Should I start with the stuff I liked or didn’t like? Hmmm. Since I had a pretty good day today I will start with the positives! A new and happy Tenchi for 2011. Let’s see how long that lasts.


Cry more. Not really, cry more. It moves me.

I like how upset and depressed Kyon was for most of the movie. Yes that is something positive people. Kyon usually is annoyed or very slight amused over things. He doesn’t get depressed or sad over things. Or rather nothing terrible has happened to force him into those emotions. Sure his life has been in danger and the entire world was almost destroyed. But nothing as horrible as losing all his friends okay people.


Descent into crazy land. Minus the Line and nonexistent yaoi.

So yes I like that an anime showed a boy ALMOST crying. I think I saw a few tears but almost crying is close enough. Because most of the time boys are shown being tough and breaking beer bottles with their heads and what not. The thought of them actually showing how scared and upset they are inside is almost unheard of. So when Kyon had a natural reaction to waking up in crazy land I enjoyed it.


See if someone looked at me like that I would be not talking to them ANYMORE!

By the way everyone else in crazy land was stupid. If someone was ranting about me being a dead killer, manhandling my friend/me, or generally talking insanity I would have run away from them or called the cops. I would not have engaged in crazy talk.


I am here to rescue our future stupid!

I like that Kyon only had to think about staying in this world for only a second. I am not referring to the computer decision, I am talking about before when he was first talking to alternate Yuki. I thought that Kyon would have taken more time to really consider hunting down Haruhi and walking down this crazy path to destruction. It was almost like wow should I stay here….no of course not that is insanity. So yeah I like that Kyon complains everyday about the SOS Brigade and Haruhi and all the crazy people but at the end of the day he didn’t think twice about going back to find them.


AWWW! You need a hug too!

I like that Itsuki was able to admit that he likes Haruhi. Not that it is something I should like as I am a proud yaoi fangirl. And don’t even try to tell me that Itsuki only views Kyon as a friend. MHM people. MHMM. But yes. Even if I pretend Kyon and Itsuki have something going on I do see that Itsuki also likes Haruhi. Our Itsuki has a duty to protect Haruhi and thus has to keep his distance. That and he knows Haruhi likes Kyon and keeping Haruhi happy is more important than his love for her. But alternate Itsuki was able to express (over a train..) that he was jealous of Haruhi’s attention on Kyon. :( Poor Itsuki.


Why yes an alien.

I LOVE that Yuki was the one behind this whole mess. And not only for the reasons that Kyon stated. Of course I believe all the reasons that Kyon stated. Yuki has been watching over Haruhi for a long time (or 3 years). She had to go through all 15,698 million summers of hell. She is the one constantly saving people from harm. She is the one everyone counts on to get out of a weird situation or provide information. Being the super back bone to the group must be hard.


Nope. Just a typical day in my life. Nothing to see here.

I also believe that Yuki was trying to give Kyon a better life. Because Kyon does complain all the time that he hates all this crazy adventure crap and all he wants to be is a normal high school boy. So Yuki tried to give Kyon that life. Not that it would have ever worked given the fact she kept his memories intact but you know.


Oh and she loves you.

But the reason that Kyon glossed over or simply doesn’t know is the REAL emotion that Yuki wasn’t used to is love. Just like Itsuki can’t tell Haruhi how he feels Yuki can’t tell Kyon how she feels. Of course she might not know how she feels but if she did she wouldn’t be allowed to tell. Because Kyon is the chosen one. So not only did Yuki create a world where Kyon could be a normal boy she created a world where she could be a normal girl, Haruhi would be out of the picture (who do you think put Itsuki and Haruhi together in that other school?), and they could be alone in a club. Love.

But I like that even though Yuki was in love/ having problems with her emotions she made an out for Kyon. Sad that she has to think like that, making plans three years in the future after the pressure of Haruhi but when you are a protector of the universe you have to do harsh things. I thought it took Kyon way too long to find the KEYS but I like that the book was involved.


Watch this movie only because of this scene. WATCH IT NOW!

I LOVE that Haruhi was curled up like a little caterpillar at the end of Kyon’s bed. And I hate caterpillars so that is saying a lot. XD But Itsuki telling Kyon she had been there the whole time was AWW. Haruhi being trapped in the sleeping bag and having a spaz attack was AWWW. And Haruhi pretending she wasn’t worried because she loves Kyon was AW AW AW. XD It was a very necessary scene. It shows why Itsuki and Yuki keep their mouths shut. It shows why Kyon went to such lengths to get this back. Just aw.


Also Haruhi is still insane.

I also loved all the little mentions of the two seasons the movie had. Like Kyon having Haruhi pull up her hair into a ponytail. Or Kyon talking about the endless summers or the movie. Just the little details one would probably remember better if they had just got done watching the series.


And this went on for way too long...

Some of the things that I thought were a bit special was the internal monologue that Kyon was having with his nonalternate self. I thought it went on for WAY too long. And it not remind you of another famous show and its internal monologue ending? Shinji was way more emo though.


Of course you think it is fun crazy pants XD

Haruhi totally believing Kyon was..special. I guess it made sense since John Smith told her two times about alien adventures and changing the world. And if alternate Haruhi is regular Haruhi of course she is going to jump on the chance to be more amazing or something. Just felt a little weird.


And this is the part where I would have screamed bloody murder, kicked him in the balls, and found the biggest football (soccer) player to kick his ass. Alternatively I would have cried on the floor. NOT INVITE HIM INTO MY CLUB!

I thought alternate Yuki trying to spend time with Kyon was super, super creepy. Like he came into the room and attacked her. But because he helped her with a library card or something she wants him to join the club. Like no. He is a crazy person. Back away from the crazy person. Do not let him use your computer (what were you hiding?!), do not invite him to your house, and do not walk home alone with him.


Behold the moe!!!

But of course I am sure this is everyone’s favorite part, moe Yuki. Had Kyon treated the situation different I could get behind it. But Yuki should have acted more like Mikuru (can’t believe I typed that) and been crying in the corner.


Forever a crazy person.

I am really not sure about the Ryoko deal. Like why did she get to come back? Last time I checked creating a happy world for Kyon to live in doesn’t include the person who tried to kill him. Was she herself the whole time? Because I am not really buying that she magically showed up to stab Kyon just at the right time. Not getting that whole thing so I guess I rather forget that part. Or wait for someone to explain it to me. XD


Thanks for trying? I guess?

I think the back and forth time traveling was a bit hard to keep track of at times. Of course NOW I understand who saved Kyon (Kyon who just got done eating Christmas Eve food) but at the time I was like oh okay. There is just 5 of everyone or something. Then the whole No there are Two John Smith conversations. That makes sense NOW but while I was watching it I was struggling to remember the first two seasons and if this time traveling already took place or something.


See it all worked out!!! XD

However I do like that this all tied together with Adult Mikuru waiting for Kyon 3 years in the past. It didn’t feel forced and it went well with the entire series. Of course then you start thinking about how none of this is possible because how can you go back in time if it never happened in the first place and blah blah. My husband would just say ENJOY so I shall try.

Do I even need to say that the art was gorgeous? Because it was. I really liked alternate Haruhi’s new look and how distraught Kyon looked. Beautiful as always.

Since we quickly reaching two thousand words I guess I should wrap this up. I really enjoyed the movie. It was well worth the wait. Also it makes sense that the movie was released during Christmas time. XD


Kyon is so amazing at everything XD

But yes folks. This movie was worth almost three hours of confusion, heartache, and the need to give Kyon a hug. So the folks who gave up after Endless Eight the movie really redeems the series. Go watch it NOW!

Well now if it is a reasonable time because dude this movie is like three hours long.


Grace said...

So glad you blogged this, I enjoyed reading your review; gives me another excuse to go and re-watch it for the *cough*2nd*cough* time ;]

As far as crazy Ryoko goes, I haven't read the novel, but from what I remember the movie suggested her presence, like the alternate reality, was also a result of aberrant Yuki's internal errors (emotions). However Ryoko is still there to protect Yuki and so stabs Kyon when he was about hurt Yuki (foreshadowed when she says something along the lines of "I won't forgive you if you hurt her" earlier at the apartment). You probably already realised this though, not sure why I'm stating the obvious! :]

tl,dr: enjoyed your blog and the movie!

eternia said...

Ehehe, I just watched this too yesterday. Yuki didn't scream or kick him in the balls because she wanted to be violated in the first place. LOL.
I have just watched Index episode 13 too. Damn, my memory serves me wrong, there's still one arc before we get to Accelerator and loli Misaka.

Christina said...

Grace- XD I am so glad my blog inspired you to watch for a second time. X__X That is dedication given how long it is.

I guess that really shows that Yuki was having crazy thoughts. XD She was trying to create a nice world for Kyon but she brings back someone who tried to stab him before. Just if Ryoko knew the whole time what was going on she did a great job acting.

Eternia- Yuki should have programmed herself with some common sense X__X. I don't care if the boy got you a library card. He done called you an alien and basically manhandled you into a wall. DO NOT WALK HOME ALONE WITH HIM. Poor Yuki. XD

And it looks like Touma and Index are heading to Italy for the time being as that arc is now over. WOOHOO! About time. XD