Monday, August 9, 2010

K-On!! Season Two Episode 18


Why am I suffering?

XO It feels so long since I have blogged anime. But since K-On!! decided to be so late last week it feels like even longer. But here I am trying to catch up on 5 shows now. XD I would be going a little faster but apparently my luck of not getting sick at conventions might have run out. My ears hurt and my throat is sore. My roomie is at home puking her guts out. Which is funny (well not HAHA funny) since we all ate healthier than any other convention before. But we did sleep less which may be the problem.

But in between getting my pics up on facebook and trying to unpack all the stuffs I am getting my blogging caught up. Despite K-On!! being rude and late last week I decided to blog it first because I love it. And I want to go in order. Go me.

So beware of Mio losing her mind and their entire class not caring about their play
but rather seeing Ritsu and Mio in completely non compatible roles.

Dude I just took some cold medicine and now I am beyond dizzy and crazy feeling. Awesome.


Be very afraid.

Episode Summary: It is almost time for the school festival. XO Shocking I know. Since all the main girls are in the same class we don’t need to care about what the other classes are doing. But this class is going to do the play Romeo and Juliet. They have decided they want Mio to play Juliet and Ritsu to play Romeo. Mio is in a state of shock while Ritsu is trying to tell Mio it will be all right. Ritsu is a giant hypocrite too as she doesn’t want to play Juliet herself. But Nodoka is like…don’t care sit down so I can hand out the other roles. Yui is a tree and Mugi is the director. Azusa is really amused by how the cast was picked for the play. Mio starts to mentally break down as she tries to deny her role of Juliet. Something about having a twin and changing high schools. The class starts making preparations for the play. Nodoka talks Mio out of quitting and practice goes on. Only both Ritsu and Mio suck and Ritsu starts thinking that everyone picked them to laugh and watch them fail.


Do not want.

After school the rest of the Light Music Club thinks that if Ritsu starts acting more feminine and Mio starts acting more masculine it will be easy for them to fulfill their roles. But apparently wearing your hair and shirts differently is way too hard and Ritsu gets frustrated. Mio and Ritsu go to Ritsu’s house to practice. There are several fail attempts and the girls take a break to mock each other. But while they mock each other they realize that if they play their roles as if they were other people. As in Ritsu will pretend she is Mio being Juliet and vice versa. This seems to work for Ritsu but Mio still has terrible stage fright. Mugi (who might be a slightly bossy) decides they are all going to work at her friend’s café to help Mio get used to being around strangers. There is some costume drama but soon the girls set to work. Except Mio who fails a lot. Ritsu realizes that Mio is able to play on stage because she HAS to and the girls leave Mio alone to deal with the customers. It either works or she cracks it’s a bit unclear. But afterwards Mio and Ritsu spend more time practicing so Mio can improve. Mugi is busy being a director and Yui is busy being a tree. Azusa is worried that their performance will suffer because no practice is getting done. THE END.

Well on the upside it looks like the school festival will finally happen next week. Hopefully. Finally. I don’t know if the writers are purposely stretching out this season to milk a season three or if the writers are trying to make sure there is enough material for this season. But I guess as long as everything was fun and not MOG boring (like the HOT episode) I wouldn’t mind a season three. Sometimes it is good to end while you are ahead and popular though.


I'm sorta with Ritsu on this...

But talking about this episode. Ah the suffering of Mio. That is always a good fall back if you have nothing else planned. Now normally I enjoy picking on Mio. She has a little crybaby attack about the stupidest things. Like listening to a story about mold will give her a heart attack and a story that is too tame even for Goosebumps will have her cowering in the corner. So most of the time I am rolling my eyes at Mio and wishing this thing called moe wasn’t so saturated in the anime market. Note I am still not 100 percent sure what moe IS but yeah apparently Mio is moe.


Poor crazy Mio.

But girl I am behind you in this episode. If someone (or an entire class) voted for me to be the starring role in a play (and a boy’s role no less) I would not be a happy character either. In fact I wouldn’t be frozen in stone I would be pitching a fit. I mean, that is really rude to pick the shyest girl in class who can’t handle a dark closet to act on stage. Of course Mio does play on stage so one might think that she can handle being the center of attention. But still, acting and playing music are two totally different things and I would have been mad. Like super mad, embarrassed, and upset. Stupid classmates!


I love this scene. XD

And Ritsu. I think you and Mio just should have changed roles because that makes sense. I would be super mad if my classmates picked my friend to play a role to watch her be cute and FAIL on stage and I was picked because it would be funny to watch us fail together as a pair. I mean…Ritsu would make a good Romeo and everyone but Mio would make a good Juliet. But I did laugh when Ritsu was like suck it up Mio when she wasn’t sucking it up herself.


Be the tree!

Yui was a tree. I am trying to remember what part of Romeo and Juliet had a tree. Nothing is really coming to mind. And even if there were trees do they need that many trees? I thought random people in the class that don’t have speaking roles were automatically guards or random street people. But Yui is a tree because being a random not talking person is too hard for her.


Too many Ritsu's not enough Mugis. :(

Mugi is in charge WOOHOO! I really wouldn’t call her bossy as much as I would have called her assertive. Because someone has to be in charge. But I rather her be Juliet. :( CUT!


What about me?!

No one cared about Azusa this episode. Poor Azusa. But that’s okay, she has had enough time to shine lately. I do like that Azusa is worried about how their performance is going to be now that everyone has gone play crazy.


Super funny indeed.

I think Mio and Ritsu pretending to be the other is the best way for them to go about practicing. They will really be making fun of each other rather than trying to come up with a whole new character. It made sense to me anyway. Something I probably would have done. Not that it worked for Mio but I can see how the general idea would work.


Can I take your order?

I am sure Mugi had her heart in the right place but I don’t think Operation Make Mio Talk to Strangers worked that well. I think Mio needs to have some kind of therapy or something. I mean I don’t like talking to strangers either. But once it’s a job you have a reason to talk to them so it is more natural than asking a stranger a random question. All the girls looked cute in their outfits but I do not think it helped Mio.

In the end of I don’t think much was resolved. Mio was no longer comatose but she is still X_X about the play. Ritsu isn’t happy about being a joke but is going along with it. Mugi has fully embraced her director roll. And Azusa is busy worrying about their band failing. The only one who rocked was Yui who is being a tree. XD

So I guess next week we shall see how fail this play is and laugh at them. But MOG
we might get some music next week so that is something to look forward to. Also I say next week and really I mean three days. GO ME!


blindability said...

Seeing Yui do something good and well really is rare, isn't it? It makes me think back to the beginning of the first season when she was able to show Mio (at their first summer training camp) that they could, in fact, be a proper band. Being a tree in a play is clearly the next step up for her in the world, haha.

Too bad you're not feeling well but going to a convention is worth it, no? I'd like to say "sleep plenty" but I know that's just not possible sometimes - esp when you've got many anime review to catch up on. Should be more like me and just ignore them, haha.

Christina said...

blindability- Yui is so silly. I guess it is a positive that Yui was taking her role seriously...but yeah. Woohoo for being a tree.

I am just glad we were not sick AT the convention. That would blow knowing there was fun going on yards away but we were dying in the room. And we really wished we could have slept more but we were right by the pool and yeah...people were keeping us up all night. I slept from 10pm to like 2pm today and I think I feel worse than before X_X Colds are so annoying.

I guess as long as I feel better by the next convention it is all good XD But hopefully by Thursday as Thursday and Friday are my main days at work. I think if I still feel like crap I can just rest tomorrow and they can handle work without me.