Sunday, August 15, 2010

Amagami SS episode 7

Ugh people. Seriously. When am I going to start feeling like a person again? AFO was a week ago and I still feel like a truck ran me over. Although I did manage to walk up some stairs today without dying. However come Wednesday I need to go back to work because I have come to enjoy food and AWA is seriously around the corner X_X So yeah I need to get better fast and make some money.


Cue the teenage angst factor!

But I am not dying on the couch like I was Friday so here I am blogging Amagami SS. Still not sure how I feel about this series but I am still watching it. Might as well blog it while I figure out my feelings on this up and down series.

Prepare yourself for maybe a short post. I say maybe because I try to make things short but somehow stuff spirals out of control. X_X


Attention! Tummy kisses lead to colds!

Episode Summary: Junichi is at home thinking about belly buttons while Kaoru is out crying that her mom has a boyfriend. The next day at school Junichi is still thinking perverted thoughts but is worried when she doesn’t show up to class. He somehow thinks it has to do with the kiss and is all worried. He tries asking Keiko what is going on but he isn’t very helpful. Then he pretends he doesn’t care about Kaoru and tries to go about his day. Only everywhere he goes he thinks about Kaoru (see the scenes from the last two episodes). Then Keiko runs up and says their teacher called home because Kaoru was absent and it turns out she never came home last night. Cue Junichi running out of school in hopes he can find Kaoru. Only he finds memories of Kaoru all over the city. But these are off screen memories that we have never seen before. Such as Kaoru loving a certain kind of candy, playing pool, ect. Kaoru is somewhere being upset and :(. Junichi fails to find Kaoru because he is made of fail.


Um we see you stalker.

Haruka and her friend walk by talking about a clumsy waitress and MOG Junichi realizes it must be Kaoru. He runs to her part time job and there she is working away. Junichi spies in the window like a freak. Haruka tells Junichi to wait for her outside until she goes on break. So he waits and she finally comes out with hot cocoa. She slowly explains that her mom is dating some random dude and they got in a huge fight because mom wants to get remarried. Kaoru feels betrayed because she thought they were doing good on their own with no men. So Kaoru can’t wrap her head around why her mom would want a man when she sometimes cooked dinner. Kaoru tries to stay strong but ends up crying a little. She tries beating Junichi to cover up her hurt but Junichi calls her on it. Also he tells her that it is okay to show emotions in front of him and that she can count on him. He then gives her the awesome chocolates he bought for her earlier and really says all the right things. Kaoru seems happy and Junichi almost passes out in the bath because he can’t stop thinking of Kaoru. The next day Kaoru attends school and thanks Junichi for being there for her.

While there was no fan service/stupid scenes this week I was still SIGHING a lot. However Junichi did great and that’s all that matters. XD


Of course Junichi has to pretend he doesn't care about Kaoru....

Most of the episode was devoted to Kaoru being lost and Kaoru having a pity party. Really I guess we should be happy that Junichi is worried for his friend/potential love interest. Nice to see that he cares about the girl outside of random kisses on their body. Granted I don’t know how worried any high school kids would be about their friends who were gone for less than a day in America so maybe that’s why I am impressed with all the running around and stuff.


Way too much to worry about when you are a teacher.

However I would not want to be a teacher in Japan. Too much pressure to be all up on every student’s business. I mean I guess kids get calls when they miss school here but it is usually a message like OH HI your kid missed school. One day is not a red flag here so everyone freaking out was X_X.


Chocolate is very important business boys!

A lot of this episode was devoted to Junichi thinking back to their bad friendship. Which I still think is a weird term but whatever. I do like that they showed that he and Kaoru had a past (even if we were already aware of it). I think that it would have been more powerful SHOWING the relationship in progress instead of showing past clips to force the relationship on to us viewers. That being said I did like the candy scene. It was kinda useless but it was a fun scene that seemed like helped make Junichi and Kaoru more natural.


Wtf is all this?!

The other girls had really stupid side conversations going on in this episode. Really cut them out and focus more on the couple at hand. And like what were they talking about anyway? Stupid red, blue, and green something or another.

But most of the episode was about Kaoru’s whining and as much as I like Kaoru I was falling asleep. I get it girl. You are a teenage girl. Everything is a big deal. But come on? Your mom can never get remarried again because you made a promise to be there for each other? Awesome. So while you are having crushes on Junichi and getting tummy kisses your mom needs to die alone. I UNDERSTAND.


Whine whine whine.

Only I don’t. So much crying and drama over a small issue. I am on your side Kaoru’s mom. I get why you didn’t flaunt this relationship in front of your kid until it was serious. Only you underestimated that Kaoru would have a cry baby attack. You should be trying hard anyway Kaoru. Doing the dishes and setting the table would not heal your mom’s heart or warm her bed at night. It was just too unreasonable for words.


Junichi saying all the right things?! Is the world ending?!

However Junichi did a great job in helping Kaoru out. He didn’t say Kaoru was wrong in how she felt but he didn’t say she was right. He was there to listen to Kaoru and try to tell her scaring the people that care about her was a bad idea. So maybe Junichi didn’t have to say much. He just needed to be there for Kaoru. He really won some brownie points with the you can cry in front of me business. You may be a giant pervert Junichi but you do know how to say the right things at the right time.



And then he gave Kaoru the chocolate and I was like MOG PERFECT. I love little things like that. Just tiny little Look I was paying attention to something you said you liked. I thought of you and thought this would make you happy. Also I am a poor man but I spent my last dollars to buy you a treat. Just….major brownie points for Junichi. Lovin him in this episode.

And now Kaoru is all happy? Not so sure about that. The drama ended pretty fast so I am not sure what is going to happen next episode. Of course the Christmas scene but it almost seems as if them getting together is too natural at this point so nothing amazing can really happen. But I like Kaoru so I will be happy for her. As long as she stops the whining.

1 comment:

Reader said...

Too late now since it's been weeks, but:

Too many people focus on "we promised we'd get along by ourselves" and not "I don't want another dad."

The latter is the true reason for her distress; Junichi's dialogue, cutting to the heart of the matter, makes this clear.

It's telling that she can only blurt this out angrily, forcing back tears, at the very end. She's lost all composure by then.

It's also telling that he can articulate this better than she can, because he is that in tune with her.

She's not going to be thinking of her own boyfriend issues at this point. She loves and misses her dad very much. She and her mom promised to try their best to get by without him, because he's irreplaceable. His departure leaves a hole in her life still.

With the sudden news of a prospective new father enters her life, she's shocked into doing something she wouldn't normally do. She herself says she was too confused because the news came all too sudden. Like Junichi, I don't condone her actions, but I can neither fault her for feeling the way she does.

Seeing her vulnerable gave more depth to her whole story, and their talk of staying by each other prefigures their love confessions. The whole event pushes them from being mere close friends to close friends who know they love each other.