Tuesday, August 3, 2010

High School of the Dead Episode 5

Today has been a family drama day. The good news is that none of it directly affects me (as in no one is mad at me and the issues are not caused by me) so YAY I am not hated. The bad news is everyone is coming to me to complain about everyone else and I am expected to keep secrets. I suck at secrets I really do! Also I kinda hate the pressure of knowing stuff when other people really should and I am not supposed to. Factor in the fact I can see both sides and want to help both sides and I am all XO

But today is High School of the Dead day. That means blood, guts, and zombies. That always makes me happy, zombies. Since I am missing my sci-fi movie this weekend this will have to do for now. And while this episode wasn’t totally amazing it got the job done. I am slightly happier.


All aboard the zombie plane!

Prepare for dead people and perverted teachers. Because when the world ends we can’t all just play nice because that would be too easy.


I would be this calm in a crisis truly I would.

Episode Summary: The episode starts off with a scene at the airport. An airplane is filled with uninfected people but it can’t take off due to the zombies on the runway. Two snipers start taking them out and the plane is finally able to leave. As one of the snipers adjusts her boobies the two talk about how this area was supposed to be safe but apparently it only took one infected family member to take down the entire airport secured area. The one adjusting her boobies says she is going to go into the city to see if she can rescue her friend who turns out to be Shizuka the nurse. Back on the bus Shido is really acting like a freak and our main heroes are talking about what they should do. Saya starts talking logically about the situation, which areas are probably safe and how the military is going to handle the evacuation. Saya takes a break from being smart to insist she doesn’t care about Takashi. Everyone takes a moment to explain where their family members are and it sounds like everyone is out of the country.


It's the end of the world! Prepare for death!

In the city Takashi and Rei are trying to find a way to make it to the police station. To do so they need to go over at least one bridge. The bridge they were closest to is blocked off so they have to go back into the city where a riot is taking place. Crazy people try killing them but Takashi and his mad driving skills get them out of harm’s way. On the bridge the police are being really strict about guarding the bridge and even send a few teenagers flying off when they do not comply with the rules. Back on the bus it is becoming apparent that Shido is trying to start the cult of the crazy teacher and the main people want to leave. Shido is like fine you students can leave but the nurse is staying. Kohta has finally had enough and shoots a warning shot at Shido. Apparently Kohta has been treated very harshly during school (and often by Shido) he has finally snapped and has no problem killing zombies or humans to insure his own survival. With his distraction they manage to escape the bus.


Really? You think that now?

Takashi and Rei are having problems as each bridge they come to is being manned by the police and they are less than helpful. But our bus leavers are in for bigger problems as just beyond the bus are tons of zombies and Kohta is slowly running out of ammo. Saeko then has the task of protecting everyone which is probably going to fail. Takashi and Rei hear Kohta’s nail gun and fly on the motorcycle to the scene. There Takashi gives Kohta a real gun, Rei spins around with her spear, and Takashi uses his motorcycle as a weapon against zombies. After the reunion the group decides to move on. After some walking Shizuka reveals that her friend (the sniper) has a place nearby and that she can get into the apartment and car. Everyone agrees they need a rest and make plans to go to this building. But even the building looks safe there are tons of zombies around. The group attacks them and Takashi notes in one day they went from running to outright attacking the zombies and how crazy this world has become. THE END!


I'm here to kill your zombies.

Today the amount of action was cut down because we were introduced to a new character. I am not sure how much Rika (the sniper whose boobies are keeping her down) will play a part in the series but I think the group needs a more adult leader and that sure isn’t going to be Shizuka. On one hand I think it was way too easy to add someone super awesome like Rika in the mix. The average survivor group is not going to have a train sniper in the mix. But on the other hand we got a gun enthusiast, kendo club president, and whatever Rei is. So they are already like beyond what a normal group would have. So adding a sniper really isn’t that big of a deal.


Not popular with everyone...

I think Shido was way too over the top. He almost reminds me of Terry from Dawn of the Dead. Here the world is ending and all he can talk about is people not messing up the mall and following orders. But Shido goes beyond Terry or that crazy lady from the Mist. No no, he honestly think he can lead these students to safety. How he thinks he can do it is anyone’s guess. He has no weapon and the only skill he seems to have is running his mouth. So…yeah. Have fun leading your flock to higher ground. Also watch out male students as I think Shido wants to repopulate the world all by himself.


Calmly indeed. Also I love how awful my screenie looks.

I like that there is chaos and mayhem going on in the streets. We got a little of that last week but it was more in your face this week. People can turn into animals when in a terrible situation and are in a huge group. So have fun looting money and shooting up fellow survivors. Personally I would take the hiding in my house alone approach but I guess if people want to hurry up and die who am I to stop them. Just makes it that much harder when you have to deal with zombies and crazy people trying to shoot you.


This was truly a good idea.

I tried not to laugh when the high school students got hosed off the bridge. Yes because when zombies are taking over the planet one should really taunt the police. In a lot of horror movies the police are really ineffective and often make really bad mistakes that cost people their lives. But here they are actually on top of the situation and trying to contain the infection without going Resident Evil 2 on us. So teenagers just be glad that they used a hose and not bullets to get you off that bridge.


Can I please kill her?

Even if Shido is a creepy jerk who hopefully gets munched soon he isn’t stupid. He was okay with letting the rebellious teenagers off the bus because he doesn’t need them. He needs mindless sheep. But he knows that Shizuka is controllable and that they will need a doctor to help deliver all the babies in the new Shido world. Also even if Shido is a creep I might have waited until we were out of danger before leaving the safe bus. Just a thought.


Don't mess with the person who has the gun!

Kohta really stepped up today. Or snapped. Let’s go with snapping. I can see how a person in his position would be losing his mind without factoring in the end of the world scenario. Not that I advocate shooting people because you are bullied but I can see how he would be on edge. But now there are zombies eating everyone’s brains and he suddenly is slightly important now. I wouldn’t say he is super popular but it must feel good that he is able to protect his princess while those who teased him in school died horrible deaths. Also there is probably something wrong with him. Either way he was pretty cool.


All teenage boys can do this, I believe.

Takashi riding in on a motorcycle to save the day was a little cheesy but meh. I think the tossing Saeko around was way too magical for words but Kohta and the gun made sense. Everyone lives so yay I guess. Not sure how the police are going to handle guarding all the bridges but they are doing what they think is right. The point is that everyone is back together and they didn’t have to deal with the pesky fact that no one was ever going to make it to the police station. Yay for miracles.


Also a miracle: being jealous of a boy during the end of the world.

Also another miracle is that Shizuka’s friend has a place right near where everyone ended up. I think it is a sign that I need to make more friends so when the end of the world happens I have places to stay. At a first glance one would assume the building would be pretty safe because hey zombies aren’t really good with stairs. Especially the zombies that can’t see. But I guess it makes sense that people were infected in the building slowly even if people were trying to hide out.


Time to take the offense!

I do like Takashi’s final words for the episode. Despite all the chaos around him he can still analyze his own actions during this crisis. I hope he is not too harsh on himself because it really is the end of the world and sometimes you have to do some ugly things. But it seems as if Takashi will put himself in a killer category and question his actions. I for one would be happy with someone like that in my survivor group, someone who is willing to take on the zombies and put aside they are no longer human.


Comedy you say?

Next week it looks like there will be more comedy than action. I am already making my sad face as apparently there will be bathing scenes and we know what that means. We had tons of panty shots this week so next week it will be boobgate. I wonder if they will be censored though…..


Good job police people!

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