Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Anime Series! Mirai Nikki Episode 1

Today was a weird, strange little day for me. But now I am afraid that I come across like Yukiteru in my beginning little paragraphs. XD What shall I talk about if I can’t talk about my day of massive headaches and major naps? What indeed!!!

On a side note I found out it is hard to scrapbook without any glue sticks. Woe is me. Also I broke the paper shredder. :( Paper shredders aren’t cheap either. I am changing my name to Yukiteru Junior!


Oh. Yes. I feel safe now.

Since I am talking about some random dude I have never talked about before…woohoo! A sign of a new anime! This time it is a little show called Mirai Nikki. Spoilers for teenagers and their killer phones of doom!


This is the 90's! We don't need a motive!

Episode Summary: The episode starts off with a series of dark looking murderers. And by dark I mean I can’t see what is going on. But people are getting stabbed folks. Stabbed. Also it looks like our main character is dead so that might be a sneak peek for one possible ending? But let’s just cut to a school scene okay? Some boys are talking about playing basketball after school and one person suggests inviting Yukiteru. Everyone else is like um no he is weird. Yukiteru demonstrates his weirdness by keeping a cellphone diary on the exciting events in his life. Exciting events like walking home from school and throwing darts at a wall. After arriving home Yukiteru decides to visit his imaginary friends Deus Ex Machina, Lord of Time and Space, and Corn Girl. Deus is doing something awful to cause a war or something and Yukiteru talks about his boring diary. This gives Deus an idea for something fun. Later that night someone is murdered…and that is about it. Yukiteru wakes up the next morning and finds his boring entry about today has already been written. He is shocked when things start coming true. He questions Deus how this is possible since he is just a figment of his imagination. Deus is like dude I am real accept your future diary. But once Yukiteru starts getting A’s on all his papers and avoids school bullies life is good. He even sparkles. Some detective cackles delightfully at the scene (MOG another diary holder?!).


Yukiteru should have died first....pays attention to the important details...

After cheating on another test Yukiteru notices another classmate acting weird (Yuno). After school he notices Yuno has sculpted a statue of Corn Girl. Oh and Yukiteru gets an update on his diary that he is going to die. He assumes Yuno will be the one to kill him so he runs away. Yuno eventually catches up with Yukiteru and explains she is a future diary person too and hers is set to Yukiteru’s future ten minutes before Yukiteru’s. But yes time to RUN folks. They get to the roof where Yuno explains how they can beat Number 3 who turns out to be the serial killer in town? Yukiteru throws a dart at Number 3’s phone which causes him to spin into…nothing I guess. Yukiteru is like MOG get me out of there. Instead he is transported to Deus’ universe where it is explained that there are now 11 Diary Users and they are all in a game. Basically they have to kill each other and the last one standing gets to take over Deus’ job. They must use their diaries to stay alive and hunt the others down. Deus congratulates Yukiteru on living because hey he was supposed to die first. Deus comments that Yukiteru will be the one to beat. Everyone else is like I WILL KILL YOU and disappears. Well except for Yuno who loves Yukiteru. She will protect him ya’ll. Yukiteru is thrilled. THE END!!!!


So much excitement!

The Thing is on again WOOHOO! Now I have something to watch while I blog go me!


Today I didn't play baseball with friends. It was amazing.

I am going to have to admit the first few minutes of this show did not impress me. Rather I was getting scared this was Blood-Diary or something. Instead of Saya singing about butterflies on the side of the road we had Yukiteru texting that he saw a rock on the road and this day he would walk on the opposite side to avoid it. Very interesting stuff there folks. VERY INTERESTING!


I like how the teacher allowed Yukiteru to cheat on his tests. Yay teachers.

I mean that would be like me going through step by step on what I did today. Sometimes I put tiny little bits of what I did in the beginning part of my post. But I am not writing down the time I put the dishes in the dish washer or when I dragged out the ladder to put posters on my ceiling. Because that would be boring. Also when I kept a diary I tried to write about important stuff and how it made me FEEL. Yukiteru seemed to lack any feeling in what he was recording.


Glad things got interesting fast. Because you know....this was boring. LALALALA Saya time.

Also I am sure this will be a theme with the show but he was spending so much time recording the boring stuff in his life he wasn’t truly living. He was recording other boring things about people too, like the path they would walk to school. But he never interacted with anyone so his entries were void of fun. So I am sure that is the message of this show, that people are spending so much time Twittering and Facebooking they aren’t really living.

But I am okay folks. I just “waste” time blogging and playing online games. See the difference? XD


Why hello to you too crazy eyes!

Then things started getting interesting. Turns out that Yukiteru’s imaginary friend was real. Hard to believe right? That thing that crawled out of Howl’s Moving Castle really is the Master of Space and Time. Yukiteru thought his blanket was a gateway into crazy when really the crazy could exist anywhere.


Going into the elevator was probably a big mistake....

I am just going to go out on a limb here and say that Yuno will be the craziest person in this entire show. I know that is a lot to say in an episode 1 post but I get that feeling. Call it a hunch. El crazy person indeed. Sorta reminds me of another female in a show where someone had power over life and death. Something is wrong with a person who doesn’t want to know their own future. Or maybe she is the smartest person of them all, letting Yukiteru become the target. She can take everyone else out and then kill him in the end. So maybe she is brilliant and not crazy.

But I will go with crazy for now. Yukiteru might not be the best judge of character on crazy but her eyes are a bit too much for me.


Someone is excited. Good thing she is a cop.

The serial killer stuff is never really explained. All we end up knowing is he was Number 3. I think he ties into the scenes at the beginning of the episode, with the girl in the cage and what not. I thought that it was Yuno but I may be wrong. I would have liked to know his reasoning behind killing all those people….if there was a reason. Do most serial killers have reasons? But in this case maybe those people were going to do him harm in the future and he saved himself?


That was....sad. Sad folks. No censoring here.

The death scene was rather lame though. It looks like he got flushed down the toilet or something. WEE I am a glowing blob or nothing now. I thought he was going to explode into a fountain of blood. Because I miss Blood-C obviously.


So Deus hates Yukiteru yes?

I think it is awfully strange that Yukiteru was the first one chosen for this game, probably the reason the game exists yet he was left out of the first rule meeting. Sorta puts him at a disadvantage. It appears that Deus Ex Machina (such a clever name...) has it out for him as he announced to the group that HEY kill Number 1 first. Weird indeed.


The teacher gives off a Future Diary person too. I can tell by the two whole lines he had and all.

That is about it for this series. A bit disappointed that we didn’t get a preview for next week’s episode. No future peeks for us right? XD This show seems interesting enough for now. Just wondering how young these kids are with cellphones nowadays. Why in my day we had to call our parents on payphones!


Real sparkles folks!!!


eternia said...

I read the manga and haven't watched this yet. I hope you still remember how I said that I stopped reading the manga because it has a lot of stupid, logic fails.
Congrats, you have found the first one very early. Their cell phones are future DIARY, huh. DIARY. What kind of people would write those stupid details in a diary?! Hey, I am ascending a stair leading to 3F from 2F.. Hey, I saw a dog pissing on the street.
Give me a break...

Ruben said...

Your review of this first episode was very very funny indeed xD.

By the way I am highly intrigued about the first scenes of this episode, first Yukiteru dead and then I thought that the girl that is being murdered is Yuno too, because she said Amano-kun, maybe after Yukiteru dies in the future, someone kills Yuno, but who knows, sooner or later we will know more.

And about the teacher of the pony tail, I thought he was the serial killer because of the long hair and maybe that is how the serial killer found out that Yukiteru was one of the Future Diary user, maybe he saw it at school, but again who knows, maybe in episode 2 we are going to know more, hopefully.

Anonymous said...

I read the manga and I LOVED it, I won't spoil it for you but let me tell you that the 3rd has nothing to do with the cage scene. Oh and Yuno is batshit locaaaaa, I know you'll just love her XD

Anonymous said...

the 3rd/serial killer was yuki/yuno's teacher. there were a lot of little hints in the episode.

1) kill has long hair, teacher has long hair

2) the girl who was cornered in the alleyway and killed by the serial killer was a girl in yuki's class

3) that above mentioned victim was chased across the school campus and all the murders happened near the school

4) yuno comments yuki left a trail. the tip yuki left was the 2nd test he took. a student commented there was a question on something not taught. the teacher set that question to trap yuki.

Christina said...

Eternia- I think Yuki's diary should be called Boring diary. I mean I probably wrote (WROTE not texted...) boring things about my life but Yuki does it to an extent to which I go X___X. But with the others I am sure their Diaries got boring and detailed after the war started to keep ahead of the insanity.

Ruben- I didn't really pick up on the long hair so in episode 2 when they were like OH it was the teacher I was like X__X. I guess one has to pay attention to the small details in this show.

Now that we know Yuki and Yuno are "together" in the end that scene might make more sense. I mean...a romantic like Yuno would love Romeo and Juliet yes?

Christina said...

Anonymous- That is interesting since I assumed Number 3 was behind the cage scene. Gotta look out for that. And Yuno. Because she is cray cray.

Anonymous 2- Holy crap. The only thing I remember from your list was the person running across the campus. X__X Am I that dense? Well I heard the kid saying the question was unfair but I didn't put two and two together. I need to start paying more attention. Or you just need to make a list like this after every episode so I can get it. XD

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