Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mirai Nikki episode 2

I love Halloween time. It is the time of year where I can get cheap candy on November 1st. it is the time of year that awful horror movies are all over the place and there is always something to watch on TV. Plus it is the one holiday where it is not terribly cold yet. At least not here in Florida.

THE THING! Tomorrow. Be there!


Imaginary friends are fun!!!!!

But before I can see the most amazing movie that I am way too excited about let’s talk about other crazy things. Like the second episode of Mirai Nikki. We are talking good stuff here folks. Spoilers for Yuno’s eyes not being as creepy this episode.


The one happy moment Yuki has the entire episode YAY!!!!

Episode Summary: Yuki is trying to sleep but Yuno is making that impossible. She has texted him 40 times now and is getting creepier by the second. Poor Yuki. But at school the next day Yuki weighs his options and considers teaming up with Yuno. Yuno seems to blow him off though to get dressed for gym in the magical locker room that I didn’t think existed in Japan. Yuki is approached by a Lolita (?) looking for his homeroom teacher. But before Yuki can even help Ms. Lolita (Minene) reveals that she knows his homeroom teacher is dead. Because he is the serial killer and number 3. Minene reveals herself to be number 9 and tries to kill Yuki. But Yuno kicks Minene out the window and gets Yuki out of the room before it blows up. In fact many rooms in the school blow up sending tons of students to their dooms. Yuki starts losing his mind a little and decides to use Yuno to survive. He does so by implying he is romantically interested in her. Minene goes outside and threatens the rest of the school with bombs and such. There are cops outside waiting to kill her. Among them is Number 4 aka Kurusu. As they run around the school Yuki starts doubting himself more and more. He realizes his diary is made of fail as it only records the events around him and not what happens to him. Yuno tries cheering him up by saying HEY my diary is what will help you. Yuki is still upset about not participating in life. Yuno says that they can make it to the other building, where Yuki’s friends are and he can start living life.


Was he aiming for the phone and she moved at the last minute? I hope so...because he should have killed her. XD

5 seconds later Minene announces to the survivors if they give up Yuki she won't kill anyone else. Yuki is captured by his friends and taken outside while Yuno is taken into another classroom. Outside Minene starts yelling at Yuki that she is going to kill him. Number 4 cop Kurusu appears and says that he is her real target. Well Minene doesn’t mind taking out them both and orders Kurusu to kill Yuki or she will kill the rest of the school. Kurusu decides to do so to save many. But it turns out Yuno is mad the school turned against Yuki. She flees the classroom which sets off a number of bombs and kills tons of people. She then attacks Minene which causes Kurusu to spare Yuki. Yuno then guides Yuki through the danger and he manages to disable Minene by darting her in the eye. Not sure why Yuki didn’t kill her but you know. Minene takes off on her motorcycle and everyone is like oh I see. Afterwards Kurusu suggest all three of them work together in order to stop the other users. He must be an honorable cop….Yuki says yes and Yuno agrees as well because the new future says she will be with Yuki. THE END!!!!

XO This episode was…great. I don’t think I can think of one thing wrong with it X__X Isn’t that amazing? Of course if I over think things I am sure I can find faults. But for now YAY.


CornGirl better not put the moves on Yuki or Yuno will have her swimming with the fishes.

And the little tidbit at the end was great too. And useful. Sure CornGirl is a fluffy little character. But she is not a useless mascot. She actually does something useful! She shows up behind the scenes action with the other characters. Like 9th and 4th didn’t randomly show up. Well they did in Yuki’s mind but there are real reasons behind it. 9th was the cop who was o so happy with the murders last week and 4th is a real cop trying to save the world.

I do wish there was more information about the 3rd. I am guessing that is not going to happen at this point. I had no idea it was the homeroom teacher. But he has gone to the big swirl in the sky. Maybe serial killers need no explanation? Because no matter what they say will make sense to why they killed so many people. Also even if it wasn’t the homeroom teacher he still would have died this week. XD


Um so scare me...but I don't want to die...

I fully support Yuki being scared of Yuno. Because she is one scary psychopath. I would be freaked out too. Yuki already has people skill problems and now he has to deal with someone whose diary is based on his life. Maybe as the show progresses Yuno’s crazy actions will make more sense. Like really she is the best player ever and when Yuki is the only one left she caps him in the head. For now she seems like the love sick stalker.


Obviously Yuki was not listening during the meeting.

But I will have to give Yuno credit. She is not the typical MOG I am a bimbo side girl. She is let’s kill the entire school to save Yuki girl. Real devotion here. Yuki was not concentrating very well at the task at hand. The task being staying alive and what not. Yuno of course has his back which puts her in a bad spot, not knowing her own future. But while Yuno is a crazy stalker at least she is helpful Yuki.


My life sucks BOO HOO!!!

But he is all crying about that too. Yuki is sad that he is using Yuno. Well what is your alternative Yuki? You just got thrown into a crazy game without knowing the rules (Really Deus, best friend ever). Someone (albeit insane) offers to help you. So you kiss her back when she is looking for some love? I can see where you might feel upset. I mean when half of your school gets blown to pieces you really should think about a young psychopaths feelings and make sure not to take advantage of her. Honestly Yuki. HONESTLY.


Maybe if Yuno lays off the insanity she will be cute and likable?

But just let it be known that horror/sci-fi rules dictate that anyone who uses the pure feelings of a young lady usually die a horrible death. I am not sure how the rules work when the main character is a helpless boy but Yuki will probably pay dearly unless he really falls in love with Yuno. He may be slightly redeemable then so his death won’t be as gruesome.


So sad but understandable. Maybe they should have shed a few tears though.

I don’t think I really blame the surviving students and teachers for sacrificing Yuki. When you watch countless people get blown to pieces your mind turns to mush. Or I assume it does. Mine would. If 100 people could be saved by one person’s death that would be better than 101 deaths right? But when you are that one person that might be a problem. Of course Yuki should have sacrificed himself ANYWAY since he was who Minene was after. Or at least he thought so. So you get a pass students. You were all scared little people who just wanted to live. I don’t know how throwing books was going to help but you know. You tried.


Not too many friends left anyway.

Not that it matters as Yuki’s life is changed forever and I doubt he will be going back to school…..ever. So whether or not his friends redeemed themselves matters. They would probably avoid him because they were guilty over what they did or that they are scared of him due to his connection with el crazy. But by the time this show is over maybe all of them will be blowed up anyway.

Kurusu seems pretty badass. I don’t know if he was really going to kill Yuki but again if he did it would be understandable given how many lives were at stake. I am not sure if I believe him with the whole let’s work together deal. Yuki is too shocked to understand anything and Yuno is all like WOOHOO I end up with Yuki in the end. Of course it does not say HOW she ends up with him. Maybe at the bottom of a lake sweetheart! But yes if he turns out to be a crazy murderer in the end I wouldn’t be surprised.


Let's all work together YAY!!!

What I am wondering about is how the other Diary Users were chosen. Yuki inspired the game but how were the others approached? The serial killer seems to have been around before the game started. And really who besides Yuki had an imaginary friend as scary as that? I just think it would be interesting to see how the others were chosen and reacted to this game.


Happy Endings in anime can mean a whole lot of things. Like everyone turning into tang and being together kinda happy.

Episode two really stepped up the violence. Will all the other Diary users be just as violent or will there be more like Kurusu cop who just want to protect the world? All I know if Yuki is not having the best life ever. XD


Anonymous said...

I have a fault for you! After a great Ep.1, I thought the animation quality was jarringly poor -- of course this is by comparison. Ep.1 was beautiful and up to full-on OVA standards, so when I saw this all I could think was, what the hell? I've accepted it, I'll keep watching, and I get that they budgeted the premier bigger to start of the season right. But 9 looked so bad -- I thought I was watching YuGiOh or something! I don't remember a series being that big for episode 1 and then so cheap immediately thereafter.

eternia said...

Nah, this story is full of faults, that's why I stop reading it's manga long ago.
-Even if she's a terrorist, how could a lone girl set up bombs all over the school without anyone finding out?
-Why a bad ass such as her got troubled by simple books? BOOKs!
-Why a bad ass such as her got hurt by a weakling, useless boy, who ran towards her while tripping around. Sure, there are a lot of distraction, but she should be able to punch him away.
-I can understand if its a helicopter. But the school is barricaded by policemen, isn't it? How could she get away using a mere motorcycle? BANG! BANG! BANG! And, there she goes.

Christina said...

Anonymous- XD Well I will have to give that to you. Maybe all the explosions were expensive to make and the rest of the episode suffered because of that. That and I am sure it is expensive making the "imaginary world" look so cool.

Number 9 is pretty scary, poor animation or not. Now that she only has one eye she is going to be even scarier. XD

Believe in the heart of the cards.

Christina said...

Eternia- Maybe she set the bombs up overnight? I think she is more a planner and not much of a fighter thus when things got up and personal she kinda...failed. But at least she is better the Teacher Diary dude right? She was able to protect her cellphone from being squished.

Police officers in animes (well in many types of shows too) are often shown as either being amazingly badass (usually the one that lives) or incredibly useless. Since the badass cop was already on the scene I can see the others being useless and waving as she got away.

I think the more important question is where did she GET all the bombs. I know kids in Japan are more amazing than American kids (or any other kids) but seriously. Usually one needs a large amount of money or ability to get that amount of Ka-Booms and I don't think the average teenager in Japan can do that.