Thursday, December 9, 2010

What the hell is your problem?!?!!

I usually try to space out my rant posts about my job a little better than this but seriously folks. Someone has poisoned the water hole or something.


Am I rated R or PG-13? I forget the rules.

So I am driving along. Or at least I am trying to anyway. I am stuck behind someone who is going ten miles under the speed limit. Everyone around me is avoiding this slow person thus I can’t get out and go. Thanks slow dude. This is totally helping me out on a busy day.

Finally there is a break in traffic and I turn on my turn signal and go, as there is no one in that lane. Because that is the law and all. I start accelerating to the ACTUAL speed limit and am nearly passed slow dude when BAM he is in my lane and nearly in my engine. I slam on the breaks and scream WHAT THE FUCK to all the passengers in my car. Passengers being my purse and the empty pizza bag. Thankfully it was empty or that would have been another disaster. So yeah slamming on the breaks, fearing for my life, and praying not to wreck the car before Christmas. Or you know, splat.

They do and no one dies. Yet. Since I am not dead I take the opportunity to give the asshole a nice salute to let him know how much I appreciated his amazing driving. This is usually when someone flicks me off back or drives like a slow asshole because clearly they haven’t pissed me off enough. No no folks today was my lucky day!

Asshole SLAMS on the breaks again, stops the car in the middle of traffic, and gets out of it to scream at me.

Yes I am still alive.

WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE?! I get cut off in traffic and now some lunatic is going to shoot me in the face? Okay scream at me but still. Is this the Twilight Zone? God can you hear me? It’s Tenchi. And you need to smite this asshole right now.

So according to the asshole (in between Fuck you bitch and what the fuck is your problem asshole) he turned on his signal and I shouldn’t be acting like a psychopath. Because in crazy asshole land if you turn on your signal you automatically are allowed over, despite the fact that someone else is IN the lane at that time. Really folks, what was I thinking? The Great Asshole Lord himself wanted to get over AND he used his signal. I should have read his mind and allowed him over. Or let him crash into my car. Either way not flick him off because that was RUDE.

I am not sure what part of the story is the stupidest. The part where I yelled back because I forget that I am commonly mistaken for an 8th grader, the fact that Asshole thought he was right, or that a cop drove passed this AND DID NOTHING! That is right folks. We were in the middle of a busy and full road STOPPED and cop didn’t stop to tell this asshole to move along. Or shoot him in the head. I feel super safe people.

Eventually after more yelling and profanities asshole got back in his car…and went 25 miles down the road. All the while I couldn’t get over because all the cars that were behind us before had gotten really pissed off and were changing lanes as fast as possible.

And this folks is why you should tip your pizza delivery driver. Because they might have had a near death experience seconds before arriving at your house.

Also I hate people.


Anonymous said...

I once pulled up next to this old dude in a cadillac. I pulled up to his right in a lane that was going to merge right after the stop slight. I guess he thought I had pulled up there to pass him (I hadn't, didn't even notice him) so when the light turned in he sped up to make sure he was in front of me when the lane merged.

I don't think any thing is wrong and follow him going about my merry way, when all of sudden he slows to like 35 in a 50 zone. I'm like wtf-mate, maybe he has car trouble so I go into the other lane to pass him. He speeds up and gets in front of me. Then he slows down AGAIN. And it wasn't some teenager douchebag or frazzled soccer mom. This was a white haired grandfatherly man doin this shit.

He does this to me for a mile. Every time I try to pass this psycho he speeds past me, cuts me off, and then slows down. I finally reached my breaking point and can honestly say it was the first and last time I ever road raged. I pull up behind him at a red light, and I slam on my horn. I do not let my hand up. It's just constant BAAAAAAAAAAAAH. I follow him the entire way into town with my horn on, and I see him so furious it looks like he almost ripped off his rearview mirror.

So anyway, there are crazy psychotic idiots on the road, and if it's been a while since your last one... consider yourself lucky! Just remember anyone who acts that way is probably a miserable person who hates their life for some reason and you should probably pity them when the anger wears off.

Christina said...

Anonymous- Holy Crap! Your story is scary too. X_X What is it that makes people turn into psychopaths when they get behind a two ton vehicle??!?!

Also I really don't get people like that. Like you are mad at me for trying to pass you so you're going to go slow down the road? Yeah you sure showed me.

I will have to remember the pity thing. Usually when I encounter a crazy person I leave my friend "rage" messages on her phone. She loves listening to me losing my mind and once I say what I need to say out loud I feel better. XD