Sunday, December 19, 2010

Psychic Detective Yakumo episode 11

It is SO COLD.

Like you people don’t even know. Except for the people who live where it is currently 7 degrees. Then you would know. But it is safe to say that I am cold. There is snow and we cut down a tree outside and I am cold. And my husband wants to go skiing. Because I am not cold enough.


Oh yes. Spoilers for all.

Let’s see if we can get this episode posted in between the hours of super spotting internet. Spoilers for….um..nothing really.


My life really, really sucks doesn't it?

Episode Summary: Yakumo is all being quiet because his Uncle has just given him the bad news. Haruka notices this but they get in the car with the reporter lady and off they go to the hospital. Gotou and Ishii rush to Uncle’s house because neither Yakumo or Isshin were picking up their phones. Ishii goes to the car to protect Nao. Gotou is like WHOA there is ghost dad and Isshin punches him out. Isshin then invites ghost dad inside to have a talk. See Isshin doesn’t want to have bad feelings towards ghost dad anymore and wants to call a truce. Or say AHAHA Yakumo will never be evil like you. Isshin is rewarded with a stab to the gut. Gotou eventually wakes up and tells Ishii to call the police and Nao not to cry. Elsewhere Yakumo, Haruka, and reporter lady were at the hospital and they briefly run into the ghost who is running around saying sorry to her victims.


I'm here to do your job?

Yakumo finally gets the call that Isshin has been stabbed. For some reason they all leave the hospital and are nearly run over by some crazy only to find out Uncle is going to the hospital they were just at. When they get done waiting they are told that Isshin lost too much blood and is now brain dead. Nao is allowed to cry now. Gotou promised Isshin earlier that he would take care of Nao if something happens to him. Gotou takes her home and the wife is pleased or something. Gotou tries to return to work but his boss is like you need to be with your family right now, if all you can do is just be there. So onward he goes home. But not before he makes the coroner Yakumo has been told by the doctor all is lost. Haruka sits by him quietly as Yakumo probably thinks his life is horrible. Elsewhere Ms. Misfit is in her cell wanting to see Ghost Dad. And she gets her wish as he comes and takes over her body. Yakumo is given Isshin’s red contact and Yakumo thinks back to how his Uncle has always been there for him. THE END!


Sorry, what was I thinking. It was SUPER AWESOME!!

This episode was so amazing folks. Really a lot happened. Super excellent stuff here.

Or not. Which one do you think is the truth?

Actually I am not sure what I am going to talk about in regards to this episode. Seriously not much happened. I think I should have watched the nonyaoi boys over in Togainu no Chi land. But I guess I wanted to go in order or something. Who knows.


The foreshadowing was so subtle too.

Isshin doesn’t have to worry about a brain tumor ya’ll. Because he got stabbed. I am so shocked and surprised ya’ll.


Or you could run away. But have fun and die I guess...

I think he was taking his whole “I am a better person than that” routine a little too far. It got him stabbed. I mean how do you reason with a psycho who rapes a woman for 2 weeks, gets her pregnant, then convinces her to KILL her own child, and then afterwords kills her and the boyfriend who wanted to make everything better? Yeah I think talking to sense into dear Daddy was pretty much out of the question.


I'm thinking no....

The real question is did he stab himself? Because Daddy can’t touch anything right? Because he is a ghost? So….who did the stabbing? Because I doubt Isshin was thinking about the poor dying girl at the hospital…or was he?


Everyone isn't crying woohoo!!!

Nao is a weird little girl. We already knew that because she lacks the talking ability but really. Her dad is laying in a pool of blood and no screams? Because some crazy man told you not to cry? And now we are coloring with strangers? Okay then. But I guess it will work out since Gotou’s wife wants a child and Yakumo lives in a stolen club house.


Look at me not crying.

I thought Yakumo was doing a great job of being the strong guy that shows no emotions. First in the car on the way to the hospital and then when his Uncle was dying in the hospital. Because he showed emotions twice last week thus using up his emotions for this week. I am sure he will cry when no one is looking. But he did a great job of being a man not showing how sad he was.


This was just stupid...

However I think it was dumb to leave the hospital when hello his Uncle was going to be rushed to a hospital. Like really what hospital did your Uncle just come from for his “appointment”? That is probably the one he is going to go to NOW. What a waste of time that was nearly getting killed on the road.

Although I wonder if that was the culprit driving away, trying to run them down.


Can't forget about the ghosts!!!

The entire plot of the ghost was summed up in 5 seconds this week so that was a waste. Like oh now the ghost is apologizing. That is all we got X_X Weird.


That looks super comfortable.

Oh and did Ms. Misfit get possessed by Daddy or was he trying to kill her and take over her body? Either way she is a weirdo psychopath and we do not like her.


Sadness for all.

I think that is all…not much going on in the exciting world of everyone can see ghosts. Next week people are staring and glaring at each other. Exciting times!!!

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