Sunday, December 5, 2010

To Aru Majutsu No Index episode 9

WHERE ARE YOU CHRISTMAS?!?! Why can’t I find you?!?! XO I think perhaps I shall wrap Christmas presents tonight so I may fine that Christmas spirit. Because nothing says Happy Holidays like wrapping presents and watching The Walking Dead marathon on TV.

But yes trying to do get some blogging done today. I think working 5 days is affecting how much I get done now in terms of blogging. I know most people work 5 days a week but being at work for that long has become soul sucking or something. But I need money people I AM GOING TO JAPAN!! I just need to better manage my time as I don’t have as much wasting/lounging around the house time as I used to have.


Interesting spell titles there folks.

But enough playing the world’s smallest violin for Tenchi’s free time. On to blogging! Spoilers for young people wearing gym shorts and people bleeding from their stomachs.


Touma has so much love for people! XD

Episode Summary: Touma is still tailing the half-naked lady. Her name is Oriana so I guess I will go with that. He calls Motoharu to give his location and Oriana takes off running. While chasing her Motoharu and Stiyl catch up and give chase too, with Touma following them probably feeling not as powerful. But soon Touma gets to be super important as Oriana laid a bunch of traps for the boys and Stiyl throws him as a meat shield. Of course Touma can get rid of all the spells but he rather be ASKED first. Motoharu is a little gentler with Touma but in the end Oriana gets away. Motoharu sets up a spell for Stiyl to use to hunt down Oriana’s position but it turns out she has a counter spell on or something. When someone tries to track her magic bounces off her and hits the user. Meaning Stiyl just got fried. He would have gotten extra crispy but Touma was able to touch him and make it only hurt half as much. Motoharu and Stiyl have a discussion about magic and what not. The conclusion is that Oriana is a bad ass wizard and is not to be messed with. Touma shakes his head a lot. Motoharu decides to use Stiyl as a way to find Stiyl but that will cause him to be hurt each and every time. Touma is pissed and Stiyl is like well then go find Index is you don’t want to be here!


What kind of sign is that?! X_X

Index is still hanging out with Teach acting like her life is horrible and for some reason Seiri walks by to talk to them too. After Stiyl is hurt again from casting the spell Touma gets mad at Motoharu. Only it turns out that Motoharu has been getting hurt each time as well since he is not technically a magic user. Touma finally understands how serious the situation is. They finally figure out where Oriana’s anti tracking spell is at and it is in the middle of a school field. Since it is a middle school and not a high school Touma and Motoharu have to sneak in. The school in question is facing off against Misaka’s school and she is not happy to see Touma there. The boys determine that one of the poles in the game has the spell on it and rush to find it before one of the players accidentally activates it. Misaka tries to blow Touma up but ends up saving him when Touma saves a girl from being smushed. Misaka thinks Touma is there to beat her in the match so he can make her do his bidding. She misinterprets why he is saying he is there to protect her which leads to Touma jumping on her. Turns out Misaka was not near a killer pole but Seiri was. She was there to yell at Motoharu and Touma for being in the game and ends up being all zapped. Touma saves her but she is rushed to the hospital anyway. Touma is all pissed and vows to take out Oriana as Misaka just looks sad and confused. THE END!!!!

XO Another amazing episode? Am I shocked or something? XD


Touma is always asking the good questions.

But yeah people. Yeah. There was a lot of talking and explaining in this episode. And like Touma I was going….okay yeah what does that mean? Magic this and OH she must be a wizard and not a magician. Not really following a lot of what they were saying. So while this episode was still amazing it took a little away from my enjoyment since I was all X_X. And I am pretty sure that last sentence would get me an F in school.


Exactly people. Exactly.

At least Motoharu and Stiyl were trying to explain it to Touma and didn’t act like he was a burden for not understanding. So at least some people know what is going on XD. Yay for them anyway.


I am not your meat shield!!!!

I enjoyed Touma getting pissed at both Motoharu and Stiyl. Stiyl is more understandable as they are always getting on each other’s nerves and they have past issues. That and Stiyl did use Touma as a human shield. That could make me a little upset too. Even if Touma’s power is to dispel other powers a warning would be nice.


Oh crap you bleeding too?!

With Motoharu it was a bit back and forth. First he was the one trying to protect Touma and not the one throwing Touma into major attacks. Then Touma was all pissed at him for not caring about Stiyl’s injuries. Then Touma was sad that he was yelling at Motoharu because Motoharu was suffering just as much as Stiyl but was trying to cover it up. So Touma was just a roller coaster with Motoharu today. Touma thinks with his heart too much and shows great concern for all. Which makes him a pretty good friend but a bit of a pain to deal with when there is a war going on and lives are at stake.


Really badass X_X

Even though I think Oriana needs to be wearing more clothes…she is kinda of a bad ass. I guess since she is a WIZARD and not a magician or whatever. But yeah she set up multiple attacks and made it so Stiyl couldn’t track her down. I liked her paper phone last week too. And she really didn’t care that she was going to hurt innocent people in regards to the pole. So she makes a good and formidable bad guys. Which is always exciting because you don’t want to be taken out that easy right? We all know Touma is going to win but make him work for it yes? That is what I thought.


He did see you techinically....

Index was kinda of an afterthought this episode. Like oh she is still flailing around on the ground talking about her underwear and lost innocence or something? But I guess I would be pretty bummed too if I was somewhere all alone and the person I came with ditched me. Bad Touma bad!


Because the greatest city ever is no match for mud.

The whole sneaking into the school thing was interesting. I really thought that Motoharu was trying to knocked Touma out so he wouldn’t get injured but no, just getting them all muddy and crap. Although shouldn’t they have been way taller than all the other boys? And why are a bunch of boys fighting a bunch of girls anyway? Of course the girls had powers and the boys probably didn’t but still! It is the principal of the thing ya’ll.


This is how Misaka shows her love.

Please take notes Amagami SS. This is how you make a misunderstanding scene work. Well I mean Touma could have said DON’T TOUCH THE POLE!!!! but that would make sense people. No I am talking about how Touma assumed that pole was the magic pole and how Misaka assumed Touma was there to punish her. Besides the flat out telling her what the pole was all about I found that whole thing way more believable that the entire last episode of Amagami SS.


Am I being punished?!?!

Misaka is pretty cute though. Thinking that Touma was trying to protect her during that silly game. On one hand she is like FOOL I can blow these people up with my eyes closed! But on the other hand I am sure she is like oh Touma must like me, he is protecting me and such. But if Misaka had a third hand she be smacking him for interfering with the game and all.


She went FLYING!!!

I sensed that Seiri was going to be the one to get hurt by the spell. Because Misaka isn’t a damsel in distress. She is more of an equal to Touma. So Seiri being taken out by the pole was expected. She talked a big game about being a tough girl but on the inside she is all TEEHHEE. I sense it. And those girls always need saving.


Be part of the A-team Misaka!!!!

But I am sure as reasonable as this all sounds Misaka will still become jealous that Touma is worried over Seiri. Even if it makes more sense to be the one he can count on. Maybe because he knows the “you can count on me girl” doesn’t get the guy. She has her learnings too folks.


So much violence!!

So now that Touma has finally gotten it in his head that things are serious business next week he should be punching someone in the face. Because that is how everything gets resolved, to a punch in the face. Wish I could resolve things like that at times….


See at least I am not like that?

But I am not a violent person ya’ll. Not at all.


eternia said...

A lot of collar grabbing this episode. Wish you can just solve everything by violence, eh?

Christina said...

Eternia- Work would be so much easier if I could shoot people with harpoons. Or at least taze them. But yeah Touma needs to calm down since he usually ends up being wrong. XD