Monday, December 27, 2010

Amagami SS episode 24: The end of a harem

I has recovered from my morning run in with middle aged ladies fighting over ornaments. In between there has been a nap, a bit of cleaning up, and some game playing. But now it is time to buckle down and blog another FANTASTIC anime episode.



Or maybe I will blog Amagami SS instead…

Spoilers for me complaining that things being super boring.


Um I want to go to this festival now.

Episode Summary:Things are slowing coming together for the festival with everyone working together. Even the mean girls are joking and laughing with Tsukasa. Tsukasa dries tears from her eyes as everything is just so lovely and Junichi is like -_- no. He thinks back to how Tsukasa basically said she killed a part of herself and he gets all sad face. Instead of helping Tsukasa out directly he goes to find something else to do so he can sulk the night away. The day of the festival arrives and Junichi is not really feeling Tsukasa’s opening festival speech thing. The Ms. Santa pageant has Kaoru as an MC and a slightly naked Haruka as the winner. The other girls are seen doing their regular pattern stuff. Tsukasa decides to hang out with the mean girls on her break and Junichi is like eff this. He goes to see THE GIRL WHO IS AWESOME Rihoko but that doesn’t pan out. Junichi walks like 15 miles away from the school to pout when he sees his bud in the park burning something. Turns out the best friend is more pathetic and is burning love letters from elementary school. Finding out that there is someone in the universe that is more lame than him Junichi runs back to the school.


Mog how far did he walk???!!

In her spare time Tsukasa was handing out candies to everyone but failed to impress a kid. She and her classmates were having an after party to celebrate the party they just had. Junichi arrives and pulls Tsukasa aside. He tells her that he loves her but loves all of her personalities and wishes the other one didn’t die. Tsukasa proceeds to beat the shit out of him and cry all over the place. Home room teacher walks by and covers for the two…..lovers. Tsukasa says she changed for Junichi and that he can’t go around changing his mind..but she loves him too. They go outside to talk where Tsukasa reveals her sad past about finding out there was no Santa and that is why she is the way she is. There is a small montage of all the other girls doing their other girl stuff as Junichi and Tsukasa make out. Ten years later Tsukasa, her short haircut, and Junichi take their daughter to the school festival and relive the magic of falling in love. THE END!

I am SO glad I stuck it out ya’ll to see the last amazing arc. It was well worth the wait.

Christmas was yesterday. I don’t have to be nice today. XD

I am sorry for those who like this series. Because I am about to bash it up and down the post.


Aw poor Junichi not getting every little thing he wants. :( Poor him.

However…I am thinking this series wasn’t really aimed to me. Something I probably said like a million times already. Or at least thought it a million times anyway. But yes this series was aimed at young men. Possible young men who have no idea what real relationships are. Not that I am trying to bash the people who LIKE this kind of shows. It’s like Disney Princess movie, showing little girls that they should either be rescued by a prince or hide who they are. Things have obviously improved but both the Disney movies and this type of show have lots of X_X moments.


Christmas Eve: Most romantic holiday ever!

However young men. This is not what real relationships should be about. Well Tsukasa did a great job portraying that sometimes us girls go through mood swings. Or try to change ourselves for a guy. Because we do. Not that that is a good thing but it is something we do. But a real guy would never be like Junichi and be all understandings and loving and wishing the crazy girl who threatened him would come back. So I guess the girls are being portrayed right (wishy washy, go getters, or crazy people) and Junichi is the one who is not believable. HMMM PEOPLE!


Also don't be like him either.

So yes boys. Do not be like Junichi. While it was nice that Junichi was understanding we don’t want guys to be pushovers. Do nice things for us but don’t be some….absolute yes man who doesn’t have a spine. Most women don’t want more children or a dog for a boyfriend/husband.

Well I went off on a tangent didn’t I? I should be talking about why this episode/arc sucked.



We never did find out what was written in the notebook. WHICH PISSES ME OFF! It was the reason why there was major conflict and why Tsukasa’s true personality came out. So unless the notebook really said “I WANT TO BE LIKE SANTA” yeah that plot point was weak. Please don’t be treating your viewers that they are stupid. We remember things and deserve answers.


Clearly someone has issues.

Also it was never explained why Tsukasa had problems with her sister. Unless she really hated her for being a happy person that petted dogs. So the theory that Tsukasa hated her and had the reason in her book doesn’t pan out. Another plot point that was either forgotten or made way more important than it needed to be.


I think you should run...

Junichi being all mopey that Tsukasa wasn’t being herself really meant NOTHING because at the end of the episode he declares that he loves all of her. I guess he was just sad that he couldn’t love 3 of her. Or that she felt as if she had to kill part of herself. I might be giving Junichi more credit than he deserves though on that one. Maybe he just missed being yelled at.


Um those people suck remember?

Tsukasa changing to make Junichi happy makes sense. Girls do that for boys. I get that. What I do not approve of is her hanging out with the mean evil girls of bitchness. Like what was that?! I guess she took Junichi’s words way to close to heart. He said forgive them and suck up a little to them, not be their best friends and hang out with them all day and night. Tsukasa….you disappointment me.
Also classmates…you didn’t do THAT much to help out with the festival. Tsukasa did most of the work with Junichi helping. Ya’ll just decorated the trees and hung a few signs. Not sure why you think you deserve a huge party AFTER the party. How much more food do these kids need? But yeah not impressed with their partying self.


Best teacher EVER!

But I love the teacher like so much more now. I love how she covered for our naughty on the floor couple. Me I would have….well no. I guess Tsukasa is like her best student and it would probably would reflect bad on her or something. But yeah. Even putting that aside teacher is cool. BEST DRUNK CHARACTER EVER.


Are we seriously talking about Santa?!

Even when Tsukasa was telling her sad sob story about her past and Santa we didn’t get the whole story. Why was it worse that she learned that Santa wasn’t real verses the rest of the world? Oh wait we aren’t going to know that. But can we say LAME people? That only explains why she worked hard on the festival, not why she worked hard on everything else in life. Can we please keep our plot points straight people?


AW Junichi and his happy family. AW EVERYONE!!!

And then we fast forward ten years. Junichi still loves all of Tsukasa and her crazy sides and they have reproduced. Or maybe they went through the cloning process. But chibi daughter was taught the magic of Christmas Eve and how it brought her parents together. Everyone say AW Junichi now loves Christmas and got the girl in the end.

Yay people…YAY THAT IT IS OVER! Amagami SS was my Vampire Knights of the year 2010. No idea why I kept watching a show that I was clearly not enjoying but I did. And while technically there are a few more episodes there shall be no more blog posts from me. XD This has been torture for me….in case it wasn’t obvious.

So overall thoughts about the show? The girl who deserved Junichi the most didn’t get him and the girl who didn’t have any connection at all with him got a decent future. Junichi was pathetic the entire time and I have never seen someone so depressed about Christmas before. The quiet girl got naked and the best friend blushed the most. And Sae was annoying. But I expected that so you know.

If you are male between 15-21 this is probably the show for you. But if you are a 27 year old female avoid this show at all cost. XD Unless you need a good show to snark. Peace out ya’ll.


Anonymous said...

I don't watch this series, but yay reverse-harem on starry-sky first ep has aired, haven't seen it subbed yet but yay anyway. sorry to go off topic...

Christina said...

Anonymous- I will probably have to eat crow is Starry Sky turns out to be just like Amagami only with a bunch of guys and not a bunch of girls.