Sunday, December 12, 2010

Psychic Detective Yakumo episode 10

This has been a sad couple of days. The family cat died. I would say he was rather old but since my cat is older that would make me even sadder. But we all loved that little guy even if he was on the antisocial side. Just keep your mom in your thoughts/prayers as I don’t know how much more she can handle.


AW so cute.

So anime episodes are a little late but tomorrow I plan on getting caught up and or finish my Christmas shopping. Trying to get ready for our trip up north so things got to get done. It feels as if I will never catch up on my blogging but I will make an effort tomorrow. Promise.

For now we got Yakumo and his band of misfits. Spoilers for more dead people.


What do you mean everyone sees dead people?!!??!

Episode Summary: Somewhere in a hospital probably close to Yakumo patients are seeing dead people. More on that later as we are wishing Yakumo and Haruka are seeing off her mom. She says she has something important to send them but the train noise cuts her off. That’s fine as reporter Makoto is already on the scene interviewing doctors about the ghost. She sees Isshin come in with his doctor. He has a headache and seconds later we learn that homeboy has a brain tumor and he is going to die. Yakumo is busy being told about the ghost at the hospital and how Makoto needs more permission to interview doctors? In any event Yakumo meets up with Ishii and Gotou as they gather to speak with the coroner. Yakumo is like why did you take a picture if my dad and he is like um because he smells like dead spirit. So conclusion is Yakumo’s dad is a ghost too. Awesome.


Obviously this will end well.

For some reason Ms. Misfit is kidnapped and there is a big to do to cover up the murders and such. There is anger. Isshin is trying to find his kid since his brain tumor made him forget that young children shouldn’t be alone. He finds some girl in a wheelchair who is also dying. Isshin is like we should both cry because we are dying but we can find hope in the fact that people will remember us and live on for us. There is a suspicious looking doctor looking suspicious. Yakumo and Haruka go to Isshin to borrow the car so they can go to the hospital. Isshin tries to put on a happy face and announce that Haruka’s mom sent them a present. Turns out it is baby pictures of Yakumo. Everyone say AWWW over the fact that Yakumo’s mom is dead and he just found out she loved him. Yakumo tries to leave the room because the memories HURT you know but Isshin makes him stay. I guess Yakumo feels the love or something. In private Isshin decides to destroy that love by telling him he is dying. But since Yakumo’s dad is seen being all evil and wanting to kill Isshin he probably doesn’t need to worry about a brain tumor. THE END!!!

So everyone can see ghosts right? Yakumo is no longer special and this show should have a name change or something? Yeah I thought so.


Thanks for watching my pain.

Maybe we could change the name of the show to “let’s torture Yakumo”. Because I think that would a more appropriate title. Or maybe “Everyone Yakumo is related to is DEAD”. Poor Yakumo. Life sucks.


Headaches are serious business.

Isshin is going to die. Sucks to be you Uncle. The second you said you had a headache I was like oh he has a tumor. Sadness fills my heart. Not sure if Haruka and Yakumo are ready to be parents but I guess they don’t have much of a choice since EVERYONE ELSE IS DEAD.

But yeah. We got ghosts running around and crazy people tazing people and the closest thing we get to death we are going to get is a brain tumor. Now the question is how will he die. Is he going to be killed by the disgruntle brother in law? Is he going to throw himself in front of a bus so sick girl can get his liver or whatever she needs? Or will he just pass away from the brain tumor? I doubt the brain tumor because that is not flashy enough ya’ll. Amazing grace how sweet the sound.


So now we hug her....

I have mixed feelings about Isshin telling that random girl about death and whatnot. I mean she is a little girl and making her cry on purpose is a little X_X especially when you don’t try to comfort her. But on the other hand I thought it was nice that he was honest with her when I am sure she only hears it will be all right. When one is dying hearing false words like that might make you cry more than the reality of the situation. But since Isshin just got some crappy news himself I will forgive him for not being more careful with his words.



Not really liking Haruka’s mom in this episode. I thought she was going to have something really cute to give Yakumo and Haruka. Like a picture of the two kids playing together and having a pretend wedding. Something that linked the two together.


I might be worrying about the fact that his eyes are half the size of his head, not that one of his eyes are red.

But no. It was just an album of cute Yakumo pictures. Oh and some pictures of his dead mom and her boyfriend. The people that Yakumo found out like two days didn’t hate him, abandon him, and leave him in this world to rot. GREAT PRESENT!!! I would have said HELL NO UNCLE I am leaving this room. Like really what was she thinking?

Obviously nothing because she decided for good measure to send a picture of Haruka’s dead twin. Like you know how everyone ended all happy last episode? GIVE ME SOME TEARS BITCHES! That is what I felt anyway.


Yakumo is having the best day ever.

So yeah people. This episode was just one big HEY YOUR LIFE SUCKS Yakumo. But I guess it was nice that he had a bit of a soft side. A human side with the tears and what not. I think anyone in his situation would have burst into tears and run from the room. But he stayed there and looked at the pictures with tears in his eyes. Then when he found out his Uncle is pretty screwed he looked devastated on the inside. Just poor Yakumo and his new found feelings.


He has to save me. I am the only one who is crazy enough to hang out with him.

I am not sure why Ms. Misfit was running around like a crazy person trying to avoid cops. One would think putting on a hat and trying to blend in with normal folks would have been a smarter idea. But then again Ms. Misfit doesn’t seem to be playing with a full deck. So yeah. That was pretty stupid.


Absolutely SHOCKING news people. Also if I smelled someone dead I would probably throw up, not call it a delicious meal.

This all leads up to the fact that Yakumo’s father is really a spirit. And probably has been the entire time since Ms. Misfit killed her own parents. So at the time of Yakumo’s mommas crazy moment he was already. Some dead dude is running around trying to kill his own son because…..just because right? His mission in life is to make everyone as miserable as he is? I don’t even know.

What I do know is Yakumo’s dad is a ghost and people took PICTURES of him. So go Yakumo. You and your red eye are super helpful and necessary for solving crimes. Super unique is your ability.


Mog I totally don't think he is choosing who lives and dies so he can hand out organs. Like totally no way.

So in conclusion about this episode everyone hates Yakumo, everyone can see dead people, and if you have a headache in an anime series you will die. Next week…we shall the kiss of death doctor at work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOL. You're funny.
And, condolences to the cat.. :(