Saturday, October 16, 2010

To Aru Majutsu No Index Season Two Episode 2

Today was a BAD day at work. I mean in terms of actual bad things happening it was not the worse. Just the day started bad and ended bad. By 2pm I wanted to start over and by 6pm I wanted to pack most of my co-workers (and boss) on a rocket ship heading towards the sun.


That would be a nice start.

But I did learn that if some crazy dude is cussing me out and threatening me my boss will apologize for MY behavior. The more you know.

But enough complaining. Onward and upwards to the episode that is To Aru Majutsu no Index!


False alarm people. Index can't be kidnapped so soon into the series.

Episode Summary: Our good friend Stiyl (whom I keep forgetting is only 14 X_X) is walking along somewhere…with someone. It looks like England. And Wiki says that Stiyl is walking and talking with the Archbishop of Necessarius Laura. She talks about how a super powerful book has been stolen as well as the only person would can read it. All very bad stuff. After the scary music of doom BAM it is on Index and the blue hair dude’s sister. Maid sister is spinning on a trash can entertaining Index since Touma is at school. Stiyl comes along and kidnaps Index. Touma is walking home from school thinking about this huge sports event that is happening soon. He randomly mentions his amnesia to remind the audience and that he doesn’t remember the sports event before. The maid sister tells him Index has been kidnapped and Touma is like oh it was Stiyl. Stiyl updates Index on the situation (even though she knows more than Stiyl). Back to Laura explaining how the Roman Catholics were moving the book when it was stolen and the Amakusa Catholics are the prime suspects. But Kaori used to be a Amakusa Catholic so it might be trouble Stiyl has been ordered to do anything necessary to stop Kaori if it comes down to it. Some random nun comes in while Stiyl explains this all.


Is that a talking beach ball?

Touma has decided that he is going to rescue Index but the walk is long. While he is walking he runs into a very confused nun who can’t understand words. But she thinks she is being pursued so Touma naturally takes her under his wing. Anieze (the random nun with Index and Stiyl) talking about the situation. She apparently is a part of the Anieze Forces (some battle nuns) and is worried about all these conflicting reports. Touma shows up with his nun and HAHA it’s the lady who can read the special book Ursula. Touma has a breakdown because Stiyl isn’t his BFF and Ursula is stolen. Main suspects are the Amakusa Catholics. Everyone is like XO. After some underwear drama Index informs everyone that the Amakusa Catholics are awesome and have teleporting spots around Japan or something. But they have 4 hours before they have to worry about that. There is some minor drama with a naked Anieze and Index. Touma gets nommed. Stiyl and Touma have a heart to heart about different issues. But Index and Anieze sleep walk into the tent and act like weirdos. The Amakusa Catholics are shown being a group of punk kids (no Kaori) and their leader is Mugen from Samurai Champloo. THE END!


Time to take notes.

XO A lot going on people. Some of this stuff confusing and some…well special. But we got plot fast people. Episode one was just fillery obviously. Now it is full steam ahead into Touma will eventually save the day despite everyone knowing magic.


No time for school; it's kidnapping time!

I kinda wish we would see more of Touma being at school. Or maybe more of his friends. It is a little sad that his blue haired friend has no name. Names are overrated anyway. But I do think that he and his maid sister are weird throw away characters who do nothing to further the plot. Which I guess is okay since not everyone can be important.


I think he needs a new jacket.

MOG Stiyl. Why are you 14? Um I mean why so silly? I don’t know why he is still with Necessarius since they were liars about Index. But he seems loyal and conflicted at the same time. I thought he and Kaori were closer for some reason. I guess when they couldn’t be with Index their closeness faded a bit. A little sad. But Stiyl constantly following tiny girls around is silly.


Where did this come from?!?!

I had no idea that Touma was so butthurt that Stiyl wasn’t his BFF. Like I didn’t know after Touma lost his memories the two had that much interaction. Apparently enough so that Touma is really sad that they don’t write each other long letters and crap. Touma is really a sensitive kind of dude. Really I loved that all.


You dumb?

And of course Touma finds the missing nun. Someone important is on the loose? Touma is going to find them. A walking library full of magical books? Touma will find them. A girl that is really an AIM field? Touma will find her. So yeah that wasn’t really that magical, more like expected.


Look a random army of nuns! Totally normal.

I am not sure what to make of all these different groups and factions. Mainly because I don’t know who they are. Well the episode didn’t explain it well anyway. I got spoiled a bit by Wiki. Which shouldn’t have happened. Anieze and her crew weren’t explained AT ALL. Just oh here are some random nuns and their random tents. The conflicting Catholic groups wasn’t really explained either but hopefully that will be covered soon. So yeah some of the episode was spent going…oh okay.

Index was all serious like this episode. Well in between the nom nom moments. But she really is a well of information and should be taken more seriously than she is. I wish she would get some new clothes though.


I am pretty sure my censoring made it look worse...

The perverted moments were….dumb I guess? That and the girls have the bodies of ten year old boys so it was a weird kind of pervert you know? Just awkward city.


Cannot unsee.

Dude people. That guy totally looked like Mugen from Samurai Champloo. Even though Mugen’s character was from like 150 years ago. I was majorly creeped out people. Also his minions look pretty scrubby so I worry about their chances of winning.

Overall a slightly confusing second episode with a lot of new characters introduced. Fast pacing this show is. I look forward to Touma saving the day and adding to his harem of women. Or 13 year old girls. I get confused.


A VERY serious crime scene.


nopenopenopenope said...

The triangle hole cracks me up.

Christina said...

reserveddammit- XD It was so random and sudden. Like hello talking beach ball and BAM nun disappears into a triangle hole. The crime scene must be preserved!