Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!!!


I am a picture thief XD

Yes it is the time of year where little kids dress up in costumes and go to stranger's houses to get candy. Or alternatively they go to a church where they walk to people's cars and get a buttload of candy. Also this is the day where adults wear skanky versions of kid's costumes and get drunk. TIME TO GET HAMMERED!

But not for me. I can't remember the last time I did anything for Halloween besides work. That's fine though. I don't have kids and I like money. Time to sell some pizzas people.

Besides if I get out of work in time to watch the premier of The Walking Dead I will be fine. Super excited about this folks. A series about zombies that will have the girls WEARING CLOTHES. XD So I hope I get home in time for that.

So I wish you all a very safe Halloween. I will not run down your kids if you promise not to run in front of my car.


Yay fanart XD

Also I hope you all get good candy and not raisins. See ya later!

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