Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Psycho-Pass episode 12

Hello there!! Been busy busy busy! Part time pizza delivery driver/part time housewife. Well without the cooking. I think our lives are safer if I don't cook. But cleaning and organizing I can do. Clean clean clean and then some anime. A productive day indeed.
Yay for the future!!!!!!
So what is up first? Why Psycho-Pass episode 12. Feels like forever since we saw someone got blown to bits right? Spoilers for a walk down memory lane with Yayoi.
Yep. This is really your life.
Episode Summary: In some seedy looking underground place rock like bands are playing. A girl with blue hair hair named Rina is playing her heart out and a younger Yayoi watches in great interest. Rina takes a break backstage and helps Yayoi who apparently has hurt herself playing her own guitar. The two seem to bond but Yayoi's bandmate tries to pull Yayoi away as Rina and her band are not a sanctioned band. Still Yayoi watches Rina and the two seem to connect. Yayoi then wakes up in a very small white room. She has been institutionalized as a latent criminal. Other criminals are acting up all around her but Yayoi seems calm. Until her request for guitar strings in denied again for the umpteenth time. This clouds her hue and she is smoked/given medicine and told not to give up, as she is close to being released. Soon Yayoi is visited by Ginoza as he wants her to become an Enforcer. Yayoi is like um no thanks dude I am getting out of here. Yayoi waits and waits but Ginoza and Inspector Shinya visit her to ask her to join again. Ginoza leaves to join Sasayama in the car as Shinya works better with people. Shinya says various things to Yayoi and apparently gives her guitar strings. Eventually he tells her what they actually need her for, that there is some criminal activity going on in the district she used to play in. Shinya shows her one of Rina's flyers and Yayoi agrees to help just for this.
So you want me to solve the case for you?
Yayoi is taken to headquarters and tells the others how the district is set up and where the two likely spots of criminal activity would take place. It is explained some people against the social situation are conducting some of sort of crimes there. Tomomi and Sasayama are sent to either club and the rest wait for results. While they wait Shinya talks about how almost all latent criminals are executed or become accustomed to life in prison. Maybe Yayoi can actually overcome it but...probably not. Much to Ginoza's show Shinya had her a Dominator and says that instead of things being taken from her Yayoi can join the side that does the taking. He can give her power. Sasayama determines it is his spot that the crime is taking place and goes a bit gun crazy. This causes the criminals to throw bombs and turn the situation 438 times worse. Ginoza tries to tell Yayoi to stay put but she has already run inside as she heard Rina singing. One of the bomb throwers take a hostage and the hostage's number is showing up and throwing off Sasayama and Shinya's Dominators. Sasayama is like shoot them all while Shinya tries to save the hostage before her hue is too clouded. They do manage to save the hostage and Sasayama takes pleasure in splatting the criminal all over the place. Yayoi makes it to the sewers where people are running away in a panic. Yayoi is thrilled to see Rina but soon learns it was Rina that is ahead of the resistance. She is tired of living in this society and wants Yayoi to join her. Yayoi says she can't and tells Rina to come with her before it is too late. Rina walks away and Yayoi fires the Dominator at her. Only Shinya never registered her as a user and the gun doesn't go off. Rina gets away and Shinya and Ginoza both note that she is a good candidate for the job of Enforcer. With nothing to look forward to Yayoi agrees and TADA an Enforcer is born. THE END!
Um...I can't see anything. But if there is a table end involved maybe I don't want to see.
XO It feels like forever since I watched this show. Like last year!!! Haha. I got jokes. I do wish that this other site I am getting a few episodes subbed this show too. Psycho-Pass always seems so dark and my screenies seem to suck. Maybe it is just a dark show and they would suck no matter what.
A week without Akane when she actually is melting away? RARW!
I know I asked to learn more about Yayoi and Shusei but come on!!!!! Right after Akane's little friend gets her throat slashed and it's been weeks since I seen this show you gonna do me like that? Is that what I mean to you Psycho-Pass? Just drive me crazy why don't ya! Honestly! Maybe we are learning about Yayoi and Rina as Rina will show up later but still. STILL! I guess I can wait to see Akane walking around in self pity one more week. Or day since I am behind on animes.
Shinya, the bringer of hope.
I am not sure what I was expecting from Yayoi. Really I shouldn't have been expecting anything. I am sure calm and cool people don't become latent criminals let alone Enforcers. Then again this is a society where hostages can became criminals so Yayoi could have been a calm and cool person until someone shot up her law office or something and she was forced to take out the criminal to protect her people. Then she...well never got better and became an Enforcer. Yeah don't know what I was thinking.
Yayoi liking a girl? I am shocked!
Yayoi was in a band. At first I was like WOE Yayoi was against the system and now she works for the man? How....special is that. But then it was said that they were sanctioned band and I was like oh I see. Sorta like being a Christian rock band. We are hardcore for Jesus! In a way it makes sense. It gives people a way to blow off steam without going all out and saying EFF YOU SYBIL! If people are going to do something anyway you might as well control it.
And she was right know.
Yayoi's bandmate seems like an asshole though. It is hard to say since this system does control everything and anyone can be flagged at any given moment. So maybe the bandmate was just trying to protect Yayoi. She could have done it a bit different but I sound like that half the time at work. Maybe she has already warned Yayoi 38943 times. Did I say she was an asshole again? Anyway Yayoi probably wasn't trying to drive her friends nuts. I don't thinks she idolized Rina for breaking the rules. I think she just thought...she is doing what she loves. And she is hot. Simple as that.
That is a super important question....that never gets answered.
It doesn't really state why Yayoi ended up in the slam. Ginoza offered up an explanation to Sasayama later in the episode that some artists end up getting lost in their craft and POOF latent criminal. Sasayama remarks at how unfair the system really is but that is about it. Yayoi seemed obsessed more with Nina than the music. And since Nina wasn't dead or a latent criminal who knows. I guess trying to make sense of this system isn't possible. Everyone's a suspect!
Good job asshole Sasayama.
Can I just say that Sasayama was not really my favorite this episode. I am not sure when he was my favorite but this week he was no bueno. I guess since Shinya talks so highly about him I thought HEY Sasayama must have gotten a raw deal like everyone else and he was a good guy. I am thinking not now. Me thinks he deserved to be a criminal and was probably not a good candidate for Enforcer. Why are you going to wait to blow the hostage away? Your job is protect people! That was just 384 kinds of wrong. Wrong wrong wrong and Shinya should have reported you. So with that info and the fact that Sasayama seemed shocked at why Yayoi was a criminal leads me to think...he was truly a hotheaded baddie. Peace out Sasayama.
Probably not. But now we will never know.
I think if Shinya had left her alone and Yayoi didn't learn the truth about Rina that Yayoi would have left the facility. Perhaps it is because she really didn't commit a crime. She got so consumed in her music in an effort to impress Rina she just needed to...take a rest. So I think she was strong enough to get out or fake the censors into thinking she was well to return to the outside world. Now...I am not sure how long that would have lasted. Yayoi would have found out the truth about Rina eventually and would have been picked up by a scan. I think Yayoi was the kind of person who didn't want to cause waves and believed that one day she could get better. She still had a goal and goals are what keep people from breaking at points.
She isn't even on the force yet and is more useful that Ginoza!
Ginoza has always sucked hasn't he? Couldn't get Yayoi to join, left it up to Shinya, got mad when Shinya did things his own way, and basically did nothing to help with the club falling apart. Like look at me calling for the drones. Give this guy a cookie. But it does seem like he cared for Sasayama know...I guess he wasn't always an asshole. Tomomi was already a criminal so maybe he was only half asshole.
Come with me and be free or go with them and be a captive forever. WHY IS THIS HARD?!
I am confused on why Yayoi didn't go with Rina. She looked up to that girl and was labeled as latent criminal for something minor or nothing at all. Yayoi was probably in love with Rina. And Rina actually explained her points pretty well. It wasn't that Rina wasn't allowed to play music...because that would be a dumb reason to start a rebellion. It was Rina saw how flawed the system was and when Yayoi was arrested it told Rina she needed to stop coasting by and do something.
Listen to me! I am making sense!!!!!
So why did Yayoi shoot at Rina? Shinya basically told her she had a very slim chance to return to society. Rina explained how bad society was. Yayoi seemed like a person who wanted to coast along too and not think too hard. She is not Akane, defender of justice that doesn't exist. I can see Yayoi being shocked at this news and perhaps becoming an Enforcer since she was NEVER going to get out (IE lost her reason to be motivated) but I am not understanding why Yayoi didn't go along with her friend. I am trying to think about it in different angles. Yayoi wanted to protect her friend but pulling the trigger would not have been protection....
Break the cutie into 13985 pieces.
The episode ends with Yayoi losing...something. I wouldn't say faith because again she is not Akane. But she was definitely broken and there might not be any putting her back together again. It made me want to cry when Yayoi left behind the nail polish bottle and all it represented. So...that is why Yayoi became a Enforcer. Because folks. Because life isn't fair.....Maybe I don't want to see Shusei's story now...


eternia said...

Yayoi is a boring character who sits around and does nothing to begin with. Overall, this is a boring episode. I wish they are going to do Kagari's flashback. He's certainly the one I am most interested in, other than the main chars.

Anonymous said...

I actually liked this story; putting it after the last one was a good break in pacing and it also wasn't one of those procedural eps we've been given occasionally with a lot of talking and not too much plot. This was a complete story in one ep. And I liked Yayoi because up til now I've been seeing Sybil as a bad system and here is a character with her faith in Sibyl, not blindly following the rules and going through the motions but actively trying to excel in a system that seems against her. I think that's kind of complex. It would be easy to say, screw you Sibyl! if you're a musician like that Battle of the Planets rocker girl. Yayoi is incarcerated but she still wants to excel not just as a cloudy citizen but as a model Inspector. She asks for her guitar strings each week. She's really determined even though it would be easier to just going against the flow and give up on the strings and the inspector thing and take what they're giving her; her determination aligns her own interest with being a really good citizen but it's in no way an easy goal.


Anonymous said...

(typo, should say "easier to just *go with* the flow")

Christina said...

Eternia- I see Yayoi as the one who keeps her cool no matter what in a group full of crazies. Thus she can come off as a little boring and a bit as eyecandy who does nothing. But I am scared to see how sad Shusei's life was and why he ended up as a latent criminal.

Kate- A lot of things Yayoi did confused me. I understand her wanting to be friends with non sanctioned performers but other than that she seemed on the straight and narrow. If I did my job perfectly and still got punished for it I would lose faith in a system, not embrace it and become its lap dog. She doesn't seem to have strong convictions in regards with Sybil so I don't really see her as being determined....just confused. Or at least I am confused.

Typos are always my friend. Sometimes fun friends.