Sunday, November 21, 2010

To Aru Majutsu No Index Season Two episode 7

What? Tenchi is going out of town AGAIN? Does this girl ever stay home? Obviously not. My plans to earn money for Japan are obviously not working so well. But I has a good reason ya’ll. I am going to visit one of my best friends for Thanksgiving and get some wedding planning done. Exciting times.

Just pray ya’ll that I get chosen to do the regular metal detector and not the Cancer causing scan or the full on assault/molestation pat down.


Are you insane?

But before I leave I decided I would make myself super tired and stay up to blog another episode. Because I barely function on 7 hours sleep let’s see how I can function with less than 5 hours sleep. Spoilers for a short summary and a shorter arc!


Wait are we in this episode?

Episode Summary: Misaka leaves the scene to hunt down Musujime. Kuroko finds her in an old building and proceeds to stab her where Musujime stabbed her earlier. After Kuroko picks on Musujime about teleporting wrong two years ago the two fight. It ends with an entire room of furniture landing on Kuroko. Musujime takes the time to tell the sad story of the Misaka clones and what not. She also explains why she is trying to put together the Tree Diagram again. Either because she wants to see if animals have powers or she thinks that it is unfair she has powers. Something anyway. Kuroko thinks she is full of crap and manages to stand. Only Musujime shoots her and has a mental breakdown. She leaves while trying to level the building. Only the main Misaka clone has contacted Touma who has met up with Misaka to save Kuroko. Yeah. Musujime ends up escaping only to find out her people got taken over by the popo. She tries to think of a plan but the Accelerator appears and kicks her ass all over the damn place. Touma ends up getting slapped at the sight of naked women and Kuroko has a new found respect for Misaka. THE END!

Well then.



Why the well then? Because this arc was so short. Not that this episode was BAD but it did feel a little weak and rushed. I feel as if there was more to say about the whole Musujime issues but everything got handled in two quick episodes. :(

But I am not saying this episode was bad or horrible. Just I thought more could have been done with this arc and the writers cut themselves short by making Musujime a weak girl and making the issue so easy to fix.


Whoa that smirk X_X

I do think that Kuroko was pretty bad ass today. When she was all stabbing Musujime I was like WOOHOO! Usually Kuroko is all official in her Judgment tasks and such. But today she was like REVENGE all over the place and I loved it. Go Kuroko. Until the next time you piss me off.


And they all lived happily ever after THE END!

Musujime telling Kuroko about Misaka and the experiment was kinda weird though. Maybe Kuroko really did understand what she was saying. They do portray these 12 year olds as super smart children who put me to shame. But yeah it was all very bare details and I am not sure why Musujime told her. If only to make Kuroko pissed off and sad that she is not a part of Misaka’s world.


Did I seriously just get saved by Touma?

The battle was pretty awesome too. Some stabbing, some table throwing, and some blood. These little kids are really going all out. XO Also picking up everything in the room and throwing it on Kuroko’s body was slightly overboard. I might have been down for the count if one table landed on me.

But then when Musujime’s real reason for doing all this crazy crap was revealed I was not impressed. Also I was a little confused. Does she want to put back the Diagram Tree to see if animals can have abilities too? Or does she want to get rid of her powers? CONFUSED!


Life is hard when you are kicking so much ass.

Since the animal issue got pushed aside really fast I will focus on her POOR HER bit. Like…you can do all this amazing stuff and I am supposed to feel bad for you? POOR GIRL WITH NO SHIRT! I feel SO BAD you can teleport yourself and objects across space. I mean…what a horrible life she must lead ya’ll. Do you see the tears in my eyes?


I think that only works for Touma...

I like that Kuroko was like….are you crazy bitch? If you don’t like your abilities DON’T USE THEM! If you feel bad for people who don’t have abilities THEN DON’T HURT THEM! If you think having an ability makes things unfair DON’T USE PEOPLE AS HUMAN SHIELDS! Yes Kuroko you made sense today. Congrads. Have a cookie.


You brought a GUN to an ability fight? Lame.

Then Musujime cracks. Like…what was that? She was some awesome person stabbing Kuroko and throwing tables at her and then she nervously uses a gun to blast Kuroko away? Oh yes I feel so bad for her. My tears will drown me in my sleep.


Hi this was boring.

The whole deal with the group of Misaka clones talking to themselves was useless since they did…nothing. Instead of sending out the more important clone who is injured why didn’t someone else get Touma? Useless time I think.

Also I don’t get why Misaka hid in the shadows after Kuroko was rescued. Like don’t you want to hug your friend? Or at least protect Touma in case Kuroko attempts to kick his ass? Craziness I tell you.


That was a super fair fight!

The Accelerator kicking Musujime’s ass was a bit amusing. That and Musujime had lost her mind at this point. Her whole MOG you are too strong AHA you have lost all your powers YOU SUCK thing was amusing. Even though Accelerator got shot in the head it only took him about twenty seconds for him to kick Musujime’s ass. He might not have his A game anymore but with a little practice I think he will be back to his evil self soon.


Hugs? Hugs for all?

The episode ends with some naked girls, Touma being in trouble, and the Accelerator pretending he is not a good person. All and all a good way to end a rather short arc. I wonder what will happen in our next exciting episode ya’ll!


Such romance.


eternia said...

Yes, this arc is way too short!!! And quite pointless! Because it has minor significance to the real story. All they did was stopping a group of 'fools and nobody' who want to use Tree Diagram's remains for their own desire.
All of us know that the main story of this anime is the power struggle between Academy City and those crazy Christian sects, who claimed to be God's believers yet they are doing all sort of crimes.
Oh well, at least I get to see Accelerator kicks ass. Oh! I love that smug face, that crazy grin, that silver hair and weird fashion sense.
Too bad we will have to wait in order to see him again, as the next arc is the sports festival.

Christina said...

Eternia- I am glad someone else thinks this arc was too short as well! Unless after the festival arc we go back to Accelerator and Misaka I will be disappointed because the opening theme was really misleading.

But yeah this arc had so much more potential. Not that it sucked, just could have been way better.

But I might not hate Kuroko as much anymore and that makes me slightly sad. :(

Unknown said...

I still think Accelerator is the strongest in Academy City, no matter what anyone else says.

He defeated someone in 20 seconds, what the 3rd Strongest had been having fights with for ages! He owns.

Christina said...

Samuel- I think he is the strongest too. But where as his power level was at 9000 now it is at 5000 and Misaka's is at 4000. Thus he thinks he is having a bad day.

eternia said...

He is the strongest Level 5 student in academy city, but not necessary the strongest resident. He's got beaten by Touma after all. :-P
Also, do you remember the upside-down guy in the test tube? The general director of the academy city? I believe he's the strongest psychic in this series. But we can't say for sure until more story of him is revealed...

Christina said...

Eternia- Late comment is super late. And yeah I think it is safe at this point to give Touma to honorary title of strongest in the city merely because he can stop any power. XD But Accelerator still has it going on.

And creepy upside down is really creepy. :( He can stay in the shadows.