Sunday, February 13, 2011

To Aru Majutsu No Index Season Two Episode 18

Like seriously people. I have had a migraine every night for the past week. Can the pain please stop so I can see out of my right eye again? Although I guess I should be grateful it doesn’t affect me when I am driving around at work? In any event if you know a sure all for BRAIN SPLITTIN MIGRAINES please let me know. It would be much appreciated.

Also I am still in mourning over XXXholic THE LAST CHAPTER. Tis a sad day in the house of Tenchi.


Don't give people headaches!!!

But I must blog. Because that is how I spend my time watching Sci-Fi movies. That and my Sci-Fi movie friend seems to be asleep or something. So onwards to To Aru Majutsu no Index episode 18. Spoilers for random scene that make no sense and boys acting silly.


Misaka better be careful. Touma has a massive harem under his belt. You can be replaced just like THAT.

Episode Summary: In England Laura is trying to take a bath. Only Stiyl interrupts her by demanding what the hell is up with this certain piece of paper. Laura decides not to answer the question and pose sexy in her wet clothes. Elsewhere overseas Sherry is living with all the nuns and Kaori. All of who can’t operate a washing machine. In the process of trying to learn how to push buttons Kaori ends up nearly naked and the other girls in their underwear. Touma is waiting on a bench while Misaka and Kuroko go get the phone/straps. Sister Misaka number 48397583947594395935 comes up and starts talking to Touma about her missing headgear. Touma then thinks that the Sisters need to wear something so he can identify who is who. Sister Misaka automatically thinks of the ring conversation and shows sign of excitement. Misaka Misaka leaves a message for Aiho on the phone which enrages Accelerator. But he and Aiho go out to find her silly butt anyway.


See?! His harem has over 10k members!

After buying Sister Misaka a necklace they get animal doughnuts that Sister Misaka thinks are alive. Misaka shows up all jealous and Sister Misaka proceeds to flirt with Touma in front of her. This makes Misaka so happy inside. But when Misaka Misaka shows up with the missing goggles Sister Misaka runs after her. Aiho manages to track Misaka Misaka to the shopping mall and instructs Accelerator to go that way. She also talks to him about his life in that crazy testing facility and how he feels guilty about killing the sisters and how really he is nice deep down. Then there is one brief second of that big boobed girl walking through the city. Touma has lost Misaka but has gain a Misaka Misaka. He helps her fix the stolen goggles and generally has a silly time with her. She does thank him for helping out during her ordeals awhile ago. Elsewhere Accelerator finds Index flopped on the ground starving. He takes her to get some lunch and she tags along looking for Touma. She declares him a good guy because she is crazy. Misaka Misaka spots Accelerator and runs off to him but not before telling Touma that the person she is trying to protect is really a good guy. Index sees Touma and runs off to him. It is a magical moment of chibi children being returned to their crazy care takers. THE END!

Oh yes. This was more crack. Forgive me if I am not over the loss of XXXholic and how CLAMP hates me soul. Well a lot of people’s souls it turns out. But it still burns folks. Forgive me if I am weirder than usual.


Hyoka's scene was so important I forgot to take a picture of it. So...has a naked girl instead.

What is the girl with the big boobies name again? Hyoka? Yeah. That was a useless scene if I ever saw one. If she is going to be important to the plot give me more than 30 seconds of her being sad because people think she is a hologram. It really, really seems like they are cramming as many scenes now as possible to get them “covered”. Make it flow a little smoother folks and I can better enjoy the crazy.


This was totally necessary. Completely necessary.

Another weird scene was the whole sisters (nun sisters), Kaori, and Sherry bit. Like….are they even going to have anything to do with this new plot? I can see Hyoka having something to do with the plot because she is THERE in the city. But all those other peoples are overseas being naked with a washing machine. More like a follow up on their lives even though it was just a blatant excuse for boobie time? Probably. And I thought Kaori was smart enough to operate a washing machine.


Paper? What paper?!

I am going to assume the paper Stiyl had in his hands is the one about Touma being a threat to the church. But what does Laura have to do with it? Creepy girl was the one behind it so how was Laura and her bath time responsible? But I guess Stiyl was brave for pushing her around since she has some power in the church.



Touma’s interaction with Sister Misaka was special. It was nice to see her…being a normal girl. Which is probably hard to do when you are basically a robot clone that has 10,000 more just like her. But trying she is crazy talk and all. She wants Touma to give her a ring HOW ROMANTIC. XD And then she was giving it to Misaka. Like oh you are not being honest with Touma WELL I WILL JUST TAKE HIM. It was amusing to watch.


Ah such healthy anger management.

I am glad that Misaka got her frog keychains. But I am not sure why she didn’t make Touma go through with the date. Like after Sister Misaka and Misaka Misaka ran off why didn’t she take Touma around like she planned? How can she blame Touma for that when she is the one who took off TWICE? Crazy person. Of course she is probably embarrassed that Sister Misaka was right about hiding her feelings and wanted an excuse to get away anyway. Crazy people.

I WANT SOME ANIMAL DOUGHNUTS! Like give them to me they are so cute! I won’t cry over their lost lives like some crazy people. But they are adorable.


Well I will accept the food in her place Touma!

Touma helping out Misaka Misaka was cute. Also I am glad she thanked him for the events in Season One. Although it has only been a few months to them….Still it is nice to see someone talking to Touma that is a female and doesn’t have the hots for him. And it just goes to show you that Touma is a great guy even though he is always complaining his life is so unfortunate.


Witness the growth.

Accelerator also had some growth this week. Aiho was trying to be all motherly on him and Accelerator was being the pig headed teenager. I mean I think Aiho should have waited at least 24 hours before trying to unleash the truth on him. But yeah he needed to hear some things and it was nice to know more of his past. It is easy to see him as a serial murderer. Well he IS but once again the adults in the City are the ones who caused it. Really creepy if you think about it. But yes I am glad we know more about him and that he has a nice hiding underneath that bug eyed surface.


Wait you are under the impression that I care about what you are saying? So confused.

But Accelerator helping Index was just weird. I can see why he wants to help Misaka Misaka out because of his guilt. But he doesn’t know Index from a hole in the wall (I thought he did but obviously he doesn’t). I mean…..I think I am a LOVELY person and I wouldn’t buy some random crazy person a meal on the street. Dude and where are these kids getting all this spending money from? I didn’t have this kind of money when I was a teenager.


It's been HOURS since I've seen you!!!!!

But I guess Accelerator had to meet with Index to the girls could do that dramatic passing each other thing. Like returning the chibi to the rightful owner type of deal. Showing that the boys aren’t that different after all. Everyone say AWW the boys are taking care of tiny crazy girls and suffer for it.

Next time it looks like a bit of ass kicking is going to take place. XO And this time it’s Accelerator getting his ass kicked. This could be interesting folks.


Reinhart said...
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Christina said...



eternia said...

Lol XD
That letter is not about Touma, as I recall, Styl was complaining something like "Why was I assigned to take care of that woman?"
As usual, the anime takes more priority on the fan service...

Christina said...

Eternia- Well that is slightly disappointing then. :( Because you know how the 5 naked girls in the apartment wasn't enough fan service...

eternia said...

Yup, instead of showing what's Styl complaining about, they prioritize on showing Laura's wet body. Also, as much as I can remember, the only one who goes naked is only Kanzaki.

Christina said...

Eternia- At least in episode 19 no one was naked. XD Just getting their butt kicked.