Sunday, December 20, 2009

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 12

Merry Christmas to me! Saten has woken up! Oh and also my blog is full of spoilers. :(

But I seriously do feel bad about talking about how slow this series was in the beginning. It was but now it has significantly improved. That might all be changing soon now that the “plot” has ended and a new enemy must be established. But at this very moment I am happy.


Weird things in a series that has people with abilities? SAY IT AIN'T SO!!!

Proceed to read more spoilers and yayness from me about this episode. And don’t be like me and FREAK out when you see the credits rolling. The series is not ending yet. XD


And the scary fetus monster was here all along. Truly I miss the tiny details.

I would like to start off by saying how incredible slow/special I am. I was going on and on about how scary fetus monster was last week…and it was in the opening song. In my defense I usually fast forward the song or just listen to the music and not watch the screen. I like to multitask that way. So until today when I was fast forwarding the song again and it stopped on scary fetus. So I could have been scared all along! Yeah I am special.

But then again I kinda liked being surprised. If you watch the opening theme song and the one from To Aru Majutsu no Index a lot of the plot is given away. Harumi is walking around looking suspicious. Misaka blasting away the fetus baby. To Aru Majutsu no Index showed every single bad guy I believe. So while the songs from both series are awesome the openings spoil a lot for the viewer. XD Maybe for this next plot line I will not watch ANY of the opening so I can be 100 percent surprised.


AIM fields are beautiful. So very lovely.

Now on to the fetus baby who apparently thought he was from Akira. It was gross. And I wanted to stab it. I am 90 percent sure I understand that the heck it was supposed to be which makes me happy. Usually most of the terminology goes over my head and down the hall. Sometimes it ends up in my driveway and it becomes road kill by my own car. But giant fetus baby was the result of all the 10,000 Level Uppers sad thoughts and energy all being pulled together. Bitter thoughts are very scary. It makes me want to give everyone hugs when I see them because who knows when they will go insane on me next!


I'm useless and I can't get up!

Uiharu was so useless in this episode. So very useless. I know I go on and on about Kuroko but at least she has a power. And she wasn’t really in this episode. But Uiharu had to be all hero like and run down there with Misaka and Harumi when she really wasn’t needed. She was more a danger to Misaka who had to watch over her useless self. One might argue she came in at the end and saved the day (which several people congratulated her on) but did she really do that much? She uploaded a song. I am sure AntiSkill is educated enough to upload a song. I could probably upload a song.


Clicking three buttons is HARD!

And I KNOW Misaka could have jogged the memory stick up to the AntiSkills people BECAUSE SHE WAS TALKING TO THEM! She ran up the stairs and Ms. Glasses wearing lady was like MOG civilian is here. So Misaka could have run up there, give them the memory stick, and fought the fetus monster while THEY downloaded the song. But no, it had to be all dramatic with Uiharu nearly getting her legs blown off on stairs and her sweating it out downloading the song. All so when Saten sees her it was like Uiharu did that all to save her. Not buying it. USE YOUR POWER UIHARU!


Before or after they kill you for knowing too much?

Harumi was pretty much a second thought this week which is understandable. She had her moment last week. I did think she was going to be more pivotal in saving the day but alas she wasn’t. She sorta had a woe is me and life is horrible moment which again is also understandable. She has been through a lot and she thinks all these terrible things are her fault. Which…they might be in the case of the Level Uppers being unconscious but she really shouldn’t blame herself for the unconscious little kids. She tried to give Misaka some helpful information which was more common sense than super secret stuff. Misaka blasted the monster, it grew. Misaka uses super
power to melt the monster, doesn’t die. She then blasts it to pieces so the core thing is destroyed. She would have gotten to it eventually so Harumi wasn’t really important. She didn’t have to die because SHE was the core so…bleh.


Surprise Harumi! Misaka is awesome. Sorry you didn't get the memo.

But I am surprised she ended up getting arrested. I thought maybe she would slip away or Misaka would make it so that Harumi could get away so she could continue to save those kids. But since Harumi just mentioned last episode that the people in charge of Academy City were the ones being shady it shouldn’t be unexpected. They don’t want any more people knowing that they suck at life. That and Harumi did make 10,000 kids lose consciousness. She might have deserved to get arrested. But the way the villain turned hero plot is supposed to work is that we feel sorry for the former villain if the plot goes the right way. It did and I do feel bad. I am just glad she still has hope in her heart and dedication that she can save those kids.


Saving your ass? You're welcome?

Misaka kicked butt this week. Misaka always kicked butt so that is not much of a surprise. I always laugh when people don’t know who Misaka is. Silly Ms. Glasses wearing lady she is the legendary Level 5 Railgun! How do you people get position of power and not know these things?! Also Ms. Glasses wearing lady you were kinda sucking today. If I was about to be attacked by a fetus with backward arms I would let ANYONE save me. I wouldn’t care if they were a civilian SAVE ME PLEASE!


Sorry for...what?

I felt a little bad for Misaka when she had to hear all those sad thoughts from the Level Upper users. She thinks that the ability users in the city (see most of the city) are at fault for never considering the non ability users. I am sure there were/are ability users that picked on the weak people but that happens EVERYWHERE. And it would be basically the same thing, saying that all ability users are bad and flaunt their powers. They are just being who they are just like the non ability users. But besides that all Misaka was never one to flaunt her power. She (with the exception of Touma) treats everyone with respect no matter who they are. So when she was all :( is this my fault for being so awesome I was like err…none of this is your fault. You are who you are and you can’t change that. I guess that is a sign of kindness though in some random way.


Hugs for all!

Saten didn’t get much air time today which made me sad. :( I love you my little forgotten Saten. I thought she was going to have more of a closing thought on this entire situation but I suppose the conversation with Uiharu two episodes ago explained her feelings/reasoning on the situation. Maybe nothing was needed to say. I just wanted her to have a more active role. Maybe a little bit of sadness because she no longer has her new power? That she “caused” her other three friends to become unconscious? But I supposeeeeeeeeeee that she already went through all that jazz on the phone. I still love Saten though.


Time to be step and look shady for the next 12 episodes!

There was a TINY bit of next enemy hint with some random woman walking through the wreck site. One would assume that Misaka is going to stick to her word and find out more about what the city’s officials are keeping from her. Of course….aren’t they the ones who do the 20,000 sisters craziness? But being left in the dark is fine. XD



So this episode ends similar how the series started. Misaka is yelling at Kuroko. There is a bit of Uiharu’s underwear being exposed to the world. The entire city is protected by a 13 year old. But the girls have been through a lot these last 12 episodes and they have grown as people (hopefully). I am glad that the girls don’t blame Saten or hold any resentment towards her. XD All four girls can face the next 12 episodes as great friends ready to fight another crazy adult who is a bit insane. Yay for friendship! And hopes that the next plot is just as interesting!


Blacksun88 said...

I would say Mikoto pwanage was pretty bad ass, and I must applause her for thinking from the stand of those suffering lower level espers. this is the truth of hierachy system, only few like mikoto will treat everyone with respects. most will abuse their power. this is truth of reality. for something less serious, the english version of the ending is well placed too

Christina said...

Blacksun88- It is a pretty messed up society. Even if you have powers you can still be a nobody at level 1. X_X Such pressure.