Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Dear FanBoys: You suck Love Tenchi

Okay maybe not ALL OF YOU. That is like saying all yaoi fangirls suck when in reality there are some normal ones out there.

But for a great many of you...you really play up the stereotype that anime is for losers that will never get laid.

Now this might not be the WORST fanboy post on the internet but it had me -_- for quite a while. And perhaps it is not the post itself that makes me mad but moreso the comments.

I guess I will start with the fact that real life girls are compared to anime characters. I think comparing "stars" to everyday people is a bit much but still slightly realistic as we are all humans. Drawings are not humans. Anime characters often do not have acne, hair besides on their head, fat, or anything else we might consider imperfections. Completely unrealistic and I thought most people knew that. But apparently not. Some of these commentators rather "do" these hot 2-d girls than real life girls.

They just say that because real life girls turn them down and they can still dream with 2-d girls but I digress.

Next up is the fact they are comparing real girls to the girls on To Aru Kagaku no Railgun. Now I love that show and those girls (except Kuroko) but no. Just no. I know that many animes plays up the tiny girls route but To Aru Kagaku no Railgun makes the girls really small. Kinda like if Barbie were a real girl she die/fall over. Just no.

I am just going to ignore the fact that some of the "men" on that site rather "plow" the To Aru Kagaku no Railgun verses high school girls. Not that it's any better but at least I can pretend the girls in that picture are 17/18. The girls in To Aru Kagaku no Railgun are 12. -_-

Putting that aside these..idiots are comparing junior high kids to high school girls. A lot of real life junior high girls are stick thing. They haven't entered puberty yet and are flat all over and lack curves. Once you reach high school you start filling out naturally even if you have been a thinner girl all your life.

Which leads me to my next point. NONE OF THE GIRLS IN THAT PICTURE ARE FAT! NONE OF THEM! Of course it wouldn't really be nice taking a random pic of people without their permission and calling them fat ANYWAY but none of them are fat! WTF is up with all that cankle shit? I see a bunch of really healthy girls who have MUSCLE! Are some of the commentators so far gone into anime land they think thin is fat?!

And WTF is up with this comment?

"There is no excuse for anyone to be anything but thin. Unless like, you know, you don't mind being that way. Applies across genders."

I am getting enraged again. I waited a little while to post this because my first draft was WTFDIEINAFIREIHATEMENRARWRARWRARW. I figured that would make a sucky post. But I am starting to feel that way again so I shall take myself to dream land now.

I will rest easier knowing that all the girls in that picture wouldn't touch those boys with a ten foot pole.

Oh and Happy 25 days til Christmas.

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