Thursday, December 3, 2009

Kobato Episode 7

It's 22 days until Christmas! Hang the lights, trim the tree, and settle by the roaring computer for another cute episode of Kobato.


I think Kobato would like living in a box.....

Or you could be like our main character and settle in a box. That works too.

You know the drill. Be prepared for some Tenchi commentary and a screen full of cuteness.

This episode was rather special for me. The topic of the little kitty took only one or two manga chapters so them making an entire episode out of this tiny plot point was a bit X_X. Especially since I really can’t remember what happened to the cat. Let me go back over my manga reviews for Kobato and see if I even mentioned the cat.

Okay I do slightly remember the resolution to the great kitten drama 2009. And I do think it only took one chapter. The plot of the anime doesn’t follow the manga at all except the fact that Fujimoto was a douche bag. In the manga he comes across as a bigger douche because he is not the one who saves the day and Kobato doesn’t have to thank him in the end.

So this episode was highly dramatic about a relatively small issue. I was going to make fun of the MOG over the topness but then I remembered that I get all sad and weepy when I see homeless kittens (and really when I see road kill). So while I might not agree with the SADNESS at the end of the episode but I do know how easy it is to get attached to furry creatures.


Save the kittens!

People who abandon animals are assholes. There are times where I contemplate throwing my cat out on the streets (he POOPED on my Hello Kitty stockings. POOPED. ON MY HELLO KITTY STOCKINGS). But I wouldn’t. I know that even if you leave your cat at a shelter chances are it might never find another home and will face the end of a needle instead. SO I will take my dumb cat with all his pooping and puking and evil demonness and suck it up. This is what most pet owners should do. Sure life situations change but you lose all sympathy points when you leave a poor defenseless kitten alone in a box to DIE! Assholes.

So Kobato finds a kitten. And she does the clueless heroine thing and takes it home with her (which…I have also done….) despite the fact she doesn’t know how to take care of a pet. She had no FOOD in her room at all. NO FOOD PEOPLE! NO FOOD! Also she is always wearing a hat. AND NO FOOD. Okay moving on.


We totally didn't see that coming right?

It’s good that Chise and Chiho know that animals need food. Not a liter box mind you but food. Of course it would be too simple if the twins were allowed to keep the cat. No no that would be way too easy. We need the plot move along and have some rule that Chitose doesn’t allow pets on the property. It kinda annoys me that all three girls share a similar name. Maybe annoy is a strong word. Perhaps a better word is creepy.


Hello Mr. Attitude Problem.

So anyway Fujimoto had to poo all over Kobato for finding the cat. He didn’t even know her intentions and he had to be so rude to her. We can’t all be like Fujimoto and walk by sad little kittens and not feel anything. We have HEARTS. I understand what he was trying to say but there are kinder ways to say it and without implying Kobato is a complete loser who would end up hurting the cat.

What I am trying to say about Fujimoto is that had Kobato been neglecting the cat and she hadn’t tried to find it a home after a certain amount of time THEN he could yell at her. He could then bring up the fact that Kobato doesn’t follow through on things and that she is a flake and blah blah. But not on day one, hour one of having the cat. Give her a chance to fail okay!

Which we know Kobato won’t. And deep down I think Fujimoto knows that too. Well not about the failing part. Kobato does lack common and sense but no one can argue about how she tries her hardest and puts her whole heart into things. That is why things work out for her (magically) because people see her and want to help her out. That and kittens are awesome.


Why are you putting the kids first?!

I kinda sensed that things weren’t going to work out with the nursery and the kitten. Kinda glad too. I mean kids should learn at a young age that they should be gentle with pets and blah blah but they should learn on a less…..unpredictable animal? A less attention needing animal? OKAY I HATE KIDS!


Someone adopt me please!

I would mock Kobato walking around trying to find a home for the kitten but it worked in the manga….so…yeah. It would have been funny if Kobato got sprayed with a hose but you know. Can’t have everything.


Ioryogi is tasty NOM!

WHY! Why was Fujimoto the one to find a house for the kitten? WHY WHY WHY?! Kobato was doing an okay job on her own. That and Chitose was going to let her keep the kitten anyway. A kitten that would nom nom nom on Ioryogi all the time. What a joyous day that would be. But Fujimoto found the old lady with the infant grandson and off they went into the night with a kitten. Which breaks like 768269 real infant rules but that’s not the point. Milk now has a home rejoice!


You are supposed to be a fortune teller!

Anyone else finding it weird that the elderly woman is taking on a completely different role in the anime from the manga? I am. I miss that XXXholic connection. :(


A song heals all wounds.

As I said earlier the whole Chiho and Chise boo hooing scene at the end was bit much. They really took the sadness to a whole different level but they are young. Being dramatic is what they do. That and the writers realize that Kobato needs to fill that bottle up so Kobato needed to heal some hearts. Not quite I had in mind when I think of healing hearts but it works. I guess. It has to.

Okay it was just an excuse for Kobato to sing again okay?!


What exactly is that face....?

Does anyone else think Takashi has a crush on Kobato? Or at the very least is confused about her relationship with Fujimoto? I am all up for a love triangle though. Love triangles tend to make asshole guys less of an asshole so BRING IT ON.


....Wonderful pairing. Wonderful.

And Fujimoto’s acceptance of Kobato’s thanks was awesome. And by awesome I mean he is an asshole. Thanks for slamming the door on Kobato.

So…yeah. A very fluffy episode. Bu fluffy is cute every once and a while. I think
they should mention OTHER PLOT POINTS before they bring up slightly unimportant kittens but it was still cute. Kittens are always cute.

1 comment:

Jose F. Romero T. said...

the tittle is wrong it shold say episode 8 i think.

anyway, good review