Wednesday, July 21, 2010

K-On!! Season Two Episode 16

Wednesday is the start of my work week so that is generally BOO. But K-On!! is there to balance out the boo most of the time so YAY? However Wednesday is now turning into my grocery shopping day which is X_X. I have no problem dropping 40-50 bucks on one tiny figurine but when it comes to food/household stuff….I just wished my dollar last longer. Being an adult can suck sometimes people. Yeah I rather buy some new mangas but the cats need to eat and the laundry needs to be washed. Just slightly depressing to spend ¼ of my paycheck and my cart is practically empty.


Losing your mind is half the fun!

But enough about that. K-On!! is about the time in a young girl’s life where she can eat fancy snacks everyday and not worry about footing the bill. A time when you can stay after school with your friends and goof around. Oh and a time to go to your friends house and see their dad’s underwear. Not there dad mind you because this is an anime. But his underwear.

Beware of lots of Azusa and cute amounts of Mugi. Your mind might not be able to handle the cuteness.


XO We were caught having fun!

Episode Summary: Our favorite Light Music Club members are doing what they do best: eat desserts. There is an extra one as Sawako isn’t going to make it today. The seniors insist that Azusa have the extra piece but she protests. Yui gets a sticker stuck in her hair and Jun happens to walk in amidst the CHAOS. During lunch one day Jun wants Azusa to describe that they do over in Light Music Club land so she can make her decision on which club to be in. Azusa stretches the truth and feels slightly guilty. She decides that today IS THE DAY that they will buckle down and practice. Only she gets to the club room and everyone is gone. Except a sleeping Mugi who is hiding in the corner. She was going to scare people but she fell asleep. Sad Mugi is sad. After some weirdness Mugi decides she wants to learn to play the guitar. Azusa helps her out and off Mugi goes into cute land. Azusa is happy that she got to spend some quality time alone with Mugi but she realizes that no practicing got done. But Mugi wrote a song so it’s all good people! Jun and Ui think all of this sounds cute but Azusa resolves to practice today. Only Mio is the only member there, restringing her guitar. Azusa starts having fun bonding with Mio but then realizes they need to practice. Mugi, Yui, and Ritsu run in from whatever they were doing and Ritsu begs for Mio’s help. She needs to make a skirt for home ec and apparently Ritsu sucks at sewing.


He is either thinking YES BOOBIES or BOO COOTIES. Hard to tell at that age.

Much to Azusa’s disappointment they all trek to Ritsu’s house so Mio can make the skirt. There are shenanigans with younger brothers and stickers. Since Ritsu didn’t help sew she made dinner for everyone because apparently she rocks. Azusa sees male underwear and nearly dies. Jun and Ui are jealous that Azusa got to have so much fun. Azusa is like OH CRAP we really need to practice today. Only she gets to the club room and only Yui is there. Yui actually wants to practice but they have to clean the turtle tank because it was looking pretty bad. After the turtle tank cleaning thing Azusa helps Yui read Mugi’s new song thing. Azusa starts getting a little sad, thinking she isn’t being her true self (bossy, strict, blah). Yui smiles and says Azusa is always Azusa no matter what. It is a touching moment and we see the other clubs having fun and bonding. Azusa goes MAN no practicing happened again. But a random student finds Azusa’s keychain (the souvenir from the girl’s senior trip) only because of Yui and her silly stickers. The girls then bond over treats and Azusa gets the extra one. AW. But then Azusa embarrasses herself in front of the entire class because of the Light Music Club’s “bad” influence. THE END!


Have more faith in yourself!!!

XO An Azusa centric episode that was good?! XO I am shocked and amazed. Of course the other girls were there and it wasn’t all about Jun and Ui….STILL PEOPLE! Yay for Azusa. Plus she had fun! Pick me off the floor people.


Keep on dreaming my silly.

Now Azusa didn’t go into this episode trying to have fun. She was actually trying to be the anti fun. But in her defense this group does have a lot of free/fun time. I know that we want it always to be cupcakes and tea time in the Light Music Club but sadly one day they might actually have to play music and be productive. So while Azusa has been known to be a little fun police…it is time that she is one.


Poor Mugi :( Do not disappoint her!

Of course the best thing about this episode was MUGI! XD She got the most alone time with Azusa AND she wrote a song people. So despite all this non practicing stuff Mugi was actually on task people. And her happy personality stole the show. See producers/writers, see how awesome your episodes can be if you add in 25 percent more Mugi?


You can do it!!!!

What was my favorite Mugi moment though….that might be hard to pick just one. The idea of her hiding, waiting for the others to scare them was too awesome for words. But then she made that cute face when she was trying to play the guitar. Maybe Mugi was made to look even cuter this episode because Azusa was commenting on the cuteness.



Now that I think about it…almost everyone was on task today. Azusa just wanted to do one specific task but they couldn’t. Mugi was trying to get into music, Mio had to change her strings on her guitar, and the turtle tank needed to be cleaned. So it wasn’t all cupcake eating time Azusa! Work got done. It’s like me saying okay so the dishes didn’t get done AGAIN but look I vacuumed the floor!


You so crazy.

Mio’s interaction wasn’t as amazing as Mugi’s as Mugi is too awesome for words and we already know that Azusa really looks up to Mio. But I do like that she corrected Azusa. We are the Light Music Club. We just like cake too.


Come back to me when that is ALL you see on your friend's dad.

Ritsu didn’t really have a lot of interaction with Azusa. She was too busy in the kitchen making me some ice cream. But I do feel her on the skirt thing. I can’t sew either. This is the year 2010. Go buy a skirt! But I do like that Ritsu made the group dinner as a way to say thank you and bond. Also underwear is serious business.


Don't let me die!

I think Yui’s interaction with Azusa was the most important out of the group (yes, including Mugi’s). Azusa wanted to practice her guitar but Yui points out that their turtle friend needs clean water to live in. So while it looks like Yui is slacking off on her responsibilities she is actually being super responsible. Playing your guitar is actually a fun activity (despite how serious they take it) so work comes before fun my little Azusa.


Here have a sticker, it is more natural.

Yui being responsible is weird for me too people but go with it okay?


See Azusa. You can be playful and serious! Embrace yourself!

Yui also then tells Azusa that everything she does is Azusa. That she doesn’t have to act a certain way to be true to herself. The fact that Azusa is doing something makes it Azusa. I like that way of thinking. I don’t think you should box yourself into title or limit yourself because of one aspect of yourself. Well within limits obviously. But it was nice that Azusa got to hear Yui’s opinion on the matter. Maybe now she can focus on doing what she wants to do instead of trying to do what she thinks she should do.


Just drop out of school now Azusa. There is no hope for you now.

Jun and Ui were like window dressing for this episode. They were there to make Azusa feel guilty about having fun. They were there to say wow that does sound like fun and try to talk some sense into Azusa. Also they were there to witness Azusa talking about cat ears and making a fool out of herself. XD


Please go on more about Mugi.

So in conclusion….Mugi is still awesome. But now we have seen more of an awesome side to Azusa. Maybe she will kick back and have fun now. Or maybe she will always be the serious one of the bunch. But at least now she is more understood.


Stickers can save the day!

Unlike stickers! Seriously people. Stickers are awesome.


The excitement was too much for Mugi.


blindability said...

More Mugi Yay! And her cuteness was overwhelming this episode around. I can't wait to hear all these new songs she's written and hopefully, we'll get to hear her solo vocal debut!

I guess Azusa IS a good character, though it's taken quite a while to get an Azu-nyan Episode done RIGHT. It was nice to see her spend a little one-on-one time with Mugi, Mio, and Yui respectively (okay not Yui since they have so much interaction as is). It would be nice to see the girls spend time with each other individually than always in a large group setting because you experience a different dynamic when it's one-on-one.

...And hopefully that one-on-one time will be spent with Mugi!

Christina said...

blindability- I just love that Mugi got so much attention this episode. It's almost like all the K-On girls recognize that Mugi is the best member too! So why can't the writers give everyone what they want which is Mugi!?

It did take quite a while to get a good Azusa episode. Which is rather sad but what can ya do? Also it was more of Azusa interacting with all the senior girls that carried the episode not Azusa herself. But at least we know now that Ui and Jun really are better as window dressing and not major plot carriers.

But I do think that Azusa got to know more about the other members and herself. I am sure she will still be hard core PRACTICE NOW OR ELSE but hopefully she can have fun too. Hopefully.

But yeah more Mugi. Hunting down a Mugi nendoroid at an anime convention is my number one goal XD

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