Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hakuouki Shinsengumi Kitan episode 11: Droppin like zombies

X_X Also a bit of @_@


Oh okay crazy person.

I had planned on finishing up the series all in one swoop. That and it was only two episodes so it wasn’t like I was dramatically behind (like I am with other series). But then I watched the episode and my mind exploded and blogging two episodes at once was no longer possible.

This post contains a lot of WTF, screenies, and confusion. The confusion being I no longer care about who is fighting who. So if you know what is going on…that is amazing. XD But from here on out everyone is a Baddie. XD Enjoy.


As they wait patiently to attack...

Episode Summary: Heisuke goes flying through the air and makes an impressive splat on the ground. Chizuru is busy screaming her head off while Sanosuke and Shinpachi try to hold off the baddies. Suddenly Saito arrives because he is AWESOME and the group manages to escape. After the fact Okita is seen coughing up blood and being sad. Chizuru is seen tending to an injuried Heisuke and we learn that Heisuke took the medicine and has been turned into a zombie. Some people are pissed about this but the alternative might have been death. Then there is some historical crap about the troops and war and junk. Chizuru is at the well because that is what she does people, clean tea cups, and Heisuke comes out to visit her. He apparently is all better and is fine with being a zombie. Until Chizuru cuts herself like 5 seconds later and he goes postal. Sannan comes outside to be an asshole but gives Heisuke medicine to calm his bloodlust. But it shall return so things are not happy. Sannan says a few more asshole things and leaves. Okita is busy hacking away and Kondou visits him and things get slightly friendly. Toshizo also walks by so people know he cares.



Osen and Kimigiku come to headquarters because they still want Chizuru. But now they want the Oni army too. Chizuru starts to waver but Toshizo is like NO my woman and they bounce. But the women warn the Oni Army might become too much for the Shinsengumi to handle. Oh and they also sing the Chizuru and Toshizo kissing in a tree song. On a mission to somewhere important Kondou is shot. Yamazaki appears out of nowhere to extract the bullet but things are still grim. Okita hears that Kondou was injuried and watches the operation. He crawls back to his room and wants to get revenge for Kondou. So he takes the medicine and TADA instant zombie. He runs out because some random person/group are shooting up in the air. Chizuru and Heisuke run after him but Sannan stays behind because he is an asshole (also he is killing innocent people and eating them XO). Okita finds the people who he thinks injuried Kondou and kills them all. Then Kaoru appears out of nowhere. TADA she is a boy and is pissed that he isn’t an important Oni because he has no uterus and his life sucks and he wants Chizuru to suffer. Also Kaoru is the reason Kondou got shot. Okita tries killing him but he has to protect Heisuke and Chizuru who took 4697 years to catch up. Also Okita learns that zombie medicine can’t heal TB. He gets shot twice with silver bullets and doesn’t heal despite being an Oni. Things are serious business and Kondou and Okita are taken to a real doctor. THE END!


Next season everyone will be a zombie woohoo!

Well our Oni Army got a real increase in numbers today. Or rather an increase in important members. Before it was just Sannan and his emo self with some red shirt nobodies. But now we got some fan favorites in this Oni Army and that is a bit much to handle. Let’s start with Heisuke though as his case isn’t as tragic.


I'm totally fine for real guys!

Heisuke nearly died from his encounter with Amagiri. Amagiri gets on my nerves because he acts like he is so noble when he is throwing people around. Sorry you are still a bad guy. But Heisuke nearly dies or would be unable to fight so he decides to become a zombie too. If he took the medicine because he was going to die I support it. But if it’s because he wanted to still kick butt then I roll my eyes. However since Heisuke wasn’t seen having an emo attack(coughSannancough) I would like to think it was a life and death matter. Does Heisuke deserve it? Well I am still mad that he ran off and left the Shinsengumi but I don’t want him to DIE. So it is hard to say.


The white hair creeps me out.

However it was the most dramatic thing in the world that Chizuru got cut five minutes after Heisuke got turned into a zombie. I can handle being a zombie MOG BLOOD. It was magical. But I guess my favorite part was when Sannan and his emo self magically appeared and taunted Heisuke before he took pity on him. Why they thanked him is beyond me. Also there are safe ways of getting blood into our zombie friends. Also feedings can lead to yaoi relationships so I approve. But Heisuke has to prove something I guess and rather go insane than nom some blood.


You have to live!!!

Okita becoming a zombie was sad but expected. The alternative was death so you know. Of course I rather him want to live and not want revenge for his newest best friend but alive is alive right? Only Okita was kinda dumb and took medicine from Kaoru who has proven to be a sneaky person before so you know…I guess Okita was trying to be strong with his death and felt too proud to ask for the medicine. After all he doesn’t want to be like Sannan.


And he's still screwed -__-.

But it turns out that the medicine might not be a cure all. That or Kaoru is a liar which wouldn’t shock me. So now my precious Okita (who at this point is the best love interest Chizuru has) is a zombie who is dying and has been shot by silver bullets. He was a bit special in not telling his comrades that OH HI Chizuru has a crazy demon twin who wants us DEAD but I will chalk that up to Okita being in love and trying to spare Chizuru. Because I make excuses for my favorites.


Saito is never late! XO Always right on time.

Saito is alive all is still well people. I’m not sure why Kaoru thinks Okita is the best swordsmen in the group. Clearly that is Saito and no I am not saying that because Saito is the best person on the show. I am saying that because he is constantly staying behind to be outnumbered and he comes out on top…and doesn’t get injuried. Then he shows up to bail his friends out and he takes those men all on too. So Saito is amazing. Sorry he’s late.


Is this a magical guess or something?!

Kimigiku and Osen showed up because they can. It has been two minutes since someone talked about Chizuru so they had to. I am not sure why they thought it was the best time to come. Maybe they got a look at the new Oni Army and decided they wanted some hotties. Can’t say I blame them. XD But Toshizo has decided to wake up and start paying attention to Chizuru because oh snap other people want her too. I was really eye rolling when Osen was going on and on about Chizuru being in love with Toshizo. We the audience have barely seen anything between the two but Osen is like OH Chizuru loves this dude it is okay to leave her here. Crazy people.


It's so hard being a boy!!!!

Oh and speaking of crazy Kaoru. HOW SAD! I was treated horrible because I was born a boy. Boo hoo everyone feel bad for me. It must suck to live in a society where woman are treated like baby factories and not their own person and be born a man. THE HORROR! And what was Chizuru thinking, trying to forget about the past and move on with her life. XO How dare she spend time with the people who know how to track down her father. Okay that was one was reaching but you get my point. So this is how sympathetic I feel towards Kaoru. So sad for him.


Okay your life sucks too...

I would type more but I busted up my finger AGAIN at work and this time it truly painful to type. Sorry Kondou. You are just not that important. I will try to watch the last episode soon. XO How will things end for our heroes, especially since there is a season two? Will everyone become an Oni? Will Sannan ever die? Will Chizuru stop sucking?! XO Find out soon…or next season folks! XD


Jan Suzukawa said...

I have this weird feeling that they're all going to end up as rasetsu next season. ;) I love Sannan, but what you say about him is very funny!

Christina said...

Jan Suzukawa- I am such a Sannan hater and I have no idea why. You would think I would feel bad for someone who got taken out so early but nope, I'm a hater.

Judging by the opening theme song I was expecting them all to be zombies now XO So really they are falling behind my expectations. Of course they are all going to be magically healed by Chizuru's father and attend Chizuru wedding but you know. First the zombies.