One of our heroines will die in a freak fan accident! Stay tuned to find out!
Judging by last week’s previews I wasn’t expecting anything mind blowing with this episode. As much as I love K-On!! I was ready for this to be a boring episode…and it kinda was. MOG SPOILER PEOPLE! Sometimes slice of life animes can have boring moments/episodes and this is one of them.
So since I do like this series I am not going to spend a bunch of time talking about the low points. It is what it is. A bunch of girls trying to stay alive in the heat. A bunch of whining and dramatic faces for all.
But also I am not going to have a long post today because I managed to cut BOTH of my thumbs today. And in true Tenchi fashion they are located on the bendy parts (I am very technical people) so Band-Aids are a no go. So short post will be short because typing in painful. On with the show.
Putting your hair up when it is hot? XO Genius!
Episode Summary: It’s hot. Apparently summer in Japan is hotter than summer in Florida. Our little music makers are miserable. Ritsu and Yui are the most vocal about being hot, Mugi is along for the ride, and Mio and Azusa pretend they are more mature than the other girls but they are hot too. So most of the episode centers around trying to cool down. Ideas/things used to cool down: Ice, bathing suits, laying on tables, fans, and positive thinking. In between this all the girls are all XO about Ton who is shedding and is I obvious need of a bigger tank. This leads to the kidnapping of Sawako since she has car. She takes Mugi off screen to Mugi’s house to get said bigger tank. Sadness ensues at not going to Mugi’s house. Then there is more Sawako kidnapping because the girls realize that they need an AC. Sawako suggests they go the student council. After some antics Nodoka reveals that at a meeting Ritsu skipped the subject of clubs getting ACs was discussed. The girls spend the rest of the episode prepping for what they think will be an uphill battle with the student council but it turns out no one cares. The Light Music Club gets their AC and it is time for practice. THE END!
Car rides are also AWESOME!
LOOK AT THAT PEOPLE! On paragraph! It kills me but look at that! Also Band-Aids are AWESOME. Granted I can’t really move my thumbs now but the throbbing pain is gone. But I do wish they were Hello Kitty :( Stupid reasonable me for getting the variety
pack of normal Band-Aids.
Okay I just tried to send a text message and it took me three minutes to type a text. Back to hating Band-Aids again.
So let’s talk about the most important part of this episode while my other 8 fingers still work. That would be…..NOT SEEING MUGI’S HOUSE! At this point we the viewers/fans can conclude that the writers hate us. Or that they realize that Mugi is popular and that people are dying to see more of her so now it is going to be a running gag that we never see Mugi’s house. Awesome.
And everyone has been left behind...
Did I say awesome? I mean totally unfair and I want to scream. I admit it was a pretty funny built up. I was like MOG this boring episode is saved with Mugi stuff! Then it was…okay the car can only hold 4 people so the drama will be the two girls left behind. And finally…Mugi and Sawako go off alone and no one gets to see the magical house. A big middle finger to all us fans.
Don't listen to the haters!
The whole it’s hot it’s hot MOG it’s hot got a bit boring after a while. At the end of the day I am just grateful that Yui didn’t eat the ice that she was soaking her feet in. I personally didn’t think the swimsuit idea was dumb but Mio gets embarrassed about everything so meh.
Not going to lie when I saw all that skin of Ton-chan I was like OH CRAP dead turtle. Because I am that stupid. But the turtle lives so yay! Chillin in the tank watching the girls lose their minds.
Such smooth people the Light Music Club members.
I thought the funniest part of the episode was the girls trying to “scam” an AC then trying to work up a good argument on why they deserve an AC when their leader clearly sucks. Oh great Kami-sama I need an AC!!!! And Poor Ritsu realizing that she messed up and might have to take responsibility for her actions.
I would like to end on a WTF note. Seriously Japanese schools, is this how it is really done? You ASK club members if they need an AC? You just don’t give everyone an AC because it is the humane thing to do when you are in charge of people?! X_X Do you want dead teenagers on the floor? XO Craziness.
In conclusion this episode had some moments, there was a big F U to Mugi fans, and I hate my thumbs. Next week it looks like there is going to be ANOTHER music camp episode. I have mixed feelings about it but I shall hold judgment until I actually see it. Until then…well I was going to say ice cream but I don’t have any. :( Code Red it is.
Oh and no one died. Except the fan. A moment of silence for the fan.
Goodbye fan. We hardly knew thee.
How can Sawako a teacher's salary to pay a car so expensive?
Anonymous- I was kinda wondering that too. In Japan it is super expensive to have a car. Gas is more expensive and you have to either provide proof that you have space at your residence to have a car or you need to pay for a parking space.
However the car looks on the small side so maybe she got a Smart Car or something? Or maybe she found another really rare guitar XO That's it, she used the guitar money!!! Mystery solved!
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