Sunday, March 7, 2010

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 22


Smile. Tomorrow we will use you in deadly experiments!

XD This blog post will be a lot more positive than my Ookami Kakushi post. Part of that might be I am so over that series but whatever is the reason my posts for Ookami Kakushi are always negative. To Aru Kagaku no Railgun can be hit or miss for me. So this week I am happy to report this is a YAY episode.

But only partial yay since the series is ending soon. It is always disappointing when a series ends right after it starts getting good but that is a good thing I guess. You don’t want the series to end lame.

So spoilers, Uiharu hating, and finger pointing await you!


Please Misaka tell the enemy more information!

Telestina was not revealed to be the baddie yet. Which is sad for me but makes sense because there are two episodes left. She will unleash her plan next week and in the last episode either the drama will be resolved or the episode will be lighthearted and everyone’s situation will be touched upon. So while it is sad that Harumi is getting the bad guy blame it is understandable.


Aren't you edgy?

Uiharu…….needs to shut her mouth. Her still being mad at Kuroko is something I expected but not pleased to see. Her snotty behavior at their work place was helping no one. We get that you are mad that your best friend of 24 hours was treated like a suspect for a grand total of 2 hours but get over it. Kuroko was doing her job, a job you were unable to do. In the real world you would be fired but since you live in the magic cupcake land you can get away with your bad behavior. Just be happy that Kuroko is mature enough (SERIOUSLY?!) to realize that deep down you know you were wrong and are just taking it out on her.


This is me not being impressed.

Also Uiharu….your power. I guess I have been bothering you for a while on what your power is. For some reason I thought it had something to do with the weather. But no. It is almost the lamest power ever. Touma’s nonpower is miles ahead of yours. You are…..a broken microwave. You are my pizza delivery bag. You are those cheap cool/hot bags at Target. And you aren’t even a good bag. I am not sure why Judgment would want someone with such a weak power in their group. You fail. Again.


My part of the plot is over. I was never important. *sniffle*

Haruue, despite being Uiharu’s new best friend forever, barely got any screen time this week. She only existed to explain how she and Banri knew each other. Stuff that people could have put together on their own but I guess seeing cute little kids is fine too. Then we saw her later when Uiharu and her lame powers visited her in the hospital. But I think her time being a special character may be numbered. Of course if Banri does wake up I am sure there will be a dramatic moment between her and Haruue. But Harumi might get that dramatic reunion instead. So Haruue’s time really might be limited. This may or may not be a bad thing.

Kuroko actually behaved herself this episode for the most part. She was doing her job, not rubbing it in Uiharu’s face that she sucks at life, and generally keeping her stupid comments to herself. Yeah she had a perverted dream but I guess she can’t really do anything to change that. Well I guess she can stop being a conscious pervert so she won’t be an unconscious pervert but still. She did well this week. She is still Kuroko but she was manageable this week.


It was all my doing! Each and every time!

Poor Harumi. Always getting blamed and always has a good reason why it’s not her fault. Although I understand why Misaka isn’t trustworthy of her. Again it is a numbers game. I forget the number, either 10 or 11 but either way only less than a dozen kids verses a whole city of people that would be hurt by the powers the kids are releasing. Yes it is sad but I am not Sailor Moon and I don’t think everyone can be saved at times. Sometimes you have to be a sniper in 28 Weeks Later and shoot 1k people to save the entire world. So yes Harumi has a good reason on why she is doing everything but it still comes off as selfish to outsiders.

Perhaps if the city sucked less about hiding things and doing experiments on little kids Harumi could have access to the stuff she needs and the Poltergeist phenomenon wouldn’t be happening. So really Harumi isn’t the one to blame but the management of the city and Kihara Gensei. Especially Kihara Gensei. Harumi is just their scapegoat. :(


You need a good stabbing.

Speaking of Kihara Gensei he sucks so hard. I understand wanting to push your limits as a scientist but why would you create a level 6? Just because you can do something doesn’t mean you should. And if you are able to create a level 6 it would mean nothing. Hard work is what matters (well and being lucky enough to have a power to begin with) so if you create something it takes away from the accomplishment. Kinda like steroids. Sure you are the fastest now but not really. So he sucks. If he wanted a level 6 so bad he should have experimented on himself or on willing test subjects, not those kids with deadbeat parents.


I think I should be frightened.....

WTF is crystallized esper essence?! X_X


X_X You don't have to lay it on so thick my friend!

While I love Misaka I think she was a little bit harsh with Harumi. But I guess the word I am looking for is honest. While Harumi wants to help out those kids her plans end up being full of fail and expensive disasters. Just because you want to help out doesn’t mean you are the best qualified for the job. Of course Harumi probably is the best qualified for the job, just she can’t use safer methods due to not having the right data. So yes Misaka was horribly honest but she is young and can only see in black and white. I am sure she will understand in the next episode that Telestina is really the bad guy but she won’t apologize. XD That’s what happens when both people are right.


Do I smell an epic showdown?

So this week was excellent. The clip for next week is too short to judge its ability to be excellent but I am sure it will. It has to be! XO The question will be whether or not the main plot gets wrapped up next week or will the final episode be the climax? Either way it has to be excellent because it is plot driven. Hopefully there isn’t much Uiharu crying in the streets. She can stand in the corner reheating Mac and cheese or something.


Collapsing a whole city and endangering the lives of thousands or saving 10 kids....decisions decisions...

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