Tuesday, March 2, 2010

To Aru Kagaku no Railgun Episode 21

Boo at this post being so late. I complained so much about those fillery episodes and I was able to post them in a timely manner. :( Quick let me think of a way that this is not my fault!!


Did Tenchi forget about us?!

But here is my post, lateness and all. XD On a sad note this series is going to end in 3 episodes. Which makes the numerous episodes about small part characters even more frustrating that time was wasted on non important plot related stuff. That sentence was special. X_X In any event I shall miss this series despite the RARWness I felt at times.

We have three episodes before we have to think about all that sadness. Let’s finally talk about episode 21 and how Uiharu is trying to compete with Kuroko for the most annoying character in To Aru Kagaku no Railgun. Spoilers and extreme wtfness will follow.

Let’s start off with a phrase we all know and love: I was wrong. I feel as if I have said those words a lot on this blog. And instead of feeling stupid I shall laugh at myself. How many times can one person be wrong? Really it is like a sport for me at this point.


The source of my never ending wrongness.

So what was I wrong about this time? Well I was under the impression that Haruue was the kid that Harumi was all boohooing and sad about. The kid that got most of her brains splattered out during the experiment gone wrong. The identical necklaces threw me off. That and I thought it would be ironic if Harumi was fighting so hard to bring those kids back when all along Telestina was using them in a different experiment. Cruel but possible.


Yes! THAT KID!!!

None of this matters as Haruue is not that kid. She is friends with said kid (named Banri btw, I hope Harumi didn’t mention it before or I will feel stupid) and she is looking for her. Which might explain why Haruue can’t find her friend as she is in a coma somewhere. Or maybe she is being used by Telestina (a more likely scenario) and thus Telestina won’t let her be found. Apparently Banri likes to hand out friendship necklaces as Haruue and Harumi both have them.

I guess I really can’t blame myself for being confused. I can go the whole all characters in a certain series look alike to a certain extent route. But I think I will focus more on how Harumi was acting all sad when Haruue was having her attacks way. It makes sense that I was confused and wrong. Again.


Right Uiharu. It is crazy talk to suspect Haruue.

In light of my wrongness I will tread lightly in speculating what will happen next. Haruue is a level 2 telepathic who can’t possibly be behind the Poltergeist phenomenon. But Haruue has shown in the past and in this episode that she is capable of a much higher power level. So is Haruue’s power categorized wrong (which has also happened before) or is Banri feeding power to her? Are these Banri’s powers reaching out for help or Banri’s powers being used by Telestina?

See if I frame this all in question form I can’t be wrong when they don’t happen. XD Yay logic. It’s much easier to focus on these questions instead of trying to map out what AIM fields and RSPK have to do with Telestina. If I try to think about the “science” part of this show too hard what little understanding I do have of those concepts might melt away in my brain.


I'm doing a great job of hiding my agenda right? Right?

But I do think Telestina fails Bad Guy 101. If she is a bad guy of course and not some poor misunderstood soul like every other bad guy in this specific universe. In any event yeah…that was some fail. Let’s gather up all the girls who seem to run around and ruin master plans and tell them more than they need to know. Didn’t she learn anything from Harumi? But I do approve of her collecting cute things. Just because you are an adult doesn’t mean you stop losing interest in certain things.


Ms. Level Two needs to learn her place.

Uiharu was a brat this week. She met Haruue like two minutes ago and already she is against Kuroko making sure their city doesn’t get leveled because of this new girl? Loser. But given the nature of this show, that these girls have barely known each other and were super close after the first episode, I guess that is to be expected. But it is still annoying. I think it is Kuroko’s job (oh yours too Uiharu!!!) to investigate weird things. And if Haruue started acting weird the moment something X_X happened the two might be connected. Now if you aren’t adult enough to separate friendship and serious real life work get out of Judgment. Even though I don’t think you ever belonged there anyway.


No apologizes! Just get your work done.

Is it a miracle that Kuroko was being serious and actually getting work done? Should I start carrying an umbrella in case the sky starts to fall? But don’t give in to Uiharu’s little tantrum. Don’t say sorry to her wrong self and keep on doing what you think needs to be done.


Everyone love Misaka right now!!!

Misaka. SHINE MORE!!!! I know you are going to kick butt in the final episode but don’t get pushed aside!

Saten….I need to see more of you period. :( I forgive you for being Uiharu’s friend for some reason but I’m not sure why. But I love you.

So that is about it. There wasn’t too much going on in this episode. Haruue had another meltdown which leads Misaka and Kuroko investigating her past. Uiharu becomes closer to Haruue and continues to whine about how she used to be a loser too or something. And Telestina puts herself into bad guy position. But I guess the biggest drama of all was finding out that Haruue is only the friend of the girl who went splat, not the splattee.

I still hate the term Child Error by the way! Don't overdo it with that phrase next week okay?

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