Friday, March 19, 2010

Ookami Kakushi Episode 11: This series sucked



I spent part of the day working/getting blamed for something I didn’t do, the afternoon painting the fingernails of 10 year old girls, and now I just got done watching Ookami Kakushi. My day was AWESOME!


But at least I got all the -_- out of the way right? So tomorrow I can work a few hours and spend the rest of the time playing my new Pokémon game WOOHOO! Let us rejoice for tomorrow people, the promise and hope that things won’t suck as much as the day before.

However…we got to get through today first. Go Ookami Kakushi….

This will probably also contain my series review as next week’s episode looks like Alice In Wonderland meets Angry Wolves. So yeah, this series is done in my mind.


Behold...the flood.

Episode summary: Nemuru, Isuzu, and the cape wearing wolves run up the mountain to stop Sakaki from breaking the dam. Kaname and Hiroshi take a different route because they are human and useless. Sakaki makes it to the dam control center, kills a wolf, and pushes a lot of buttons. This does not destroy the dam but merely releases a lot of water. This semi floods the area and sends the people running and screaming. Because they were dumb and decided to sit at the foot of the mountain/hill and do NOTHING! Anyway Isuzu reaches Sakaki first but she gets shot. Everyone else gathers around Sakaki as Nemuru is all TAKE ME AND LEAVE THE CHILDREN! Kaori shows up and says something about being important. Sakaki almost gets talked down from his grief but he wants revenge for his dead girlfriend and fires his gun. Only he shots Kaori and she flings them both over the edge of the cliff. Then TADA everything is alright again. Almost all the humans leave town and work has to be done on the town to repair the damage but Hiroshi says everything is going to be all candy and cupcakes. THE END!!!


This is clearly the time for ice cream. Clearly.

Yes. The series serious ends on a cupcake and gumdrop note. A series that starts ff with random people dying has an OH HAI we are all friends and love each other ending. If I wasn’t so bored with the series I would be disappointed in the ending. I am sure other people are though.


Why do I have to suck?!?!!?

Sakaki really disappointed me. I had strong hopes for him and look what he goes and does. I mean, I am glad he didn’t lose his resolve in the end. Him living and forgiving the wolves would have been the most terrible ending ever. But Sakaki you reached the damn control center first. What was with that small amount of water? DROWN THE FOOLS!


This lacks....a lot.

That and control rooms? Really? You have been plotting your revenge and the best you got is a stolen gun (ONE STOLEN GUN) and random button pushing? No explosions, no master plans….just nothing. Great job getting revenge Sakaki. You killed no one with your little drowning plan (what with everyone being safe at festival and all) and you got pushed over a cliff. Next time you want to get revenge and reveal your master evil plan to people have a master evil plan. Tis important.


Slowest death scene ever. Good job Nemuru at "trying" to stop it. Really. Good job.

Kaori, great job at doing something awesome for no reason. You were chosen to be what? Why? Is the chosen one always covered in bruises and flesh eating bacteria? Sign me up for being the chosen one! How about instead of throwing your body in front of the bullet, you just throw the crazy over the cliff? Or was this all supposed to be Kaori’s way of showing Sakaki that she loved him all those years ago or something? Color me unimpressed.


Is this seriously the end?! WE ARE SHOCKED! But not amazed.

So after all this dramatic nothingness (with Kaname and Hiroshi doing NOTHING)….tada? Everything is okay? After ALL that crap nothing bad happens. Besides the dead people of course. But they deserved it okay!


Did the writers now watch the whole series or something?

One small issue I would like to address is Hiroshi’s class size. Everyone who is scared of the wolves have left town. There are now like 7 people in his class. This would make sense if the first 10 episodes hadn’t happened. Especially the first one when Hiroshi was nearly gang molested by everyone in class. That gave me the sense that they were all wolves and wanted to eat his nom nom scent. But now they are all gone which means they were human? Yeah right.


We all love each other now WOOHOO!

Hiroshi decides to end the series with a good moral point: We should try and understand people who are different from us. That we can be different and accept one another. That everyone should live in happy bunny world and call people by their first names.

I am all for accepting PEOPLE! Not demon wolves that run around caring blood soaked scythes. Yeah those people I think we are free to discriminate against. So take your happy message and EAT IT! You could have saved me a lot of time and effort if the ending was going to “be a more understanding person” message. That applies to people, not wolves. Or maybe it would apply to the wolves if they weren’t trying to trick people into coming to their town and slicing people/wolves when things don’t go their way.

That leads me to my last point: what was the point?! The wolves lived in seclusion but then decided to make a town to invite humans to come visit them and or turn them into the next generation of wolves. But then they have to make strict rules to protect these new humans and if someone changes them into a wolf the original wolf gets killed? Yeah that makes ALL the sense in the world. How about we don’t invite any wolves to town and we all get to live? Or at least kill the people (coughcoughHiroshicough) who are causing the most chaos. This series makes no sense at all. I think the series wants us to forget those small plot points that make the entire story possible.

Only I can’t. This series makes no sense once you have all the information and it is based on nothing. The characters are BLEH, the message is BLEH, and the mystery gets blown out of the water so fast it’s like you are watching Titanic only with oranges and not life rafts.

In conclusion there is no point to this series and I recommend it to no one. Not even if you are bored. Find something else to watch. Or go outside and breathe that thing called fresh air.

Rating: 3/10.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had such high hopes for this series and all its possibilites
for suspence, horror, mystery,
and even tasteful romance.
I tolerated its slow pace
thinking the story would
would build up but... no.
What insulting, and cheeeap
cop out by episode 10.