The husband and I took advantage of our day together and had a fun day of mini golf and shopping. We had some filling noms and bounced ourselves to the nearest movie theater to see Total Recall. After watching the movie the husband realized how greatly this 2012 movie differed from the original. Since I had not seen the original I was like oh okay but I heard there was Mars? Where was Mars? The husband immediately decided that the date day was not over and quickly procured a copy of the original Total Recall. Cuddled up on the couch we watched this original movie.
I still haven’t forgiven him. Warning for spoilers. Not sure what I am spoiling but read at your own risk!
Little tiny stubby arms haunt my every dream. EVERY SINGLE ONE! Why?! WHY! I cannot erase such things from my mind. I would divorce my husband for putting me through such horrors but who would pay for my therapy bills then?!

See I have no problem that this looks...dated. I have a problem that it lasted about 2 minutes and wasn't really...necessary.
I hope no one expects this post to make sense. I am just going to type what is in my head. Although if I want to save anyone the horror of this movie I should make a better effort in describing it. But it is just so hard. The main issue/problem I had with this movie was….everything. There was so much of everything I was waiting for a talking unicorn blasting in from another dimension to grace the screen. It got that insane. There is space travel, a triple secret agent, mind altering technology, mutants with psychic abilities, ancient dead aliens, and three boobed hookers with a heart of gold. Add in a money hungry organization, robots driving cars, and incompetent goons and I think this is every movie ever made. Ever.
Did I mention that Arnold Schwarzenegger was the main character, the person that was supposed to be a secret spy? I totally believe that. TOTALLY BELIEVE THAT! It probably didn’t help that my husband kept whispering “get to the choppa” every five minutes but I found Colin Farrell much more believable as someone who was a grunt at his current job but possessed enough capabilities of being a top secret agent who can tie his shoes. Please also note the 2012 version is not humorous at all while the 1990 has really odd moments of humor. Usually after someone dies.
I have a hard time calling the new movie a remake after seeing the old one as the films are very, very different. I guess the first 10 minutes are nearly the same. The reason why the main character goes to Rekall is different but that is understandable. But from there it is a totally different movie. Spoiler alert! There is no Mars or mutants in the new movie. NO STUBBY ARMS! Apparently this is what my husband was trying to show me, that the movies were totally different. I thought he was trying to show me that the original was better but after my reaction maybe he changed his tuned so I didn’t leave him and take the cat!
I am not at all saying the new Total Recall movie was the best movie ever. There were some special moments in this movie too. At once point people were outside when something was traveling at the speed of VERY FAST. And they didn’t fall off and die in a gruesome way. It was really never explained why Melina was picked to be lieutenant in this campaign. While a certain wife/secret agent was running around like she was Alice from Resident Evil kicking everyone’s asses Melina was…well boring. And just there. Kinda sucking at everything including explaining what the heck was going on half the time. Also when you launch a full on attack on someone maybe you should lock down your transportation device so people don’t break in. Just saying.
While the original is tons of special…much can be learned from this cinematic master piece. Like for instance if there is a tracking device in your skull you can wrap a wet towel around your head and the signal will be blocked. Sorta like if I wrap tinfoil around myself the aliens can’t read my mind! I also learned that if you are stuck outside on Mars and start to die, to the point where your eyes pop three inches out of your head and your face distorts into the grossest thing ever, a breath of oxygen will instantly cure you. Not the guy who got sucked outside 5 seconds before you but main character you. And your girlfriend. Oh and I also learned that ancient aliens went to the complicated trouble of making a machine that would give their planet a breathable atmosphere but NEVER USED IT! Apparently these oxygen breathing aliens were like us! They were like meh why don’t we just go to the planet next door. I mean…we spent all this time and energy on making this machine. Seems like a waste to turn it on and stuff. Also I learned that in the future we need taxis to drive us about 1.4th of a mile down the road. Wall-E here we come!
What did I like about the original? Um…let me see. Well in the new movie I found things overwhelming at times. Yes it was beautifully overwhelming and showed how the different class of people lived and tried to use every bit of space. But the layers of living space really wonked my head at times. In the original Total Recall things were done very simply, like this is the future and we have less. Makes sense to me. Um what else….err….OH I thought the scene where the main character is being told this is all a dreeeeeeeeeeeeeeam was done much better in the original. In the new movie it felt weird randomly sending in the best friend and having no facts/lies to back up his story. In the original…well the best friend was already dead and sending in the “doctor” who had nothing to gain made more sense.
Get to the choppa
LOL MOG I don't even know what to say! I haven't been keeping up with yr blog b/c you and I are watching completely different stuff this season but I am a big Total Recall fan! Get your ass to Mars! Consider it a divorce!
I avoided the new one b/c it looks completely different. Especially Rekall, which looks on the PV like an asian massage parlor which begs the question, who would get a memory implanted at a massage parlor? This fact alone makes me think that Colin Farrell's character is a moron. Old Rekall was pristine and had stainless steel and a receptionist who had a nail color changer thing. Who could blame Old Quaid for trusting them? That was the point, slick "reality" is sinister people!
Can't believe you like The Thing but find Total Recall disturbing. Wasn't the thing at one point a spider running around with a person head? How is that better than TR? I've seen Total Recall A LOT, it's one of those movies where if it's on, I'll watch it again and it does not get old, it just gets better!!! Maybe you need to watch it again! >:D
Also Sharon Stone was awesome! And Michael Ironside! Scanners! V! Awesome!
Total Recall is iconic. I cringe at the thought of a bland Blade-Runner wannabe non-remake with vapid actors. I hate saying 1990 Total Recall more than I hate saying 1972 Solaris. In a year, I won't have to say 1990 Total Recall b/c no one will remember they remade it.
IMAO. But I love your post. And your husband is a wise wise man.
Kate- I read your comment the day you posted and had thought I replied to you! My apologizes for such a late response.
Yes I do love The Thing and thought the first Total Recall was...special. Mainly because in The Thing was suppose to have those gross moments. Like it is a monster from outer space. The spider head made sense in the context of the movie. But in Total Recall it seemed like gross things were happening for the sake of gross. Like removing the tracking device. Or what happened when people ventured outside Mars.
In the context of the movie it makes sense why Colin Farrell would go to a seedy looking place. Because where he lives in seedy. And he even knows that going to that place is dangerous. So had Colin just walked in without the backdrop of all that nonsense first it would have been stupid. But once inside the place was pretty legit.
XD I guess after seeing the serious 2012 version it was hard to see the older, funnier version. Like haha dead people and mutants...okay. But I do see how people expecting a total remake would be disappointed in this new version as it is different in almost every aspect except the basic concept. XD
That husband of mine...guess I will keep him around. XD
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