Monday, September 3, 2012

Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate episode 7

Three posts?! And i am doing laundry?! Maybe I should just start my days at 10 pm at night since that is when my productivity bug kicks in. Sounds good to me. Of might become a slight issue if I start my days at night. Oh and I might never see my husband. X___X Maybe I should start trying to be more productive...when the rest of the world is? Crazy thought I know.
Did I mention this show is made of crack? EW COOKING!
But before I do something crazy and vacuum the house at 1 am...time to get this up and posted. Up now...or finally is Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate episode 7. Spoilers for Yuuki having a very interesting life...I think.
Personally I think 4th place should have run too if the numbers were that close...
Episode Summary: Yuuki and Chisato bid Slave Isara and Mifuyu goodnight. Chisato asks if she and Yuuki can stop by the convenience store. They do and they have a quiet moment in one of their rooms (probably Chisato’s) where Yuuki eats half the bar and Chisato gives the other half to a blurred out picture on a desk. The next day the entire Snack Club, Slave Isara, and Yakumo all come to the club room to celebrate Yuuki’s win. After YAYS Yakumo breaks down the numbers for the entire group. While it might be obvious Yuuki only got 600 votes Yakumo shows that Yuuki’s 600 votes are real while Satsuki and Moheiji don’t have all those votes locked in. Out of 6,000 students there are 3,000 votes really up for grabs. Yuuki needs to be like Satsuki and proclaim himself a revolutionary too only he will be believed as he is not back up by a major party. Everyone sets to work on various tasks. Yuuki ends up cooking with Slave Isara who talks about how boys cooking makes her all wet. Or would be an excellent trait in a husband. Yuuki cuts his finger and Slave Isara sucks out the blood because that is sexy. When several people catch them together Isara explains that is how she helps her brothers and Chisato has a mini breakdown in her head. She sees a young boy and a chocolate bar being hit by a truck. People quickly get back to work and all seems well.
Yet Chisato was mad over some finger sucking....
Later Yuuki tries to take a relaxing hot spring…bath alone when Chisato and her naked self enter. They sit there all awkward like for a while until Chisato asks why Yuuki isn’t touching her. Things get more awkward but thankfully Yume enters the bath and a sad Chisato is forced to flee. After probably being molested by Yume in the bath Yuuki walks back to camp. Which turns out to be the SCHOOL but that’s okay. He sees Satsuki and Ms. Hazuki arguing over some family issue. Me thinks that someone’s funeral or anniversary of a funeral is coming up and Ms. Hazuki doesn’t want to attend. Yuuki apologizes for interrupting a family moment but Ms. Hazuki teases him and walks away. Satsuki senses something is up and Yuuki is like haha everyone is crazy and tries to run away. Only he runs away to a room with Yume as half the school houses the girls and the other half houses the boy. Yume is a heavy sleeper with 4538473 alarm clocks but is sad he doesn’t have his body pillow. He snuggles up to Yuuki and falls asleep on top of him.
Aren't you running against him? Shouldn't it be more awkward? XD
Later that night Yuuki has to whisper scary things to Yume to get away to potty. After using said bathroom Yuuki finds Ms. Hazuki outside and drunk like a skunk. After being basically forced Yuuki takes Ms. Hazuki to where the girls are. Chisato overhears this nonsense but says nothing. Yuuki tries making it back to his side of the school but some random girls catch him and it leads to insanity. Satsuki hears what is going on and is able to hide Yuuki in time. She decides that she believes Yuuki’s story about her drunk sister but still wants some compensation for her helping Yuuki. She wants to know what kind of relationship Yuuki has with her sister and if they really did kiss. Yuuki says that they did kiss but Ms. Hazuki was drunk. Satsuki decides that Yuuki is worried about what her sister does when she is drunk and that Yuuki can’t help it. So….Satsuki takes off her jacket and sits on the bed looking suggestive. THE END!
If a boy does anything a girl doesn't like he is a pervert. DUH!
Ah Chocolate, Love, and Elections. So special. So very special each and every day. See how things sound better in another language? XD
Poor sad Chisato.
So what first? Oh yes the dead brother. That sounds kinda harsh of me doesn’t it? X__X But yes. Chisato and Yuuki, I was wondering what was up with her and the chocolate bars. One is a member of the Snack Club and doesn’t like chocolate? I guess that IS possible but it seemed like such a sad subject there had to be a reason behind it. So….it is a dead brother. :(
Death by chocolate is no longer funny. :(
Now how it will probably play out is said younger brother (not sure if he died when he was tiny, when they were ALL tiny, or if he died more recently and was just younger) was going to the store to get a chocolate bar. It appears that he wasn’t alone since Chisato remembers but I am sure it will end up being her idea to go out and get treats. Or that he was running away from her in a playful manner. Either way it will be sad, probably not be Chisato’s fault, and if this happened to me I might be traumatized by the item that “killed” my little brother. So..while it might be a little over dramatic maybe it makes slightly more sense now.
You are going to need a lot more yaoi sticks...
This show is so weird in the fact that everyone is acting insane one moment and the next minute everyone is the smartest person in the universe. Like insane smart. Okay maybe that is going too far…But yes these kids are pretty smart. Yakumo is like look at me this is actually the Presidential Election for the United States of America and I have put together graphs and polls and what not. The sure thing votes verses the swing. I guess I was just surprised on how many swing votes the school really had. I thought with the popularity of the main candidates that there wouldn’t be that many people running around not knowing who to vote for but…I’m not Yakumo.
Time to celebrate with beer!
So a lot of this makes sense. How people voted for Yakumo out of fun will still vote for him because that is how human nature works. That while Satsuki is trying to keep support from her party while portraying herself as revolutionary is the only move she has. And that while it is a great move her doing so opens the door for Yuuki to do the same and better as he can really wear the flag of the revolution without having to answer questions about his party. See how serious this all can get?!
Clearly she is being gross DUH!
The finger sucking moment in the kitchen…I thought I was rolling my eyes to the fact that Isara was trying to convince me that cooking was fun. Like um no folks. I just don’t see it. Nor do I see how sucking and making a wound wet will help it stop bleeding. I mean I guess it did look sexual…but not in my head. Like ew blood in the mouth. I guess good for Isara that there is a dead brother involved or her ass would be grass.
I am more surprised he didn't trip over your naked body X___X
I am not sure what to make of the Chisato bathing naked thing. Sure it was wrong, Yuuki needs a moment to de-stress from the day. Because you know how schools have hot springs on campuses and what not. But….then Chisato got in the bath and NOTHING happened. Yuuki didn’t accidentally fall or anything. Like um isn’t this a perverted game anime? But then it got all serious, Chisato asking Yuuki why he doesn’t make a move on her. It is hard to know why Yuuki isn’t. Was this dead little brother his best friend and every time Yuuki sees Chisato he sees the brother? Is Yuuki denying his feelings for Chisato? Or was Yuuki being a gentleman?! I know shocking.
I think families are problems by definition?
Satsuki and Ms. Hazuki seem to have a very complicated relationship. And since I feel woe is me about myself and family stuff sometimes…I can related. XD Families are complicated even if everyone is good and healthy. And related by both parents. It seems as if Satsuki and Hazuki are related on their father’s side and that Hazuki doesn’t want to deal with the family drama. Like nope I have run away from that mess and Satsuki is putting all this pressure on herself to either redeem the family name or prove she is just as good as Hazuki was. Either way…I would be running away too Yuuki.
I love hug pillows!
Yume…doesn’t really seem that deep. But I do recommend hug pillows if one wants a good night sleep. They are super comfy. The alarm clocks were a bit much but snuggling with Yuuki is something I expected and really so should have Yuuki. Why wasn’t he more prepared. Actually I was expecting Yume to be wearing practically nothing so what is up with that?
Just leave her drunk ass on the ground!
Yuuki helping the Drunk Hazuki…le sigh. I am sure she drinks to forget about her family problems. That is what I hope is going on. I mean it isn’t good either way to have one of your students take care of your sorry self after being so sloppy drunk but maybe it won’t be quite so bad if I am right. Still…Yuuki might feel bad for her and responsible for the situation but dragging a drunk teacher in a girl’s only area of the school doesn’t sound like a good idea. And it wasn’t!
You might seem less insane if you had this conversation in a chair and not on top of someone.
Satsuki saving Yuuki…expected. Her opening up a can of DO YOU LIKE MY SISTER…not so much. I thought she was going to stew about it for a little longer and word it a little more….well less I should say. A little less like I AM JEALOUS YOU KISSED MY SISTER! What is up with people being multidimensional and stuff?! Craziness. If the boy I liked kissed my older sister I might get revenge on my older sister though. Because I am super multidimensional.
This can only mean one thing folks!!!
So the show ends with Satsuki starting to do a strip tease for Yuuki. Clearly that means sexy times are in store for the boy. Or….you know…they will play a game while waiting for the pervert boy drama to die down. This show would never mislead me EITHER! Peace out my lovely readers!

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