Thursday, September 27, 2012

Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate episode 11

Hello there my lovely readers! Soon the husband and I will be on the road to Anime Weekend Atlanta. Like last year the husband has decided we will take the "back roads" as they got us there 30 minutes early last year. When I say roads I mean the parts of scary movies that the stupid teenagers take to get away from the baddies and they end up dead in the woods. WISH US LUCK!
Say it ain't so!!!
So I shall post this and become completely caught up on episodes before my trip! GO ME! Up now is Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate episode 11. Spoilers for Tenchi being happy she didn't attend this crazy school.
The whole world is a lie!!!!
Episode Summary: Yuuki sits there in shock at the fact that Michuri is a spy. Yakumo keeps on talking that the people who run the school also answer to other people, people who have long graduated. To make things a little more complicated this Katahira Faction that Yuina keeps going on about is actually a group within the Security Commission. The Katahira Faction agreed to give Kana treatment after she went too far in investigating things. However they will pull back their treatment if Yakumo keeps backing Yuuki up. Also Yakumo promises to make Yuuki’s life miserable if he tells a soul about this. Yuuki starts talking about how Michuri deserves to know but Yakumo won’t allow that. Yakumo is sad as he had high hopes for Yuuki. He thought that Yuuki could help protect his secret, that funds are being spent to help out Kana. But now that is all over. Yakumo and his men go to leave when Yuuki grabs his cellphone and makes a 6 second phone call to tell Michuri where Kana. All chaos breaks loose and Yakumo’s men go to the hospital to guard Kana. Only Michuri is already there and takes Kana outside. Michuri wheels the girl around and talks about how she became an agent to find her. She takes out the harmonica and plays the song that Kana taught her. Suddenly Kana wakes up as Yuuki and Yakumo hear the music. Yakumo and Michuri reunite with Kana and all is right in the world.
I am going to eat this candy bar and get all better!
While all this nonsense is going on Mifuyu goes to visit Chisato who is still in bed. She tries to get Chisato dressed to visit Chisato but she refuses to get out of bed. Mifuyu repeats some of the things Yuuki said only kinder. That she needs to stop using Yuuki as a substitute for her dead brother. Chisato claims she isn’t, then gets all upset talking about how Mifuyu loves Yuuki and she should try to get with him. Mifuyu gets hurt and tries to calm down Chisato. Then she changes into Chisato’s clothes that show off the scar she got during surgery. She runs to the elevator to show her friends what she has been “hiding” but Chisato stops her. She hugs Mifuyu and says she is sorry for all that has happened between them. They hug it out and wait for Yuuki to come home from his adventures. When he arrives Chisato offers him some chocolate but not before eating some herself.
How can he be winning?! Let me kidnap someone!
Sometime after all this (or maybe the next day) there is a debate with all three of the candidate. Yuuki does well as everyone watches. Well everyone but Michuri and Yakumo as they are at the hospital spending time with a conscious Kana. Yuuki does well which pisses Yuina off. She thinks that Yakumo is still giving Yuuki his support but she is told that Yakumo isn’t. The Snack Club rejoices after the debate where they think Yuuki might have a chance. The topic of Chisato comes up and Mifuyu suggests how Yuuki can make Chisato better. She is like go on a date with Chisato! Yuuki is like X___X while Chisato pretends that she is a normal girl now. Before the date can start a man approaches them. Apparently the models for their bridal expose never came and they need a couple right now. So…down the aisle Chisato and Yuuki go. It is beautiful wedding but the couple hesitates to kiss. Little kids congratulate them for their cute wedding which makes Chisato and Yuuki think back to when they did that to a happy bride. Yuuki realizes that he has loved Chisato all along but just didn’t know that is what he was feeling. The two walk home and all seems right. Chisato is like…we can kiss now because no one is looking. They go to kiss and both are hit by stun guns. Chisato is kidnapped and Yuuki is left on the ground. THE END!
Right in the gut. X___X
OH BOY FOLKS! I watched episode 10 and was like I need to watch episode 11 so I can know all about episode 11. But then….yeah. Michuri once again was a second thought and Chisato takes center stage again. I guess I was wrong about her not getting the happy ending.
And yet the kids have control over it?!
Yakumo kept on talking this episode and things started to make sense to me. Or maybe I am slow and it made sense all along. XD But the whole faction baloney I was confused about. Like why would she be supporting another commission. But now I see it is really a division within the Safety Commission. I guess it is not all cupcakes and rainbows even if you are in the same group. Yakumo really needed Yuuki to become the President so he could hide the hidden expense of the hospital bill. Not sure if they needed to hide the “spy” budget I understand how personally for Yakumo he needed Yuuki and it wasn’t all about the power remaining in the Safety Commissions hands.
And I will take out anyone who finds out the truth!
That all being said Yakumo got a little…crazy. I understand he feels bad for Kana and is trying to help her, even making deals with people he doesn’t particularly like. But all the talk about keeping it a secret and implying he might harm Yuuki. A bit creepy. People listening in on them, telling Yuuki he was basically a glorified puppet, and giving him the consolation prize of keeping his club. While Yakumo is the lesser of two evils I might be on team Satsuki since her primary goal is…saving money. And not being creepy.
Best security ever!
After Yuuki made his 6 second phone call Michuri was like OH CRAP! I am going to get no screen time at this rate if I don’t do something amazing. So Michuri morphed into a Mighty Morphing Magica Secret Agent and got Kana out of the hospital. With all the crazy people watching the floor. Just a thought guys. If you are trying to keep someone away from a certain door….keep most of your focus on that door. Not the entire hospital.
Yay for friendship!!!!
I would feel more about the revival of Kana…if there was any build up. Nope she and Michuri are apparently friends and Kana was picked to be an agent and Michuri became an agent after the fact. This is all told to us instead of shown to us and I feel that takes away from the relationship and feeling. It just…is. They are friends because they are. And Michuri can play the magical harmonica and bring Kana back because she was in an emotional coma and not a injury coma? What the hell is going on? And why can Michuri see colors? See folks, this is why this series should have been 24 episodes. All of this is getting crammed into one episode when really it needed more time to have feeling. Michuri hiding out with Kana and Yuuki being threatened by Yakumo. Instead everything is resolved in 5 minutes woohoo!
Well eff you too!
On the other side of town Mifuyu was trying to be a good friend but Chisato was still having a moment. Yes homegirl has been through a lot but she was rather cutting towards Mifuyu wasn’t she? Almost like she was pissed that Mifuyu loved Yuuki and was trying to keep it a secret. Mifuyu had her feelings and kept them inside to protect her friend. Chisato announcing them out loud just seemed over the top and cruel. Chisato was just trying to fix things for her friends even if that meant she was the odd man out.
I am horrified by that wound!
I thought Mifuyu was being a little dramatic about the scar on her stomach but then again this show is dramatic so she fit right in. I think these two need to work on their relationship more. Chisato is the kind of person who depends fully on someone, almost obsessed. Mifuyu was so grateful to be accepted by anyone she squished her own feelings down inside of her and let Chisato take the lead. While Chisato has known Yuuki longer she really needs to work on this friendship. Maybe if she spread out her needy behavior Yuuki wouldn’t feel so trapped and upset.
Because she is insane?
But she got better folks. All is better with Chisato. She took a bite from that candy bar and instant betterness. Maybe she was getting closer to better all this time but to me it felt sudden, especially after her melt down in episode 10. Baby steps? Psht out the window. Time to date Yuuki and pretend they are a couple. I mean….really folks. What happened to blushing faces and accidentally touches. Yuuki was harsh with Chisato and Chisato was using him as a brother substitute all this time. Surely they have some things to work on and shouldn’t dive right into a relationship. Chisato was acting INSANE. Lets not pretend that away because you are wearing wedding clothes and you remember you love her. These things take time. Time you say? Like Michuri got? Well by all means let us declare Chisato better with that bite of chocolate.
Michuri sees energies. She doesn't need no school!
Oh and where was Michuri after all of this? Gone. And no one said a word! Maybe she was gone just for the day and not forever (still don’t know if she is a real student hired as a spy or adult playing a student) but still a little acknowledgment that she is gone for the day would have been nice. After all everyone was worried about Chisato right? Oh wait these are the people who didn’t care about Yuuki being in a car accident. XD Michuri didn’t get much screen time did she?
Yuuki has been through a lot in the past 24 hours....
After the impromptu wedding ceremony that stirred up forgotten memories in Chisato and Yuuki the two walk home. I might have been traumatized by the whole pretend wedding but they both seem okay and maybe want to kiss? Only since is the most dramatic show since FOREVER Chisato is kidnapped, probably by Yuina since Yuuki was doing well in the polls.
Here comes the crazy bride!!!
Poor Michuri indeed. She barely got any screen time this series and it is all over. Her harmonica playing self is done with and now the attention will be focused on Chisato being kidnapped. At this point I think Hazuki should be the president of this school and send everyone to therapy. They are going to need it!


Anonymous said...

So Chisato's mental problem was quickly solved with a pep talk, some chocolate biting, and a pseudo wedding. I was expecting something more dramatic and serious would develop from her. I guess since the anime is ending soon (I think 12 or 14 episodes total---I might be wrong) they had to resolve Chisato's problem. It was too quick for me. I mean, one day Chisato is paralyzed with the crazy and the next day she's mostly back to her old self. I believe it was a temporary fix to her deep seated problems. And I still think she would require regular sessions of therapy. And medication. Lots of medication.

On the entertaining side, Michiru playing Mission Impossible in a nurse outfit was adorable and amusing. I believe that cat girl is more capable than I imagine. She's definitely endearing and quirky. Perhaps the most interesting character in the entire show, my opinion of course.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Christina that the issues resolved in this show was too short and quick. There wasn't enough time to explain and resolve everything. I understand your (and others) harsh criticisms of this show, but would a "re-imagining" of Koi to Senkyo to Chocolate with better writing, direction, and animation redeem itself to you and other critics as well? Would it be enjoyable for all anime fans instead being generic harem anime #1000? The anime has some serious politics for a high school election. It was almost like reading from a Tom Clancy novel. This has led me to believe if the show was re-imagined as an occult detective show like the Dresden Files, it would probably be the next Detective Conan of the modern era. Would you think that would be more interesting? Would it work better than being a generic harem anime? I would like to hear your thoughts on the matter :)

Davis said...

Do you have an email I can contact you at?

Anonymous said...


First and second anonymous here.

Are you referring to me or Christina?

Christina said...

Anonymous 1- I thought the wedding was so bizarre and pretty inappropriate given how deep the issues are with Chisato and Yuuki. He might love her deep down but she hurt him with the substitute brother talk. Chisato was unable to talk and move after Yuuki nearly got in an accident yet after a slap and a bite of chocolate everything is okay? Chisato at the very least needs therapy and Yuuki should wait until she is better before starting a relationship.

I thought Michiru being a secret agent was sorta cute...but it came out of nowhere so it felt me thinking WFT instead of adorable.

Anonymous- I think if the series was redone with 24 episodes it would be much better. I mean it would be hard to put past this hot mess of a show but at least then characters would get more time on screen and not seem so....well almost invisible. It was hard to take the serious moments serious when the next second something hilarious happened. If there was more time those ideas could have had their own time to shine and not felt so rushed. It was just way too short for as much as they tried to cram in it.

Davis- If you leave a comment on my blog it goes directly to my email. Now sometimes I am a slacker and it takes me a while to get to comments. But I usually get caught up...eventually. XD