Saturday, September 22, 2012

Yuru Yuri Season Two episode 12

Behold I has returned from work and succeeded in driving to and from the building without crashing into anyone. But next time...well hopefully there is not a next time with my sad little swollen eyeball...but next time I will have the husband drive me to work. Like he offered. Because it might be safer to all. I think of the well being of innocent drivers on the road. At least no one at work said anything about me looking like a pirate. Which is weird since my clan is not known for their tactfulness.
Ready for a play?
So yes! This post was supposed to be up before I went to work but things got in the way. Like an ice pack to the eye. Time for Yuru Yuri Season two episode 12! Spoilers for Kyoko and the Seven Crazypants!
Chinatsu is not amused.
Episode Summary: Yui opens a door…and a snake falls on her. She gasps but realizes it is a toy. Kyoko smiles as she is the one who pulled the prank. Kyoko is sad though because she thought Yui would jump through the ceiling. They think about how the other two girls will react to the snake prank. Chinatsu overreacts on purpose to get a Yui hug which leads to a deadly Kyoko/Chinatsu hug. Akari arrives and thinks she killed the fake snake and cries angel tears. Kyoko opens her bag and it is full of old toys from her childhood. Yui is like WTF this is school crazy. They play with poppers and slime ooze and little bouncy balls. Chinatsu’s hair eats some balls and Akari might be scarred for life. Fast forward to some time later and it is school festival time. There are booths with food and other little things but the Student Council and Amusement club has decided that they will put on a play. Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Kyoko is the lead character with Nana as the Evil Queen and Rise as the mirror. The others are the dwarfs with the exception of Chizuru playing the huntsmen. Kyoko starts to frolic around in a forest…eating the scenery while the Evil Queen plot to kill her and blow things up. Chizuru shows up with real guns and tries to take Kyoko out but gives up when she runs out of bullets. Kyoko White makes it to the Dwarf’s house and eats all their food. All the special named dwarfs arrive home and are like well I guess you can live here with us.
Um you crazy.
There are some minor lesbian moments which leads Chizuru to nearly bleeding to death. Sakurako and Snow White are very lazy which upsets the rest of the dwarfs. Soon Nana asks Mirror Rise if Snow White is really dead and after some insane answers learns that she is not. So one day while Snow White is running around and eating the scenery again she is offered by the Witch a rotten tomato. Snow White dies and Ayano really starts crying. Much to some people’s jealously Yui turns into the Prince and kisses Kyoko back to life. Before everyone can take a bow…Nana and Rise arrive with a robot Chinatsu scary thing. Everyone is chased around and things look grim. Akari stands up to the robot and it appears she talks it down…but its batteries die out. Then it collapses on Akari and everyone assumes she dies. They have a mini funeral for her and the audience applauds. Everyone then runs across the stage, taking their bow as Yuru Yuri comes to a close. Akari arrives and gets major applause. Then the robot blows up. THE END!
Do people just randomly take bites from tomatoes?
It is funny that this show drove me crazy at times, almost making me question why I watch such insanity. But then there are tons of funny moments that seem genuine and not forced…even if this is a TV show. XD Like yes these girls are all in love with each other and the incest is…special to say the least. But look, we got Snow White and the Seven Crackheads. How can that NOT be entertaining.
We will adopt you away from the crazy.
Also time lines do not matter people. Oh yeah new students are coming and they need to clean up the club room indeed. XD This festival show could have been from “last” year. XD Not necessarily this new school year with everyone going up a grade. Because really what would this show be about if someone out crazied Chinatsu or if the older girls had to actually study for exams. So yay festivals!
I am just so startled!
But before Snow White and the Seven Psychopaths Kyoko had to play jokes on her “close” friends. The Amusement Club needed some amusement. XD They usually sit around and do nothing so Kyoko bringing things today. Only since they usually do..nothing it felt weird. XD Like what you are actually bringing us things to do? Where is our pink box of ideas?!
We have an injury!
That being said some of the things were a bit lame. The little popper things? I remember those well but they aren’t really meant for long term entertainment. Like oh that was fun but moving on now. Akari getting it stuck to her head was fun. Maybe if she had the mark during the play it would have been funnier but who knew when that happened. The goo…stuff really didn’t take off and wasn’t that interesting. The snake was a bit fun though. Kyoko scaring herself silly was fun to watch. Like oh snap I brought something to scare ya’ll and I almost passed out and died.
Are you trying to scare me with this nonsense?
Chinatsu was like…what is this shit and how can I use this to get closer to Yui? Yui was like oh a snake?! A fake snake psht. Akari and her….heart of gold was special. Akari is always special though. Like if I stepped on a snake and it made a weird noise I be like MOG ALIEN SNAKE and would run away. In conclusion fake snakes are scary folks. To the people who brought them to play with.
Hurry guys! I heard there is a crazy play going on now.
Now is it time for Snow Kyoko and the Seven Lesbians? I think it is. While it is not dinosaurs taking over the world it was pretty entertaining and a good way to end the series. Everyone who was ever involved in this show was invited. Come along sisters young and…younger. Because no one has a brother or a dad in this series. Just say no to penises.
Those names...have no idea how they thought them all up.
Since there is a lack of banana hammocks in this show all the roles in Snow Who and the Seven Whats all the parts were played by the girls. Yui was extra special and got to play two roles! I really thought they were going to have only 6 garden gnomes and have Yui only be the Prince. Since this play lacked structure and real lines it was okay for Yui to have two difficult roles. XD
Kyoko as the role of Snow White was an interesting choice. I am surprised that Chinatsu didn’t fight for the role more knowing a kiss was on the way. I am not sure what Kyoko was doing eating the scenery, did they get their fairy tales mixed up or something? Overall Kyoko did not portray the sweet and sometimes….well is Kyoko a space cadet? Maybe she did play the role well. A bit lazy as she didn’t do any house work and that is basically all Snow White really did. Yay Disney movies made a million years ago…..time to watched Tangled again. Smile in the face of danger Kyoko.
Sure. I'll let you go. After you say hello to my little friend!
Some changes made to this version of Snow White and the Seven Crazies. The Huntsmen was a homicidal person who only let Snow White live because she ran out of bullets. The Queen was more interested in blowing up things than being the prettiest. We almost lost one of the Seven Dwarfs to extreme blood lose. The names were a bit questionable too. XD
I think the robot is a girl....
Oh and I guess the end where a giant robot came to kill them all was a bit off from the norm. I loved the audiences reaction to all the insanity they saw. Chinatsu and Akari have crazy sisters so they were like this is amazing let me record every minute of this train wreck. Yui and Himawari’s little sisters were pretty observant and were saying what everyone was thinking. I think Sakurako’s sisters were paid to be there and were trying to melt away. Melt away from the insanity.
Because she is really dead folks.
I am having a hard time picking what was my favorite moment of the play. I mean the fact that the audience asked for more was a shocker. I thought they were all going to be sitting there with blank or WTF faces on. Like what the hell did we just watch? Akari trying to talk down the robot was a bit special. Like um no it just ran out of batteries because Nana can’t design a better energy source. Chinatsu freaking out about the kiss was hilarious while Ayano was a bit more reserved. Boobie Missiles? Really?
We will remember you fondly.
There are just too many moments to pick from in this special fairy tale from insanity. Which is probably the point. The show is over and they had to wrap it up with going over the top with everything. A taste of everyone’s crazy behavior without going too overboard. Everyone having a good time and taking a bit of the spotlight to shine. And Akari even had a moment. Usually she is forgotten….and was for most of this episode. She….risked her life to protect her friends and they had a memorial service for her mid play. And then she got a special bow to the audience. Like this is what you get Akari for putting up with all this insanity. For a moment Akari shined….and then everything blew up. Again.
So the show (series) is now over. There were some special moments involving piles of drool and sister on sister…lovin. Well mentally anyway. But there were fun moments too. Going on trips, drawing scary mangas from hello, and generally…doing everyday things. A slice of life with no boys and over the top fun. XD Ah if junior was only so fun. I think I enjoyed this show and maybe I enjoyed snarking it too. XD Goodbye Kyoko. You were fun to watch as you terrorized so many people. XD


Anonymous said...

I wonder what season 3 will bring? Perhaps the greatest taboo of them all: a male character a.k.a. bishonen!

Holy crap!

Christina said...

Anonymous- There is going to be a season three?!?!?! If they bring a boy character in I bet he will turn out to be a female in disguise. XD Can't be having a penis in this show, even in the form of a brother!