Sunday, September 9, 2012

Accel World episode 22

Hello there my lovely readers!!! Today has been a busy day. The husband and I planning on going out of town on my normal days off (my weekends if you would) so I am trying to get everything caught up on and done today so I won’t come back to loads of laundry and unwatched anime episodes. Of course I am a couch potato by nature so it is hard to accomplish everything from my bed. I keep getting distracted. I shall pull through though so I can have a good two days off not focusing on undone things at home! Woohoo for me!!!
Oh snap someone call Kuroyuki!
So yes I am going to try to have three anime episodes up and blogged today before I put my tired little eyes to bed. Up now is Accel World episode 22. Spoilers for the most uncomfortable strip show ever.
So...I'm bait again?
Episode Summary: Blood Leopard and Haruyuki learn that the person messing around with the Akihabara Battle Grounds is not Nomi but a different user named Rust Jigsaw. Haruyuki is upset it isn’t Nomi but the bartender is concerned there are two cheaters now. The bar tender thinks if Blood Leopard asks for a battle it will lure Rust Jigsaw out. Blood Leopard is like no my more interesting friend Haruyuki and his flightless self will get him to come out. They wait a little bit while Blood Leopard tries to give Haruyuki tips on how Rust Jigsaw will try and defeat them. Blood Leopard also warns that Haruyuki shouldn’t use the incarnate system that much as it eats at your heart and turns into the hardness/sad that created your avatar in the first place. That is how Chrome Disaster was formed and why the Kings are trying to keep the incarnate system on the down low. Soon Rust Jigsaw arrives and challenges them. Rust Jigsaw is way above Haruyuki’s current abilities but Blood Leopard is able to protect Haruyuki. After biting Haruyuki on his neck she is able to take his ultimate attack bar and transform into a real leopard. They bounce around a bit and Blood Leopard lands on Rust Jigsaw. She bites his neck super hard and is able to defeat him in one blow. They wake up in the real world and she tells Haruyuki to hurry as she caused actual damage and the person leaving the building with a neck injury would be Rust Jigsaw. Haruyuki ends up spotting a person holding their neck and waving their arms around crazy but a maid and her flyer block the way. Rust Jigsaw ends up getting away but Haruyuki does his best with a description of the boy.
Don't mind me, just taking out someone with the tamest attack ever.
Haruyuki talks to Takumu later that night to compare notes. Takumu apparently learned the first step and the last step to incarnate and Yuniko doesn’t think he is ready for battle. But Takumu is like don’t give up weeee! Takumu decides that both of them did their best. Haruyuki goes to bed happy knowing they are going to win. The next day Haruyuki is at school, sorta thinking about Chiyuri when Takumu and his bad news train self arrives. Takumu explains that Chiyuri was battling all night with Nomi and they were kicking butt. Takumu realizes that Nomi is basically unstoppable now and that both Haruyuki and Takumu were counting on Kuroyuki to save the day. Well now Takumu doesn’t think this is going to happen. Haruyuki walks home all depressed, even more so when he learns that Blood Leopard has not found Rust Jigsaw. Haruyuki sees Chiyuri walking home, skipping her club. He decides to go talk to her in her room and she acts like oh okay. Haruyuki tries talking to Chiyuri but she acts like this is all a game and Haruyuki needs to stop being so serious. When Haruyuki tries to show Chiyuri the error of her ways Chiyuri breaks down and starts crying. She attempts to strip, trying to convince Haruyuki she does what she wants and is in control.
Ah memories. XD
Haruyuki is like I don’t understand girls and walks to his apartment. He decides he has nothing left but his brain against Nomi and starts thinking. He realizes that Rust Jigsaw did not have a neurolinker thing thing on and how can that be?! With some quick research Haruyuki has figured out the answer. He confronts Nomi at school the next day and says he wins. Haruyuki concludes that Nomi has a second generation virtual reality device, an illegal chip, in his head and that is how he avoids being on the list. Nomi makes some of the ugliest faces in the world and then decides it is funny. Nomi says Haruyuki doesn’t win as much as they both have extreme dirt on each other. Haruyuki says he wants to finish this in Brain Burst. Nomi suggests they bet all their points and winner takes all. Haruyuki shows Takumu the list of requirements for this battle Nomi thought up. Takumu is worried that Nomi might cheat still with these rules but Haruyuki thinks since Nomi plays a dirty game he won’t have any friends to help with the cheating process. So it sounds like a go with this winner take all battle. THE END!
Rusty Nails+Jigsaw= Rust Jigsaw. Worse boss ever.
Every time I look around I see Nomi. Nomi here and Nomi there. HOW LONG IS THIS ARC?! Is the season almost over yet? That seems to be the only way we are going to get rid on Nomi. He haunts my dreams like the little stubby arms do.
You know, the one with no wings??!?!
I thought that Haruyuki would have been more upset about the fact that all of Brain Burst is talking about his lack of wings. I would be like :( the only thing people admired me for is gone and woe is me. Plus WOW news gets around fast in this game. I guess that makes sense since minutes in the real world are like days there. Still I thought that Haruyuki would have more of a reaction than he did. Maybe he was more focused on the fact that Nomi isn’t the only cheater out there and it won’t be that easy cracking this mystery.
This sounds super important tell me more!
While waiting and using Haruyuki like bait Blood Leopard gave him a lot of good advice. Which I thought was nice but they did just meet 5 seconds ago according to Haruyuki. Yuniko must really go on and on about Haruyuki to her close legion mates. XD But yes it was nice of Blood Leopard to help Haruyuki. Unlike some users named Sky Raker. Eating away at your heart? THAT WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE TO KNOW!
I am a bit disappointed though. I thought Haruyuki was turning into Chrome Disaster. Well I could just pretend HE might become him/it. As anyone who uses the incarnate system too much is in danger of that. So technically I am right…but not because the last Chrome Disaster did something to Haruyuki. So that was just a random coincidence or something? Something WAS glowing on Haruyuki back, where Chrome Disaster went all Spiderman on him. But I can say I am wrong and it’s okay. Just that this is a SUPER drawback to using the incarnate system. In fact maybe telling everyone the truth about it would make them less likely to use it less? Either way Sky Raker sucks.
What do you mean I wasn't helpful?!
The battle between Rust Jigsaw and Leopard Blood/Haruyuki…was sorta lame. It didn’t last very long and quite frankly he got his butt handed to him rather fast. I thought that Leopard Blood hadn’t been to this battle place in a long time? She seemed to have his moves down pretty hardcore. Haruyuki was very good bait though and didn’t contribute to the battle much. Good job.
Um when did this become a rule?
Which leads me to another point. How did Blood Leopard do real damage to Rust Jigsaw? I don’t think I like that aspect of the game. That means everyone should be walking around all broken and crap. I can see it messing with your mind mentally but not your body for real. What is the point of it being a semi virtual reality game then? What determines real damage and what is just game damage? A weird random rule that didn’t amount to anything since Rust Jigsaw got away.
Surely all is well now that he knows the beginning and end of the incarnate system.
Takumu didn’t do that much better with Yuniko. Which is understandable. It took Haruyuki days to figure out how to be a beginner. Yuniko is trying to teach Takumu the correct way to use the incarnate system. It will take longer and maybe Takumu isn’t a super gamer like Haruyuki. But at least Takumu wasn’t down and out and woe is me right?
Because that came the next day woohoo! Takumu got word that Chiyuri and Nomi were kicking ass and everyone is now sad and depressed. Surely they are too powerful to beat. Nomi has won. Kuroyuki has lost. All is gone. Haruyuki was like wft are you talking about Kuroyuki is the most amazing person ever who gives us tiny fractions of information at a time. She kicks ass by just looking sideways at people. Takumu….might have been being realistic about the situation but I am surprised he didn’t start mumbling Game Over, Game Over Man while the aliens ate his face. Very special indeed.
Look at me pretending not to care.
Haruyuki has decided that he wasn’t done experiencing sadness that day and went to see Chiyuri. Who has probably lost her mind. Okay she really lost her mind. She starts off being aloof and pretending like none of this matters. Which is what I expected. Then she started to waver and cry because deep down she really just wants to be with her friends again and she hates Nomi. She thinks that by keeping her mouth shut she is protecting them. Okay then you have at it. Be sad and the martyr.
Takumu should probably start looking for a new girlfriend now.
But then she decided it was a great time to take off her shirt. Like…what the hell was that all about?! Everything else in the room up to that point made sense. Even the fact that Haruyuki and Chiyuri were avoiding saying what they really wanted to say. But then Chiyuri tried to convince Haruyuki that she was in control of her actions by coming on to him?! I mean…I rather her kiss Haruyuki than strip tease. That is so much more in her character. Just…just what the hell?! I get she probably loved Haruyuki but settled for Takumu this is…not good. Not good at all. I doubt this is the way to make things the way they once were.
It is time to do something amazing and figure this all 5 seconds!!!
After Haruyuki sat in a closet and banged his head against the wall he decided he needed to solve this craziness. If he couldn’t win in the game well he would have to try to win in real life. I would have liked it better had he taken him longer, pouring over all the footage and what not. Coffee filled nights. But nope Haruyuki was like…OH WAIT! That guy I saw for ten seconds! He wasn’t wearing a neurolinker thing. Clearly he must be using something else and I will solve this with information not available to the viewers. That was a bit disappointing. I wanted to be like OH SNAP why didn’t I think of that? :( Sadness.
But Haruyuki and his AHA you have a brain chip self was right. I thought that Nomi was trying to rip his face off. Since I just have been scarred for life by Total Recall I was having flashbacks of that moment. Like oh okay time for insanity. I really thought the plot was going to go one step further and reveal that Nomi is really OLDER than Haruyuki and had to get the chip implanted to play the game/accelerate. That the neurolinker around his neck was all a lie. But for now it is just the chip and melted faces.
Nomi ain't got no friends!!! *insert Nomi friends here*
So….as it stands Haruyuki might be making a big mistake by settling things in Brain Burst. Nomi is a sneaky little person. Given the fact Haruyuki thinks this is a good idea because Nomi has no real friends in the game makes me think that a real friend is lurking in the shadows. Good luck Haruyuki. You are probably going to need it.


Anonymous said...

Right now, like what some other said on the web, all I care about is how they are going to animate part where Noumi ‘dies’ like a dog.

eternia said...

Yeah, Noumi is too disgusting, non-human, and vomit-inducing. He's just a plot device, and mass of bad traits. I am not a big fan of AW, but I have to admit that I was excited during the last several minutes and when the ending song started playing.

I don't care who did it, please put an end to that Noumi and all his ugliness already! It's too unbearable to watch. They should have shown more Scarlet Rain and Blood Leopard! Also the lolis from Okinawa.

Anonymous said...

Only a few more episodes! I'm kinda dissapinted there hasn't been more Kuroyuki. All of the promos for the show had alot of Kuroyuki, so I was under the impression that she was a bigger character. She was at first, but dissapeared when Noumi showed up =/.

I thought Noumi's using old technology to fool people was a cool twist though--I could totally see people doing that in real life. Although I have to question what parents would let their child have an illiegal brain chip installed O_o.

Oh, and when Haruyuki was researching old technology...wasn't the virtual reality helmet the one from Sword Art Online?

eternia said...

Yup, it's the 'NerveGear'.
Noumi is probably an orphan, raised by gangster, in the back alley. That explains why he is such a jack ass. Lol.
The promo lied. The main characters have to be Haru, Taku and Chiyu. The latter one surprised me by suddenly stripped in front of a guy.

I am glad that this blog got another regulars. Christina is a good blogger. She needs more love. Hehe.

Anonymous said...

I don't want to spoil too much, but in the LN, Noumi's past............well.......let's just say he will have a "logical" ending.

Christina said...

Anonymous- This seems like the longest anime arc ever (except DBZ arcs of course) and every time I see Nomi's crazy faces I want to puke and laugh at the same time.

Eternia- Nomi is going to have to be a raped orphan who was forced to be a child soldier who had all his limbs blown off and forced to eat his sister for me to feel bad for him at this point. He is just way too over the top for me to handle most of the time. With so many other characters why does he get so much screen time?!

Chiyuri is a hoe bag. She and her cat outfit needs to take a flying leap off a building. More Yuniko!!!

I love how you always say such nice things about me. XD I don't think I deserve half that praise with my crazy blogging "schedule" and inability to spell words right. I thank you for all the kind words you give me and explanations when I confuse myself. XD Thanks for spreading the love.

Anonymous- If by logical ending you mean he gets thrown off a building with Chiyuri...then that is acceptable. XD

NOTneveroutgrewtoys- I thought that too about Kuroyuki. Then when she got in the car accident I thought OH CRAP it is Madoka all over again and we have been had. She lived but I do think that Haruyuki thinks a lot ABOUT Kuroyuki than she actually contributes to the plot.

Or Nomi has come and taken over everything and we hate him.

That is a good question about where the damn parents were at the time of said brain chip implanting. What kid has that type of money to afford that?!