Sunday, July 26, 2009

Pandora Hearts Episode 17

Hello there loyal readers. I am in a slightly better mood today. XD There are significantly less ants in my house (although I found another one in the bathroom this morning...), there was no work to drive me crazy, and no one on the road tried to kill me. So all in all a successful day. Plus there was cake! Everyday is a great day when there is cake involved!


Kittys are better than ants!

So on to Pandora Hearts. Again not what I was expecting. Perhaps half of what I was expecting. But that turned out to be a good thing so overall I am satisfied. But maybe that is the cake talking.

But there are a few key plot points (at least to me) covered this week and some random craziness. Also a familiar (not so familiar really) face shows up. Yay for good episodes and on to review!

Edit: HOLY CRAP THE SCREENIES ARE BIG. XD Next time I will adjust my photobucket settings. Sorry for that fail....err enjoy the super sized screenies. Now you can better read the subtitles? XD


Me thinks this is important....

There is a flashback of the past. Break wakes up on the floor a bloody mess wondering if the past has been rewritten. Baby Sharon comes running up to see his bloody mess. Back in the present Oz learns that Sharon was kidnapped. Break tries to act like the situation was no big deal and doesn’t give Oz any information. Sharon doesn’t appreciate Break being so calm about the situation and beats him for a bit. Then there is a mini flashback of Vincent taking Break to where he has been keeping Sharon. She and Echo have been poisoned and will remain so until Break uses his power to destroy the memory fragment. Vincent gets a little bit psycho about the situation. Within this flashback is another flashback of a younger Break telling Sharon’s mom his purpose in life is to find out the truth about the tragedy that happened 100 years ago. Back in the first flashback Sharon wakes up and tells Break not to destroy the memory fragment as it is his most precious thing he has been searching for. Break whispers something into her ear and she gets all blushy. Break destroys the collar and Vincent repays him by dropping the antidote off the balcony. Echo saves it before it gets mushed and she is nearly slapped for her troubles.


What did you say?!?!?!

Back in the present (again) Oz tries to find out what happened but Sharon is too busy hitting Break and then crying about how it is all her fault that Break suffers. They share a hug and Liam takes Oz out in the hall and explains that Break and Sharon aren’t really siblings. He then explains how he has known Break for some time now and that Break hasn’t been such a ray of sunshine. In another flashback it is revealed that Break was quite pissed off when he first arrived back in our world and Liam tried to help him. Break didn’t want to be helped but Sharon’s mom somehow got through to him. After Sharon gets done boo hooing Break asks Sharon if she saw the Cheshire Cat’s face and that the Cheshire Cat has his eye, the one that the Will of the Abyss stole. Before Oz can figure out his place in the world Uncle Oscar comes in with drama and tears. He throws outfits on all three of them and flings them in a carriage. On the way over he explains they are going to Ada’s school. Alice is surprised Oz has a sister but soon becomes bored in the mission. Turns out the mission is to find out whom Ada has fallen in love with and they are going to break into the school and pretend to be students. The plan doesn’t go as planned and Uncle Oscar comes off as a pedo and the group gets separated in the process. Elsewhere there is the random glasses wearing kid that we saw a while ago at the Nightray house.


The truth about hats!

Uncle Oscar reveals the real reason he has taken them to this school is so Ada and Oz can reconnect. Ada’s pet cat attacks Gilbert and he goes insane. Ada shows up and Oscar tells her what is what. She freaks out and worries that she won’t be the person that Oz is expecting. In another part of the school Alice concludes that Oz is too scared to see his sister. Oz is afraid that she won’t remember him and that she will be so different and wonderful and he is still the same person. Alice almost has a nice moment but then decides her man servant needs to man up. In walks Ada. The two siblings share a glance and are very awkward with each other. Ada says she has never forgotten Oz and it is better now that he is here again. She cries and flings herself into his arms as Oz stands around looking uncomfortable. But at least he smiles. Before things can get too lovely Alice gets jealous and tells Ada to bounce. Gilbert starts screaming at her and telling her to bounce. Oscar screams at them both and tells them to focus on the mission. It is greatly implied (or inferred by the group) that Ada’s love is Gilbert and the hat Gilbert loves so much is a gift from Ada. Oscar and Oz declare Gilbert a dead man walking. A chase ensures and Ada and Oz end up in a random part of the school. Oz finds this fun time great until he hears a familiar tune. The tune from his pocket watch being played by a piano to be exact. He runs off, leaving Ada, to find out the source and THE END!


And who are you?!

So….that was different than what I was expecting. I thought this episode was going to be fluff about Ada and Oz being crazy about the situation. But only half the episode was dedicated to that topic and it was much cuter than I thought it was going to be.


No always a happy boy was he...

But let’s start with the unexpected stuff first. That being Break and Sharon. I thought the part about Sharon getting kidnapped was going to be glossed over. So I was pretty surprised to see it actually get discussed and parts of Break’s past on top of that! Woot for surprises!


How lovely. Now why did it do that?

However…not much was explained. If anything more questions popped up. I was never under the impression that Break was really Sharon’s brother. And if I did I will deny it now. But the Cheshire Cat had Break’s eye not Vincent. :( There goes that theory. But it turns out that the Will of the Abyss took his eye. Not sure why and that makes me sad. :( And I am like 90 percent sure Break is from the past as well. Probably 100 years in the past and that is why he is so focused on finding out the truth. Perhaps he thinks someone he knew had a hand in that or he blames himself. He needs to find out the truth to put his mind at ease.


Psht why does Oz need to know who the kidnapper is anyway?!

But can he tell us any of this? NO! He can’t tell Oz that he feels for him being displaced in time. By the look of things he hasn’t told anyone why he lost his eye or his reasoning for finding out the truth. Because it is more fun to string the audience along. :( For now I will try to be satisfied with knowing these tiny pieces of information and have fun trying to make my brain explode.


Slap a ho time!

Vincent is an asshole. I am sure everyone already knew that but seriously. He poisoned his little Echo to get Break to believe him? I am sure that Break does distrust Vincent but still?! X_X That is a bit extreme. Echo does his dirty work and he rewards her with a near death experience? I am happy she screwed up his plan and saved the anti poison whatever medicine. She deserves better.


I approve of this beating. XD

Meh. Maybe Sharon deserves a little bit of credit for trying to be brave and telling Break not to destroy the precious memory he had been searching for. We all know that Break was not going to sacrifice his sweet Lady for the truth so the gesture was meaningless. But I did enjoy her beating Break up and abusing him like he deserves. XD


......Just die.

But other than that we didn’t learn much more about Vincent. He is a jerk who will do anything to hide the truth from everyone. He isn’t the one who has Break’s eye. And I hate him. Dieinafire.


Dance around the Oz. XD

So after all that heavy stuff we get to the fluffy part of the episode. Instead of going back to Pandora and being the reluctant hero Oz is shipped off to go have an adventure with his sister. Oz, Gilbert, and Alice are tricked into thinking that Uncle Oscar is worried about Ada at school and she needs protecting. In reality Uncle Oscar wants Oz and Ada to reconnect and the longer they wait the harder it will be. Not quite sure which situation Oz would have been more afraid of (the hero or the big brother) but the results were fun.


Oh Alice. Dear Alice...

Alice being over the top jealous was priceless. Instead of the word boyfriend she uses the word manservant. And it is cute that she thinks she isn’t being utterly transparent. Even though I am not a fan of a love interest being jealous over a sibling this case was done in a manner that didn’t make me want to puke. Woot for not puking.


Holy crap Oz is the Will of the Abyss?!

Gilbert has a special episode. First he was forced to go to a school and pose a student even though it is pretty obvious he is not. He was attacked by a cat even though he wasn’t the one smoking. His hat’s origin is found out and now he will suffer the consequences. And he will suffer two fold as he is getting attacked from the other proactive father figure and the overbearing big brother. Truly he suffers.


This is a normal reunited reaction.

Ada was just…okay in my book. Not that I was expecting that much. She was such a minor character in the only episode she was in there wasn’t much to go on. Perhaps it was the big boobs (way too big X_X) that threw me off. But she cute enough, crying over the brother she thought was lost and afraid that she wouldn’t be good enough for him now. Just wish the moment would have lasted longer.


This is not.

Oz’s meeting with Ada was a bit off to me. I think Alice was spot on in her observation (a shocker) but Oz didn’t have time to absorb her words. Just BAM there is the sister. If I hadn’t seen my baby sister in forever and she started crying I would run up and hug her. I wouldn’t wait until she started falling on me to hold her. I understand that the situation was odd but he didn’t seem to be feeling as much as I thought he should have. But everyone is not me and maybe this was a typical confused reaction. But I was still expecting more.


That same old tune....

The heartwarming fuzzy moment and the torturing Gilbert moment weren’t long enough. It has been interrupted by that darn plot! The glasses wearing kid is at this same school and is fond of ANOTHER random blond. Said random blond seems to be playing the tune from Oz’s pocket watch which is suspect. So…I guess we are back on track next week. No fun for Oz apparently!

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