Friday, July 3, 2009

Clannad: Another World, Kyou Chapter, Tenchi Hell

Well then….I see. And really I should have. All the information about Clannad and Tomoya’s different game routes are plastered everywhere on the internet for me to see. Perhaps I should have spoiled it for myself before hand and read up on Kyou’s arc. That way I would have known in advance to be bored and underwhelmed.


Well and a tiny bit surprised...

Before I get into anything about the actual episode I will say that part of the reason I am disappointed is because there was no Kotomi at all in this episode. I love me some Kotomi and would have loved to see her cute face again. But I understand that if Tomoya went this route there would be no reason for him to end up in the library and meet up with her. But I can still complain about it and wear a sad little face.

And I am sure to the disappointment of many there is no Nagisa either. I am sure Tomoya could have still run into her at the bottom of the hill and gave her encouraging words. He didn’t have to be romantically attached to her. He could have just been a decent human being and viewed her as a classmate. But nope, no Nagisa for us. Or Kotomi. Or Tomoyo. :(

I think I will start off with the world’s longest episode summary. Be prepared as it will be epic in length.

Tomoya agrees to go out with Ryou. Kyou covers up her hurt (badly). Kyou “volunteers” to let Tomoya practice kissing on her. School finds out. Sunohara tells Tomoya to make up his mind who he likes. Insert twins knowing the other loves Tomoya. Tomoya tells Ryou he loves Kyou only it is Kyou with short hair. Tomoya picks Kyou.

Were you able to navigate that huge wall of text? Was the complicated plot too much for you to handle? Are you lost and or need an adult?

Or or….are you like me and are bored? Or wondering how the episode was able to fill 23 minutes with only that limited amount of material?

Yes I know I am talking about Clannad, the anime with dramatic heartfelt moments and where nothing can be easy or simple. All emotions must be multiplied by 119 and the easiest solution can’t happen. Or else the episode would end after 5 minutes.

Usually I like all the overdramaticness of Clannad. Because life is slightly overdramatic at times and it makes me feel more connected to the characters. Even though you the viewer see how overcomplicated the characters are making the situation you still watch as they make their own decisions and resolve the problem in their own way.


The only over dramatic moment that worked for me....

So yes I am usually down with Clannad and its buffet of drama. But this episode just rubs me the wrong way. I thought we were getting a tiny bit more of Clannad before it left us for good. But now I almost wish they left us with Ushio sleeping under the tree.

Before I talk about the episode itself I guess I will explain what I was expecting. See, I didn’t play the game so I wasn’t exactly sure of how the girls ended up with Tomoya in their own respective arcs. So when I saw Kyou’s arc I thought this will be what happens if Nagisa stayed dead (wow that is harsher than I meant it to be). I imagined that Tomoya would still be in that very dark place where he lost all hope. But instead of Sanae trying to bring Tomoya and Ushio together it would be Kyou. Somehow she would trick Tomoya into coming to the school to discuss Ushio’s problems at school. She would be the one to make Tomoya realize that he still had a reason to live. After Ushio and Tomoya were reunited and began living together again Tomoya would show up to the school more often. Ushio would say something innocent like even though I don’t have a mommy anymore Kyou feels like one. Tomoya relies more and more on Kyou and he realizes that they are acting like a family. He notes that it is a different kind of feeling and that he will never forget about Nagisa but he feels that Nagisa would want him to be happy. In my little mind Kyou cries (here is the overdramatic part) that she was trying to fight her feelings and would never do anything to dishonor Nagisa’s memory but she still loves Tomoya. Tomoya doesn’t want to do anything without Ushio’s blessing. Ushio cries, saying that daddy told her how nice mommy was and mommy would want daddy to be happy. THE END.

And I realize how insane that all is….

Yes I am insane. But I thought maybe this show could take a more reality based ending than a complete reset. I thought it could show how dedicated Kyou was to Tomoya, that Nagisa would want him to move on with his life, and Ushio would learn that even though life can be tough sometimes love will get you through. But apparently this would be too much for a 23 minute episode and I am insane.
So as you can see I had set the standards impossibly high and was disappointed obviously. I will credit my high expectations and ridiculous standards for 50 percent of my RARWNESS. But only 50 percent.

The other 50 percent is just because the episode was boring.


But....he is still sweet.

Tomoya wasn’t Tomoya. I like him being sweet and blushy but not at the expense of his sense of humor. No pranks, no real snide remarks, and no asshole behavior. It was almost like Tomoya was just window dressing for this episode and allowed for these two girls to fight over him. Tomoya should be the one helping the girls out like always but not this time around.



Now I hate Ryou. Before she was just generally annoying and a lame secondary character. But now I hate her. I can’t fault her for falling for Tomoya. You can’t help who you fall in love with. But she knew her sister had a crush on Tomoya. Now had she gone about it in a mature manner and let Tomoya pick from the twins I would not be as mad. But Ryou went to her sister for advice knowing that would make her sister back off her own Tomoya advancement and that is a bitch move. Go die in a fire Ryou.

Kyou Kyou Kyou. I think it was really sweet of you to not bash your sister’s skull in when she made a move on your man. Or a man you wanted. You put aside your own feelings to make your sister happy. I might think that is stupid but commendable and maybe you will get sister of the year award one day (or biggest idiot ever award).


I don't blame you at all! :( Just....

And really…in most cases I would be calling you a skanky slut for “practicing kissing”. I would call Tomoya a skanky slut too but he obviously had no idea what was going on so it doesn’t apply. So feel honored Kyou because most girls who try to kiss other people’s guys get the STINK EYE from me and a one way ticket to SluttyTown. But since Ryou was the one who stole Tomoya in the first place I will give you a get out of jail card. That and you stopped yourself before you did anything and you were just a confused girl. That is all okay.


Bring back Kyou NOW!

What is not okay is that you get the guy….and you turn into a completely different person. Really, it was like someone was writing a crappy fan fiction and OOCed Kyou to death. I get that she is happy with Tomoya and walking home together is exciting and wonderful….but where is the Kyou I love? She can be in love with Tomoya and still throw insults at him and pretend that he drives her crazy. But now we have a giggly boy obsessed crazy pants.

Unless all along the insults were just a cover up and the real Kyou is a giggly boy obsessed crazy pants. Oh dear lord help us all.

The over emotional part of this episode is all the back and forth Kyou/Ryou stuff. They both think they are hurting the other and hate themselves for that. There were some dramatic crying sister moments but nothing really touched me hardcore. Mostly because I wanted to stab Ryou.


I would have been way nicer to my twin!

Maybe it was just hard for me to understand. I am the type of person who always wanted to be a twin and would dream about how lovely it would be to have a real other half. Of course this scenario was slightly different as I imagined my twin a boy (but we still would fall for the same guy XD) but still! I can’t imagine being so crappy to my twin. So instead of getting caught up in their sadness/drama I was angrier that they were letting a guy get in between their more important relationship.

Just rarw! That was the whole episode. Two sisters fighting over a guy. Oh and Kyou cutting her hair for no reason. -_- This greatly displeases me.

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