Thursday, July 2, 2009

07-Ghost Episode 13

......Let's just on to the summary and review shall we. LE SIGH!


X_X Run for your life!


The horror...THE HORROR!

Everyone is outside still going MOG dead body. People are gossiping over whether or not one of the Ghost killed Baldy for his past deeds. Teito gets a feeling and looks up. On a ledge Frau is looking down at the scene with cat eyes and Teito finds him cold. Later that night Teito sneaks out of the room he shares with Hakuren. He walks around the church and sees a painting of a baby being held by a saint (or maybe it is baby Jesus). Suddenly Teito has a memory being held by a man who is not his dad but he referred to as "Father". He sees a previous conversation with his real dad talking about someone new taking care of Teito. Teito returns to his room and wonders about the memory he just received. Hakuren wakes up and accuses Teito of visiting one of the nuns at night. The fun moment is lost when Hakuren realize it was a serious problem and they are not close enough friends to discuss stuff.


Too cute to words!

Teito goes to the library but not to study for his upcoming exam. He is searching for his history and all this Eye of Mikhael nonsense. The book Teito was reading goes insane and flips its own pages. Teito reads something important, that Verloren killed God’s daughter and banished himself to Earth to be the Grim Reaper. Teito starts to get a weird vision again but Hakuren and Frau interrupt it. Frau acts a little concerned over Teito but soon the scene turns to Frau and Hakuren bonding over porn. Then there is a little talk about how Baldy was a murderer and even though he was at the church of good looking men for redemption it was too late for all that. The happy priest sprouting all this grand news says as long as you are not a sinner you have nothing to worry about YAY! Later that day Teito is walking to class and carrying Frau’s broken Kor smushing wand. Frau and Castor are talking about how Baldy was taken over in a matter of seconds by a Kor and not days. Teito’s magic Eye powers kick in and he overhears them talking about how they knew he had the Eye all along. Frau tries to confront Teito but Teito takes off running instead.


My poor Teito needs a hug.

Teito is pissed that the church of good looking men housed him even though they knew how dangerous he could be. Teito then has sparkly chibi flashbacks about “Father” taking care of him and the entire thing is way too cute for words. But then war breaks out and baby Teito is hidden by “Father” so he can live on. Our Teito has a mental meltdown because of all the people who have died for his sake. Hakuren and Mikage dragon (why were you with Hakuren anyway!!!??) see Teito crying and go fetch Frau. Frau confronts Teito who is pissed about them keeping secrets from him. Teito lets his anger get the best of him and accuses Frau of wanting to use the Eye for his own purposes. Teito tries to attack Frau but that is made of tears and fail. Frau gently tells Teito he will always be there to protect him and other magical sweet words. Teito suddenly remembers “Father” speaking the same way. Instead of jumping to the right conclusion Teito accuses Frau of looking inside his mind. Right Teito. Then Castor is walking around the school when he gets a VERY bad feeling about a VERY bad shadow. Surprise! The purple eye patch wearing bad guy is at the school. THE END!


Castor-san has his A-game on...clearly.

Well…that was terribly unimpressive. I think I said something similar last week but now I less inclined to give 07-Ghost any slack. Instead of focusing on established parts of the plot they decide to run off in a different direction, a direction that either needed to be established earlier or later. But not now.


Mikage dragon is too cute! Oh...and dead body?!

But let’s talk about MOG dead body. It almost reminded me of a Law and Order episode. All the potential students are busy studying, the nuns are doing their nun things when suddenly DEAD BODY. It would have been more lovely had two people been mindlessly talking about random things (like “did you see the size of that person’s Kor staff MOG DEAD BODY!”) but I can’t be too greedy. And at any rate people can’t find out that Frau is a light thingy ghost and Ayanami is up to no good so there can’t be any eyewitnesses. Still it had that Law and Order dead body vibe.


Pay no attention to the dead guy...look into my eyes!

Even though Frau tried to be totally sneaky Teito saw him being all ghostie at the church. Teito was worried about Frau’s involvement with Baldies death because he sees Frau as a good person. He kills only the Kors right? He doesn’t kill people who are seeking redemption. This series is about healing people who have been attacked by demons. So Teito is slightly confused how this instance there is an MOG dead body on the ground with radioactive blood. Teito decides that he is going to confront Frau and ask him directly what is going on.


Woot for forgetting the question!

Only when Teito does have a moment alone with Frau…this whole matter with Frau and his COLD COLD eyes is forgotten. I was willing to put aside the fact that Teito was more concerned about Frau’s state of mind than his actual involvement but apparently that wasn’t enough. Or it doesn’t matter. Because Teito has something else on his mind and apparently he can only concentrate on one matter at a time. Sorry Baldy we get no answers about your death from Frau.


At least the viewers get to know? Yay?

Well I suppose it is better to say that Teito isn’t going to get any answers. Castor and Frau talked about Baldy later and how his take over into Kor land was accelerated at the speed of fast and something fishy is going on with this situation. Of course it would be too easy for Frau to tell Teito that he had to kill Baldy or his soul would be lost forever. No it is more fun to let Teito think that Frau is a super bad guy who enjoys watching people die in puddles of strawberry jam.


The church of good looking men has very harsh rules. X_X

I think the other bishop saying what he did about Baldy was a bit harsh. Granted I would not hire a murderer to work for me and really wouldn’t cry at their death but I am not a priest/bishop. I am not supposed to think that way. He is supposed to believe in second chances and that God will forgive your sins. This dude was preaching “He got what he deserved” and “Once you sin the Ghosts will eventually get you”. Truly uplifting stuff.


A very important person indeed!

So why did Teito stop caring about the MOG dead person? He had a vision from his past. And in this special vision he learned that when his daddy died he didn’t go directly to being a slave person. His daddy decided to take him somewhere safe in the event of his demise. Teito was raised at an orphanage until the entire country minus Teito was toast burgers. And at this orphanage there was a very special man dressed in priest clothes that Teito was fond of. Teito called him Father and gave him cute chibi hugs and told him tons of important things for the future. Oh and this guy looks strangely familiar….



WHO COULD IT BE?! I mean a priest who has blond features and is always giving Teito great advice? Oh here comes Frau walking around the corner saying the exact same things Father said. I mean we should think and ponder who this person is as it is a complete and utter mystery.

Now I am usually wrong when I assume things. I actually enjoy making fun of myself when it turns out my special theories are beyond wrong. But I think I can say with about a 99.999 percent certainty that Frau is Father. I’m just saying. I know it is totally out of left field and there are no clues pointing that way at all. But somehow I think I might be right. If I am wrong…I hate this show forever.


07-Ghost is hiding this secret so very well....

But I am pretty sure I’m not wrong. And the way they went about showing that Frau has been a part of Teito’s life for a very long time was pretty lame. I mean there are other ways of introducing such information without making it beyond blatantly obvious. Maybe they could have covered his face up and left it a little blurry like with his dad at first. Or maybe not make Frau say the exact same things that “Father” said. The mystery is seriously lacking.


Nothing gets passed Teito....

Perhaps it is supposed to be that way. The audience is supposed to know what is going on and watch as Teito stumbles along and learns that everyone knows more about himself than he does. That way Teito can be really super pissed that not only did his new friends know that he had a magical glowing rock in his hand but they took care of him when he was little and probably could have protected him better and made his life less craptacular! XD It will go over well I predict.


Wtf?! Why are you so small?!

Putting that aside something seemed off this episode. Hakuren seemed…small. Not that I think he should be some huge giant kid but last episode he seemed to be a decent size kid. Now his head is shrunk and he is not that much taller than Teito. Consistency is our friend animators.


So we may feast in your honor!

Another thing I am disappointed about is Hakuren’s reason for being interested with Frau. I thought there was going to be some back story about how Frau saved his life or the Oak family threw him out but Frau encouraged him to take this path. Or maybe that he really does look up to Frau for his high test scores. But nope, it is about boobies. They are going to bond over being perverts. How boring.

Teito has clearly not moved on from all these people dying. I am sure I would be a crying mess to if I was the only one left alive and everyone who tried to protect me bit the dust. I want Teito to actually feel better and not feel upset all the time. Or I want him to stop wearing fake smiles all the time. But someone needs to give my boy a hug and give him one fast. His mood swings are bringing me down.


...but do you have to be so tall?!

:( There has been a setback in the Frau and Teito relationship. Teito was going to be all cute and apologize for breaking Frau’s Kor stick thingy but Teito’s magical stone powers made him overhear a conversation about Frau and Castor knowing about his magical stone powers. Now Teito hates Frau or hates himself. Either way…my poor yaoi pairing is crushed upon the rocks.

So…it was another week of Teito sobbing all other the place and now he is crying for a third person he thinks is more worthy to be alive than him. He is going to be even more upset at Frau and I am sure that will affect his Kor staff wielding abilities. Teito didn’t learn anything and the plot went nowhere. Oh and Castor sucks at sensing where the enemy is. Here’s to hoping that next week will be better. The purple sleepy bishie better step up his game.


And who could that be?! Mysteries!

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