Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Hyouka episode 7

Hello my lovely readers. I have spent a great deal of time looking over various boards about Disney. XD I have been thinking about forgoing any anime conventions next year to become an annual pass holder. Decisions decisions. As such I have had a less productive day than yesterday. Although the big thing on my list that needs to be done soon is getting an oil change…and I can’t work my way up to being that productive. XD
Can I get a HELL YEAH?!
Instead it is anime time. Especially since the husband has to work long hours this week. Up now is Hyouka episode 7. Spoilers for a mystery that doesn’t leave the viewers in a coma.
Houtarou looks so excited!!!!
Episode Summary: Houtarou and the rest of the club is on an nearly empty bus. Houtarou looks thrilled to be there. It is explained that Eru wanted to pay back Houtarou for solving her Uncle’s mystery. And since this is Japan vacations have to revolve around hot springs. Mayaka’s family has a hotel that is under construction and will allow them to stay there for free. Yay free vacations. Houtarou starts to get car sick as the others talk about some giant animal thing. Houtarou fears another mystery and simply states that ghosts end up being no more that wilted flowers (IE not a big deal). Looking green Houtarou and the rest of the club is picked up by Mayaka’s family and on they go. Mayaka’s cousins Rie and Kayo are cute youngsters and seem friendly enough. They eat dinner and Satoshi is excited to be there. Eru and Houtarou walk to the hot springs with Eru going on and on about how having a sibling would have been grand. Houtarou and his naked self join Satoshi who is already there. Whether it is from imagining Eru naked or being sick from the bus Houtarou nearly passes out in the hot springs and is dragged back home. Houtarou is too sick to attend the ghost story telling event but hears it from the open window. The sisters talk about how once there was a guest who rents a room and killed himself. From then on the room was considered cursed to the family shut that part of the hotel off.
I see dead people. X___X
The next morning both Mayaka and Eru say they saw something swinging in the ghost room. Eru demands with her crazy eyes that Houtarou solve the mystery. They attempt to get closer to the room in question but Kayo makes excuses why she can’t take them there. They go outside to investigate where Houtarou finds out it rained last night. Before Houtarou can explain his theory Rei dances in with her summer yukata. Eru and Houtarou go to the hot springs again with Eru still obsessed with the ghost. While in the hot spring Houtarou figures out the mystery as Satoshi thinks that Houtarou is just passing out again. Houtarou waits for Eru after their dip and explains on the way back to the hotel he has solved the mystery. After seeing Rie write her name on everything he concludes she might be selfish. Kayo borrowed Rie’s yukata and attends a festival alone. Houtarou saw someone leave the hotel late at night. Kayo gets caught in the rain and needs to dry the yukata fast. She opens up the cursed part of the house and the hanging laundry is the ghost the girls saw. After Houtarou explains the mystery to Eru she agrees that it makes sense. Houtarou decides not to tell Mayaka as this will cause family problems. Eru gets very sad that sisters would treat each other like that, not loaning something to the other. Houtarou looks slightly…something at Eru being sad. But up ahead Kayo is being carried by Rie as the other broke her shoe. This renews Eru faith in sibling kind and takes off running to the happy scene. THE END!
At least it wasn't about...whatever this is.
I…didn’t fall asleep while watching this episode. Could it be…this show might be okay? Of course it turns out that the mystery in the end was rather easily explained away. Maybe that is the point of this show. Well not part where I die from boredom over a teacher being confused. But to show you how ghost stories can be explained by something simple and not the supernatural.
Good job being totally low key.
But lets not get ahead of ourselves. This show still has to do a lot to make me like it. XD Pretty art can only take you so far in life. Still I have to give credit where credit is due. Perhaps it was the mystery itself. Everyone likes a good ghost story right?
No naked girls?! I AM CONFUSED!!!
Also can I add this was a hot spring episode and we only saw a “naked” Eru for 5 seconds. The hot spring scenes mostly focused on the boys and we saw a LOT more of Houtarou than anyone else. Thanks strategically placed heads and bowls. XD Of course we still could get a beach scene and see boobies bouncing down the beach but even with the K-On!! girls that really didn’t happen. Maybe it will never happen.
Relax in water can be a small part of a vacation...but not the whole thing!!!
As a side note I really don’t understand the appeal of hot springs. I am a great fan of hot tubes…with swimsuits. But to go away to a hotel with the purpose of just sitting in a pool of hot water with naked people…no. Just no. Of course I am of the thought that vacations need to be centered around something big. Like every day filled with fun activities you don’t do every day. Of course in a culture like Japan maybe more people need vacations where they sit down and do nothing. Still I think if you are going to be a hot spring hotel the hot spring…should be in the hotel. Not down the road. XD
Still sick from the bus or overheated from the spring?
Houtarou being sick on the bus ride…well what is there to say about that? It would have just been boring if his friends were going on and on about some mystery and Houtarou just sat there looking bored. He had nothing to distract himself with so what better way to get shaky cam in by having a car sick moment. No one really felt that bad for him did they? XD I must admit I get a bit…queasy on long car rides. But that is usually when the husband is driving like a crazy person or I attempt reading in the car. Now that I really think about it…it might all be the husband’s fault. Still I feel bad for Houtarou. No one wants to start off a vacation feeling sick.
Oh hi you are important?
I didn’t think that the sisters Rie and Kayo were going to be that important to the plot so I didn’t pay that close of attention to their names. But it turns out they ARE the mystery. XD Of course in my mind Kayo was acting all nervous because one of them was dead and it was her. You know because her name wasn’t written on anything.
Photobucket mints and shampoo bottles for everyone?!
As I said before the mystery this episode was actually interesting. It starts off with Houtarou overhearing the suicide and random death ghost story. Since he wasn’t present for this exchange it wasn’t told to make him solve a mystery. So we could take everything at face value. Then it really helps that both the girls saw the shadow in the window. Both girls seem like reliable witnesses but it helps they both saw the ghost object and that on a whole they tend to remember things the way it happens.
The water on the ground made an awful screenie is the building.
Houtarou pays very close attention to detail. Of course having your name all over everything may stick out. Seeing how Rie wants everything to be hers, determining that Kayo wasn’t nervous around HIM but everyone, and asking about the wet ground. Houtarou just seems to be very….active in the mind that he gives himself credit for. I don’t know if I am explaining this right. He seems like a guy who is all about conserving energy but his mind is constantly going. Asking the right questions, seeing all the tiny details, and generally being quiet so he can observe everything around him.
While the mystery appeared to be interesting…well more interesting than a forgetful teacher it turned out to be a simple explanation. While Houtarou is usually right I have noticed he makes assumptions based on the feelings and behaviors of others without knowing them very well. He just assumed the relationship of Rei and Kayo. Maybe they were logical assumptions though. Nervous little sister, overconfident bigger sister. Who knew that borrowing a yukata was such serious business?
Greedy nonsharing siblings. :(
So the mystery is as follows: Old part of the house is no longer used due to the fact someone killed themselves in a certain room following by the mysterious illness of another guest. Rei is a young girl who likes her own things and her sister was too afraid to ask to borrow her yukata. Kayo sneaks out at night (no one asked why she wasn’t at the ghost telling session), borrows the yukata, and attends a summer festival alone (how boring). It rains and Kayo panics as her cover will be blown now. She hangs the wet yukata in the unused and maybe haunted section of the house and leaves the windows open to allow it to dry. She forgot to factor in that the girls had an excellent view of the hanging outfit which now looks like a ghost. Kayo then acts very nervous around everyone making her look suspicious which probably made Houtarou focus more on her than any other lead.
You saw some clothes. The end.
Easy peasy right? Is that how one spells peasy? I am not sure how Houtarou is going to keep this from Mayaka as she was interested too. I do like how Houtarou doesn’t really like being involved in any of these mysteries yet does so for Eru. And as I said about three times now I do like this mystery in comparison to the other ones. Houtarou is good at making interesting things turn into boring things. XD
These tears lasted about 30 whole seconds. Poor Eru.
Eru being sad and disappointed that sisters aren’t all lovely dovey all the time. I know that when you don’t have a sibling you think how amazing it must be to have one and you daydream about how lovely it would be. I know I have thought that myself since I only have two brothers. But since Eru doesn’t have any siblings at all she painted this picture perfect scenario in her mind and it came crashing to the ground. But since the world favors Eru it was put back together 5 seconds later. Of course it is still not picture perfect but it is a lot nicer than what Eru was thinking.
Precisely. So stop bothering me. XD
So in conclusion clearly I rather go to Disney than spend three days floating in some water. But the mystery didn’t kill me this time and I didn’t see any boobies. So...successful yes? XD YAY ME!
That's because your brain is made of jelly beans and unicorns.

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