Sunday, June 17, 2012

Fate/Zero Season Two episode 11

Happy Father’s Day to those speaking to their Fathers. Or have positive older male adult role models in their lives. That would make for a long holiday name though wouldn’t it? As for me…yeah. XD Just another lazy Sunday of blogging and maybe cleaning. Yes organizing needs to get done in a house of many collections. I could just limit down my collections to….5 I guess…but I don’t see that happening. XD
The face of our happy hero?
Anime time! Then I shall clean. Fate/Zero Season Two episode 11. Almost the end folks. Spoilers for things…well ending! XD
But what about my claws?!?
Episode Summary: Emiya and Kirei have a dramatic stare down in what is the most boring room ever. Emiya fires one of his rib bullets at Kirei while Kirei uses his Wolverine arms to protect himself. The bullet destroys the knives but Kirei is okay. Emiya figures that Kirei is using the Command Seals for mana thus the bullet can’t affect his magical circuits. Saber in the meantime is getting her ass kicked by Berserker. Emiya then tries using his Accel ability but Kirei is able to counter that too and splats Emiya into a wall. Without Avalon Emiya would have died. While Saber continues to get her ass kicked Emiya manages to heal and shoot Kirei in the arm. Saber is about to die when suddenly she is able to turn the tide and stab Berserker? This is probably due to the fact Kariya has finally died. Emiya and Kirei continue to fight but the Grail decides to ooze out millions of gallons of blood and flood the place raining down on their battle. Saber says her goodbyes to Berserker, saying that she will win the Grail and change their sad fate. Berserker smirks, implying that Saber hasn’t learned anything.
Irisviel got strangled TWICE in this series. X__X
Emiya wakes up on the beach from his childhood home. Irisviel greets him warmly but Emiya knows it is not Irisviel. He figures it is the will of Grail and why did it choose him? The Grail does not say what its wish is but implies it will help Emiya reach his wish by ending the suffering of the world. Probably by killing ALL THE PEOPLE instead of ending the suffering like Emiya wants. The Grail then takes Emiya on a journey through his memories while playing out a scenario. That there are only 500 people left on Earth and after some dramatic circumstances Emiya has to choose who should live, 300 or 200 people? After each scenario Emiya has to keep making decisions on who should live. Emiya keeps saying the biggest number but the Grail shows him the results of his decision. The Grail says it will help with this wish but Emiya realizes it won’t be worded in the correct way thus hurting more people. Because the wish has to be something Emiya can imagine and he can’t imagine a world without conflict. The Grail brings in a trump card, that it will protect his daughter and bring back his wife. Emiya shoots his daughter and strangles the screaming Irisviel saying 6 billion is more than 2.
Just a flesh wound!
Emiya wakes up from his Grail adventure and points his gun at Kirei. Kirei also saw all of that and wants to know why Emiya would throw away the Grail. Kirei begs for Emiya to give it to him, so he can find meaning and understand things. Emiya shoots Kirei and walks away, stating he can’t understand crazy. Saber stumbles into the theater portion of the building and sees the Grail Cup floating in the air. She calls out for Irisviel but gets Archer instead. Who has lost his damn mind and wants Saber to marry him. He will get the Grail and as King he will provide her with everything forever. Saber is like wtf are you talking about? When Saber doesn’t agree Archer decides that putting swords and weapons in Saber’s body is the best way to make her cooperate. Before Saber can think of a better plan Emiya appears and uses one of his Command Seals to order Saber to destroy the Grail. Saber is in shock and starts screaming at Emiya not to do this. Archer looks equally as pissed as he and Saber were just about to get married. So Emiya uses his last Command Seal to tell Saber again to destroy the Grail. With a very pained expression on her face Saber powers up her sword and THE END!
Everyone was lied to WEEEE!
X_____X Is it possible for a show to get better and better with each episode? Or at the very least maintains the same level amazing in each episode? I had no idea it was possible but Fate/Zero has now set the stage very high for all other anime shows. Probably not very fair but you know. XD
Yeah I am talking about you background king!
First off I thought Saber and Berserker were going to get a little more….time to be sad and fight. XD I guess that might be the only part I would change about this episode. Make this season 13 episodes long so we can see what brought Berserker to this point. We got two episodes of Emiya’s past did we not?
She only wanted the best for her people at the expense of herself. Who does that hurt but her?!
After all we have Saber’s point of view on the matter. And after 24 episodes I still agree with her for the most part and find Archer and Rider to be a little harsh on her. She was forced into the role of King at a very young age and probably was trying to compensate for being the “wrong” gender at the time. If she wanted to do things alone and put a distance between her and her fellow warriors that is fine. Taking on all the burden and suffering for her kingdom was a noble thing. Yes things turned out quite bad but is that really her fault? I think that her subjects were assholes. Would it bother me if my President acted like a robot in public? Maybe but if he protected and delivered results maybe I would chalk that up to him putting on a strong front.
That would be Berserker bouncing on Saber's head....
And Lancelot should have known that better than everyone else. I am sure Saber was not on point 24/7. Surely he must have seen how everything affected her. Perhaps instead of being a skank behind her back he could have helped her more. But since NONE of this was actually explained in the episode I did some light reading and have decided that Berserker got what he wanted. Also no one told Guinevere she had to become a “fake” Queen. Actually it sounded like she got a pretty good deal out of the situation but NOOOOOOO. She just had to “cheat”. So Lancelot did what he did to protect his woman but went insane because Saber blamed herself instead of Lancelot? Psht.
And you're an asshole. The end.
I realize what I just wrote made no sense. Saber as King had to pretend to pick a wife to keep up the facade that she is a man. She picked Guinevere and ruled the kingdom at a distance. She had her loyal men, Lancelot being one of them. But one day Lancelot and his penis decided that Guinevere was hot. Their affair was discovered and Guinevere was going to be put to death. This lead Lancelot killing some of his fellow knights and despite all of this Saber (who really is Arthur why am I saying Saber..) blamed herself instead of him.
I miss Lancer. :(
Okay so we see how Berserker is all at fault and he is not to be pitied? Poor Saber. Why does she blame herself? Surly this is not what Rider and Archer were referring to because I would agree her being…upset and blaming herself about this is not right. But I guess in a way that makes Saber the best ruler if not the stupidest one ever? I am sure Saber was very torn up about this battle but I think Berserker deserved what he got. He can’t forgive himself because Saber won’t blame him? Oh okay.
Kariya’s death was slightly uneventful. Sad nonetheless though. It probably was very painful for him, trying to maintain Berserker with all the other injuries and fun stuff he had going on. In the end he didn’t even get a mercy killing. I suppose he already had his send off with seeing Sakura last week. It is just sad to think about how he tried so hard to save all three of those woman and the only one out of the bunch that really made it out okay was Rin. Rest in peace Kariya.
Um no. You aren't hot enough to be Wolverine.
A big chunk of the battle focused on Emiya and Kirei hitting each other with guns, swords, and fists. I know magical elements were all involved but it still amused me slightly to see such simple LOOKING methods. And hot damn Kirei has an arm full of command seals doesn’t he? Emiya is not really strong in hand to hand combat which makes sense given he likes to shoot and run. I am a little shocked at how good Kirei was though. Like hot damn he really is Wolverine.
So many flustered faces!
I don’t know, it was interesting to see Emiya look a little flustered. All the planning in the world can’t save you from someone who knows your weaknesses and is ready for battle as well. Also if I got shot in the arm I would probably just lay on the ground and died. I think though that Kirei was on route to win the battle had the floor not just opened up a swimming pool full of blood on them.
Um yeah...I don't want to win that....
This Grail is crazy. Why was it picking Emiya to win when there were TWO Masters left. We can just assume the floor broke and Kariya was dead or dying enough for him not to be picked at all. Not in the running folks. But of course I am not really understanding why the Grail was all ready to decide a winner LAST WEEK when there were 4 Masters left. Like let me form and get ready for action with more than half the opponents left.
More like the will of...well I guess neutral can't be evil.
But since it did form and picked Emiya….X__X wow. Using Irisviel like that was sad. I thought it was her for a second since she was shown last week being conscious in the Grail. Unless that was the last fragment of her being absorbed by the will of the Grail. Just very cruel even if the Grail isn’t capable of doing so.
A magical wish granting device can only create things that YOU can think of. I SEE NOW!
I thought the Grail trying to grant Emiya’s wish was….I can’t think of the word. Not ironic and not funny. Just…this is what Emiya has been doing his entire life. Kill one to save two. Kill 4 to save 8. And now kill 200 to save 300. Only this time it I guess Emiya had to really look at his victims. If he blows up an entire boat from hundreds of feet away he won’t have to see all their faces. He shoots a few people close up but can justify that. But to kill people who just want to live…I guess that is what touched Emiya. I liked all the scene jumping around too, with the Grail speaking in different ways.
Yeah I might not want it to grant my wish either.
The Grail has decided to grant Emiya’s wish. Only because I think it hates humanity as well and the opportunity to take out some of us sounded grand to it. It got a little confusing when Irisviel and the daughter came out though. Did the Grail think that it broke Emiya, that he would pick two people over the entire world even if those two people were his family? I think the Grail is a bit silly as if it DIDN’T show Emiya all of this he would have made his wish and everything would have ended the way the Grail wanted. Silly Grail.
This is Emiya saying no to your request. Thanks for stoppin by.
Kirei got a little insane towards the end too. Not that I think he is dead. I mean he should be dead given that close of a range but he isn’t right? But he was like NOOO give me the Grail so I can understand things! I don’t know, for the past 24 episodes Kirei has acted like a robot so it was weird seeing him so full of emotions. I guess having no meaning in his life finally broke him?
Nothing says marriage proposal like a sword to the leg. At least it wasn't an arrow to the knee.
Given how much fun Saber has been having I am surprised she didn’t kill herself when Archer started talking. Although what is this steal the Grail stuff coming out of her mouth? Last person standing right (well if the Grail worked like that). If…well…WHEN Archer kicked her butt it would be his. Steal what? It ain’t yours yet! However when he started talking I was all for Saber….well killing herself as should didn’t stand a chance right? Archer confuses me. He KNOWS what will happen with the Grail even if he is the last man standing. So what is all this make Saber my wife deal? It is not going to work unless Kirei can somehow win and bring them back to life? I don’t know what he was going on and on about but either way he is insane.
How was this marriage going to work again?
And yes Archer was going to win. What real battle has he been in…in this entire show? Maybe his magical treasury of swords/weapons drains his mana a lot but from where I am standing Saber has been a part of major battles and used a lot of energy up. Just finished a battle with her friend and is super tired. And 5 seconds into battle Archer had already stabbed her twice. So….yeah Archer was going to win. But the whole wife thing X__X insane.
Everyone is stealing things from Saber!
Then Emiya comes in….and tells Saber to destroy the Grail. Saber done lost her marbles folks. Again she doesn’t really know what the Grail is and that she was never going to get her wish. But even still don’t the Servants know that they aren’t going to get THEIR wishes. They are called Masters for a reason. So Saber losing her mind…was interesting. Everyone is just stealing her Grain that isn’t hers yet. I know she is desperate to fix what she thinks was a bad reign in her kingdom but deep down did she really think that they both were going to get their wishes?
I have a feeling Saber will be hearing this again....
And the irony of the situation, that Saber is getting ordered to destroy the Grail in the 4th War, is not lost on a person who say Fate/stay night first.
You might want to pray more...
So…what does that mean for the last episode? I heard something about an epilogue and how there wasn't going to be time for that but that is when we thought each fight would get an episode. Saber destroys the Grail and then what? An explanation on why the next war is 10 years later? So much for destroying the Grail…unless it has to be destroyed each time. X___X Oh snap.


Anonymous said...

Tenchi, I think you mean, "W/o Avalon Emiya would have died".

About Saber turn the tide and stab Berserker, well it is sad that it did not shown their back story, which is probably due to lack of time/$$, since you did the reading too I guess do not need to explain, although you guessed it right on the Kariya part.

The Grail does not care much about other' wish. In other words, it will grant him any wish he wants (w/his method) just as long as it results in the Grail being born into the world. The Grail has been corrupted since the 3rd War. It also probably liked Kiritsugu's wish more, since it involve killing a lot people. It used Irisviel's image to prevent Kiritsugu from kill it, but he did it anyway. Also, Kirei did get killed by Kiritsugu, but the Grail did something to him, and we have Fate/Stay Night.

The 1st half fighting scenes were AWSOME!!! But, it can not beat the trolling of the Grail......
> "Your wish could never include a method you yourself are not aware of". <
This is a perfect example of "The hands of men will never be able to touch the realm of the Gods". Then BANG, good-bye imaginary Illya, your head blasted open by your dad. Well, we all know it is just images from the Grail, but .....dat feeling in Kiritsugu's eye, Oh Man, it was just hard to watch!! Why can't they just have a better reserve wish?!?!
By the way, happy Father's Day!!!

Urobuchi loves strangulation scenes, I wonder how Kiritsugu would feel if he knew he just killed his fake wife the same exact way how the real one was killed......

On the other hand, Gil propose to Saber, "Lay down your sword and be my wife, if you do, as king of all the world, I swear to give you every pleasure there is to feel". Oh Gil...... and you 1st start w/ S&M.

Gatx375 said...

I feel like I may as well explain the grail since this will be a little confusing for those who didn't read Fate/Stay Night.

Spoilers for the Heavens Feel route of Fate/Stay Night below (well half spoilers by this point):
In the third grail war the Einzberns summoned the abnormal eighth servant class Avenger. Avenger(Angra Mainyu) corrupted the grail when he was defeated and that's why the grail is evil now. No matter what wish is asked of the grail it will interpret the wish as destruction now. The ritual which was originally an attempt for the Einzberns to regain the third true magic has been corrupted and now Angra Mainyu is trying to be born into the world.

For an in depth explanation:

End of Spoilers

Anyway they butchered Lancelot's death sequence and cut so much out. I assume it'll be on the blu-ray's.

Anonymous said...

Here is the part in the novel that the animation missed (Saber vs. Lancelot)

For the countless time, she was thrown into the air.
For the countless time, she was effortlessly beaten to the ground. Saber had given up counting, because she could no longer remember.
The strongest sword-wielding Servant? Who had fabricated this? —Now she was like a small boat in a storm. Facing Berserker’s waving black sword, she could only give up resistance and suffer the attack; she could not even make a single decent retaliatory blow. She did not even feel indignant at this. Her heart, immersed in hopelessness, had long since become devoid of all fighting spirit. She was no longer the heroic King of Knights that was named the incarnation of the dragon. This was truly too tragic; it made one sigh.
She should be going to save Irisviel; they had made a vow to hold up the Grail together. She could not lower her head now; she knew this clearly in her heart.
But she could not win. Facing that man, that sword, there was no way to obtain victory.
‘Arondight • The Indestructible Light of the Lake’—the counterpart to King Arthur’s ‘Sword of Promised Victory’, the most precious of swords that had been obtained by men from the fairy lands.
That sword had been dyed pitch-black; the prana from his body, filled with resentment, had caused the sword by his side to also fall to become the sword of a mad warrior.
He had been the unrivalled ‘perfect knight’ admired by the masses; he had been a flower that bloomed on the precipitous peak of the way of the knight. His form and his actions had once been the greatest treasure of all who had the ambition of becoming a knight.
And yet he had committed himself to madness. Hatred roiled within the red eyes; at the same time he gave out an animalistic howl.

Anonymous said...

He roared, I hate you.
He roared, I curse you
Exactly how was she to avoid the sword that he brandished downward full of hatred?
She could not look at him directly. Her sight blurred in tears, her legs buckled down weakly. At this moment, all Saber could do with all her strength was to protect her body before suffering the fatal impact.
Sir Lancelot, Knight of the Lake.
Now that she thought of it, the clues to his identity were everywhere.
Once he had hidden his name for the sake of a friend’s honor, disguising himself to enter a horse race. Even though he had fallen into a trap, and faced the enemy’s sharp blades with only his bare hands, he had won the victory with his skilled fighting prowess using only an elm branch.
But even though she noticed, Saber would definitely not admit it. That he who had been the subject of people’s admiration would be reduced to a Berserker—how could he be that ‘Knight of the Lake’?
Saber had once believed that they were friends. Even if their armies had clashed because of some unavoidable reasons, their hearts were nevertheless still the same. One was a subject that upheld the way of the knight, the other, a king who upheld the way of the knight.
But was this sort of partnership also only a naïve fantasy of her own?
He had never forgiven, never accepted. Even after his death, he had still cursed with resentment that ending, that tragic fate.
Lancelot and Guinevere had loved each other—yet Arturia had not seen this inescapably unrighteous action as a betrayal; this had all happened because the King had concealed her gender. The one who had to carry the burden of this conflict all her life was Guinevere.
Arturia had understood the severity of this sacrifice, and expressed thankfulness to her (2). There was also guilt in it. But for Lancelot who had fallen in love with her, she had even felt relief. This person who had the same ideals as the King would not cause the country to fall into a dangerous situation; she believed that he would share the burden with her. And in truth, he had indeed done so. Though he had fallen into the dilemma of having stepped onto an unrighteous path, he had supported Guinevere from the dark, supported the King.
That he had been exposed like a piece of ugly news, causing the two to have to stand opposed, was the single-handed plan of the traitors who hated Camelot. Because Lancelot could not sit and watch as the girl he loved was killed, Arturia could not but deal with him in the capacity of a king.
No one was wrong, but precisely because everyone was right, a tragedy had occurred.
In that case, Arturia had always fought upright with the status of a King to the very end.
Therefore, when facing the battlefield on the hill that had been dyed red with blood, she was able to argue with Heaven about the unfairness of fate.

Anonymous said...

If one carried out all the paths of striving for something, but could not obtain the right result, then it was definitely Heaven who was at fault.
In that case, she could only forever lift her head up high if the Grail that can fulfil miracles existed. Precisely because she believed — therefore she fought.
Before Arondight’s relentless attack, Saber’s holy sword gave out a groan. Her sword of light that promised victory—it had long since become meaningless, in the hands of its owner who had lost the will to fight. Berserker constantly rebuked Saber, who was unable to counterattack and could only defend. At this point he had already completely unleashed his true ability, and his skill with the sword was completely incomparable with his previous level. Even if Saber had been uninjured right now, she might not have been able to withstand that strong momentum.
But in the face of her opponent’s ferocious attack, and the sense of pain in her hands and legs that had long since become numb, Saber remained unmoved. The enemy’s strong prowess that was many times greater than her own, and his merciless attack, were gradually causing her spirit to crumble.
Ahah, my friend… Is this your true intention?
Do you despair thus at fate? Are you truly using hatred to curse the king and country that brought you despair?
Once we had embraced the same dream, and put our lives on the line for the sake of saving the country.
If there was no difference in our ambition, then why do you hate thus? Do you regret now?

—One cannot lead by salvation alone—

No. Tell me it is not like this.
Lancelot. Only you. I hope you can understand, because you truly are the people’s ideal knight.
I hope that you can nod in agreement that our methods are entirely correct…

—Abandoning the people who have lost their way, desiring to become a saint on one’s own—

Anonymous said...

Relying on the last of her reason, Saber blocked the black sword that fell heavily down; at the same time, she used all her strength to shout.
“Stop… please…”
Within the sound of sobbing, her knees fell weakly to the ground.
She couldn’t move; she had reached her limit. There was no way to defend against the next attack.
Perhaps this was the only salvation.
Since he was thus unwilling, thus filled with hatred—in that case, apart from using her body to receive the sharp sword that he swung, there was no other method of recompense.
At the exact moment that Saber decided to completely abandon resistance—suddenly, Berserker stopped moving.
Saber and Berserker could not have known that about ten seconds ago, the Crest Worms within the body of Kariya — who was hiding in the equipment room of the underground parking area – had ceased their activity. In order to sustain Berserker in the physical reality, the prana in Kariya’s body — which had already been in short supply — was absorbed in great amounts, and this need for prana was multiplied manifold when the final Noble Phantasm was unleashed. Finally, the Crest Worms were exhausted by their too-heavy burden.
And the backup prana, that could originally have sustained the Servant in physical form for several hours in the circumstance that the Master was not around, had also been consumed completely in ten seconds due to Berserker’s outburst (1). In this instant, the prana that drove this killing machine suddenly dried up, causing Berserker to come to an emergency halt as if having malfunctioned.
In the abrupt silence, Saber’s hand could clearly feel Berserker’s gradually fading heartbeat. The hilt of her sword tightly gripped in her hand, the sharp blade of her beloved sword pierced the black armor.
This ending was truly too ironic; who could have foreseen it?
In this fleeting instant, the victory had been decided; a slight feeling of greed made Saber ashamed of herself, and she could not but shed tears.
She knew that she should not have killed him, but had nevertheless struck a killing blow on this person that should not have been killed. Now Saber was only a prisoner to an idea—just like Diarmuid had rebuked her at the last moment, she who had stepped over countless corpses desired only the miracles of the wish-granting machine. This was the truest face of Saber in this moment.
“Even thus, I still want the Grail.”
Tears fell onto trembling gauntlets, mingling with the blood of Berserker which had slid down the blade.
“If I do not do this, my friend… If I do not do this, then I will be unable to give you any sort of recompense at all.”

“—Saddening indeed. Things have come to this, and you still make excuses to fight?”


Anonymous said...

A voice that inspired nostalgia.
She raised her head to look across. The knight’s gaze was just as it was before, calm as the tranquil surface of a lake as he looked upon the King’s tear-stained face. Having discarded the contract with his Master, in the time before he vanished, he had been released from the spell of madness.
“Yes… Thank you. Perhaps, this is the only way I can convey my longing.”
Looking upon the sword that pierced his body with a gaze filled with compassion, Lancelot smiled wryly as he continued to speak.
“Actually… at that time I had hoped that you would personally punish me. My King… At that time I really wished that you would denounce me out of your own anger…”
The traitor knight, Lancelot who was called the culprit of the split of the Round Table — thus he spoke with sorrow to his only friend, who had never blamed him even until the very end.
“If I could have been punished by you… If you had demanded recompense from me… Then I would definitely believe in redemption… I would definitely believe that one day I can find a way to forgive myself. … The Queen is probably the same…”
This was—the regret of one man and one woman. They embraced the same ideal as the King, but because they had been too weak, they had not been able to carry this ideal through.
And these two people had, even in death, not been able to obtain salvation. They had blamed themselves deeply for having betrayed a most important person, and the burden of this self-blame they had carried for a lifetime.
Pain such as this—to whom could it have been told? Exactly what kind of admonishment, and dealt to whom, could have given them respite?
Sighing deeply, Lancelot relaxed his body, falling into the embrace of the King. The body in her arms was very light; Saber could not but feel a lump in her throat. The Servant’s gradually fading body seemed to be almost weightless.
“Even though it is in this way, in the end I still did borrow your chest…”
As if dreaming during a nap, the Knight of the Lake quietly whispered and sighed.
“To die in the King’s arms, before the King’s eyes… haha, like this it is really… as if I am a loyal knight…”
“You – shouldn’t say that – ”
Saber anxiously answered. Before he disappeared, there was something that she needed to tell him. She hoped that he would understand.
Not ‘as if’. It was ‘indeed is’.
She wanted to tell him, you are a loyal knight. No one knows better than I—the sincerity you devoted to the country, to the King.


Anonymous said...

So there was no more need for self-reproach. Even if it had been a mistake that was not allowed to be made—your character is not something that can be overturned by a single mistake.
I don’t want to shame you; I don’t want to lose you. Precisely because I have this wish, I can truly deny this so-called crime that you have committed.
These were Arturia’s true thoughts, but—could not become that knight’s salvation.
The knight closed his eyes as if sleeping soundly; his body was gradually dissipating. Saber saw that he was about to vanish, but nevertheless could not think of what would be the right thing to say.
“Lancelot, actually you…!”
You are not a sinner—but what significance would such words still hold for him?
Even if someone denied his crime, the one most caught up in this wrongdoing was not anyone else, but Lancelot himself.
Why had she been unaware of this lonely thought of his? Why had she been unable to release the noble spirit of this knight from a self-reproach that bordered on madness?

—A King will not understand someone else’s feelings—

These words that she had heard as she left the Round Table—who had spoken them?
The knight’s dead body did not say anything more; alongside the last remaining light, he vanished.
“—wait… wait… Lance—“
Staring at the crook of her arm that had lost its weight and was now empty, Saber began sobbing.
She could not even make a sound. She did not allow herself to make even the slightest sound. In the last moment that she had been facing a loyal knight, she had actually been unable to say even a word of reassurance—then what right had she to cry now?
A King can only be lonely and proud—


Anonymous said...

This she had said to herself; as she searched for the path to her kingdom’s salvation, exactly how many people’s opinions and troubles had she neglected?
Gawain who had heroically sacrificed himself, Galahad who had lost his life in the line of duty—what did they think of, in their last moment? Did they leave this world with the same regret and unwillingness? Why was she so certain that that was not true?
Saber cried soundlessly, tormented as if countless thorns were piercing her heart.
Could it be that she as a King should never have been high above—
If things had been thus, would it not have brought about a broken end? Could everyone be saved?
“… It isn’t finished.”
From her sobbing throat—that was the determined voice of a constantly victorious King.
“It can be compensated for… It’s not too late… I still have the Grail. I still have the miracle that can overturn fate…”
Leaning upon the sword of victory, Saber stood up.
Even if she was unable to listen to the hearts of people, even if she was rebuked for being a proud and aloof King—none of that mattered at all.
Even thus, as long as she could win the victory for her homeland and her subjects with her own hands, it would be enough—this was what she asked of herself, what she must do as a ‘King’.
As long as she could obtain the Grail, everything could be made up for; all the previous mistakes could be righted.
Now this belief was everything to Saber who had chosen the path of the King.
Covered with wounds, Saber stepped forward.

Yes, THAT MUCH is how much the animatin missed!!!
Hope it cleared something, aka feelings, etc.

Christina said...

Anonymous- Thank you for that catch! I read you comment soon after posting so I could fix that mistake quickly. The awesomeness of the anime kills my grammar?....No just a lie. XD

I don't think the Grail being corrupt has really been all. From this show I could really just say that it was going to interpret Emiya's wish in the worse way possible. I didn't get the whole evil being stuck in it vibe. And since that is a HUGE issue they should have explained that more.

I am glad Kirei was really....killed since it was at point blank range. Of course I was expecting him to get strangled at that point. Strangles for all!!! At least the daughter got to go out faster than that.

Gatx375- I read EVERYTHING in those two links....and my brain exploded. Oh yes that explains quite a bit. Maybe if Saber knew all of this she wouldn't be having a moment right now.

But I do have one question. Everything says that the Grail is corrupt after the 3rd War. But if it allowed for a random new class to be summoned wouldn't that mean something was wrong with it then? Like oh I will summon a non hero that is supposed to represent the evil of the entire world? Why did the Grail go crazy before then?

But other than that...really interesting read. The creator of this show has issues. XD

Christina said...

Anonymous- I read every single word of your post. X__X Which were many. I am confused why so many words were conveyed on my screen in 5 seconds though. I would have to be familiar with the real story of King Aurthur to sorta understand the back story. Not saying that Japanese people aren't super educated on fake histories that took place in Europe. Or maybe I am. XD But yes that one tiny sad scene of Lancelot looking at Saber and Saber thinking she caused that....verses all that you posted? A lot was left on the cutting room floor. A lot. More needed to be shown to show the desperation that Saber was experiencing right at that moment.

Of course despite all that I am still on team Saber. Maybe she should have informed her Queen though of her gender and said HEY you two can bang in private but you know. She wasn't good with words and feelings. Saber does like to hate on herself a lot though. Poor Sabers. :( Won't be catching a break any time soon.....

Thank you for posting. It was interesting to read it all.

Gatx375 said...

Christina - I don't think there was anything wrong with the grail before the summoning of Avenger. I think that since the Einzbern homunculus Justeaze is the core of the grail system the Einzberns must have known some way to summon Avenger. Since Avenger's an abnormal servant class created only for Angra Mainyu, I don't think there was anything wrong with the grail until he was absorbed by it. Since the grail isn't good or evil, any good or evil force would have corrupted it. It just happened to be an evil force that it absorbed.

Christina said...

Gatx375- It seems to me the other Masters should have questioned what was up with this new class. Surely someone should have said UM this is not right! But if he was taken out that fast and perhaps looked like a Berserker maybe that is how people can blame Emiya with clean hands. But why the heck would they want to summon him anyway? X__X Crazy mages trying to end the world.