Sunday, June 17, 2012

Accel World episode 10

Hello there my lovely readers!!! I hope you are having the best day ever. Okay that was way too happy. So..I hope no one keyed your car. Or in my case hire someone on a Saturday night and leave that person as your ONLY help for the majority of the day. Because I work in CrazyVille folks!
Quick punch someone in the head!!!
Now for a post that is like 26 hours in the making…Accel World episode 10! Ah yes some days I can get out three posts and some days….well it takes days. Spoilers for things getting a lot more emotional and complicated. Episode Summary: Haruyuki starts off the day imagining how lovely Kuroyuki and
Yes because you want to have hot sisters....
Yuniko are, that two amazing sisters have joined his life. Only he wakes up and both the girls are acting like normal. Yuniko does play up the sweet innocent girl act to get to Kuroyuki. After a bit of drama Kuroyuki leads Haruyuki out, telling Yuniko to make preparations for the quest tonight. More drama happens as Chiyuri enters the same elevator as the couple. Takumu has to show and explain this was not naughtiness but part of Brain Burst. Chiyuri gets upset at the mere mention of the game and doesn’t really understand accelerating. She then decides she wants to become a Brain Burster too. This leads to Haruyuki feeling sorry for himself and Kuroyuki and Takumi talking about the possibilities on the roof. Kuroyuki explains to all that each Brain Burster user can only give the program to one person their entire time in the game so decisions must be made wisely , that this could have real life implications as well. Takumu nods at all of this while Haruyuki is like oh snap? He later pulls Kuroyuki aside to ask further details on the matter. She talks about how when a user gives the program to another person it makes the protégé/teacher relationship and that one must know the person in real life, probably as a VERY close person. Haruyuki asks who Kuroyuki’s person is and she gets very quiet. She then says she hopes Haruyuki never meets that person and if she sees that person again she will break their knees caps and eat their brain for breakfast.
Starting to think her guardian was a girl and they BOTH feel in love with Red King. Possibly guardian girl is hot and that is why Kuroyuki is nervous.
Haruyuki has a lot to think about as he walks home alone, everyone meeting at his house later. Haruyuki asks Yuniko if she hates Kuroyuki. On a practical sense no because now she is the Red King. On a personal note Yuniko thinks Kuroyuki is so brave trying to potentially end the game just to reach the last level. Yuniko doesn’t know if she could have been that brave. Yuniko gets a little emotional but Haruyuki understands that if games don’t have endings then people end up quitting and leaving you behind. Soon everyone arrives and Yuniko tracks her possessed man via real life. Kuroyuki tells Haruyuki to use 10 points to Ultimate Burst. It takes them to a neutral zone with no time limit. It is possible to stay there forever so one day real time would be like 3 years in the game and that people can really age mentally. There is a but if arguing over who Takumu is going to hold when he flies but eventually he carries everyone. They pass over a monster….thing….and Yuniko explains that is how many players earn points now, going on hunts that only earn them 10 points. Suddenly Haruyuki is shot out of the sky and everyone tumbles down. They look up to see the scary Yellow King. Suddenly Yuniko is enraged and…THE END!
Because I want to eat their souls!!!
Why does it feel like forever since I watched this show? XD Maybe because it feels like forever when waiting for good things and seems like all the time for BLEH stuff. Overall a pretty good episode yes?
Oh but he was!!!
Well except for Haruyuki being GROSS! If I had two hot men living under my roof (and I wasn’t happily married to the husband) I would be going WOW it’s like a dream where I am popular and they both like me. Not WOW I got two brothers. I typically don’t brush at the thought of my brothers in the bathtub or want to kiss them and all that jazz. Perhaps Haruyuki is suffering from the Tamaki Host Club disease? Feelings are confusing! Sisters indeed.
Oh snap not jealous face again.
And what is wrong with Chiyuri? Well besides the obvious everyone is leaving me out of everything business. I thought she was going to kill Kuroyuki. Like snatch her up and throw her against a wall. Maybe even down the elevator. Like why so JEALOUS?! Almost like Chiyuri wants the one to be spending the night at Haruyuki’s. Hear that Takumu? Because I doubt Chiyuri was worried about Haruyuki’s possible lost innocence. That was a RAWR face all the way.
Why didn't we all suggest this before?!
Kuroyuki for some reason reacts okay to this…insanity. Maybe Chiyuri isn’t jealous and is just worried some hot young hottie will rip out Haruyuki’s tiny heart and tap dance on it. In any event Kuroyuki doesn’t talk bad about Chiyuri. Instead, even if to just bring about interesting plot points, Kuroyuki actually talks about making Chiyuri a Brain Burster. In a logical way of course. Does she meet the requirements and will Takumu be able to handle the change in relationship. I would have been oh no crazy girl. I ain’t that desperate for people.
Look at her being all logical and not crazy.
This was all pretty necessary though even if Kuroyuki should have been um you crazy? with Chiyuri. Because I was sitting here going HELLO why not ask Chiyuri to play even if she will just suck. I mean…sometimes big sisters want to play Halo with their little brothers even if they run over the allies with a jeep and leave you to die…THEY JUST WANT TO PLAY! BOND! Putting aside some adultchildhood dramas….yes why wasn’t Chiyuri just asked to play so everyone can be equal and involved. Chiyuri is so lonely during breaks!
The fact that it might FAIL upon installing makes the odds even worse.
But now it all makes sense. If you receive Brain Burst congrads! You have used up that person’s only invite. This makes a lot of things come together. Why Kuroyuki was investigating and waiting for the right person to come along, why invitees tend to join/stay in that legion, and why Chiyuri is all boo hooing on the sidelines. Because you only get one invite, to keep this game exclusive. Wouldn’t want a bunch of noobs right? Ah noobs….but yes. This is a great way to keep the game relatively secret and make people think about their decisions wisely. Which you know…makes this game super serious. Games aren’t supposed to be fun folks!!!!
I should ask her because it's not a personal question at all.
All of this information set Haruyuki’s mind in motion. I thought this is where Kuroyuki was going to say that the Red King was her mentor and looked how that turned out. Well that is not the case. Kuroyuki says she hopes that Haruyuki never meets that person and it appears she was talking about Brain Burst. Of course since you do have to know the person in real life as you have to exchange the file there is a SMALL chance she is talking about the Red King…but she seems sad about that, like she blames herself. I just assumed the same person filled these roles but I don’t think this is the case.
See. We learned that Kuroyuki has deep psychological problems.
The more Haruyuki learns just means the more I learn. Haruyuki is a smart person so this doesn’t drag on for episodes. He seems to ask and get these questions handled while leaving some issues aside as to retain its Japaneseness. Haruyuki is touched that Kuroyuki used her one invite on him which will probably bring them closer together. And while Haruyuki was focusing on the I will never betray you portion of his heart Kuroyuki showed a vulnerable side, knowing this might not be the case. Interesting to watch Kuroyuki be so mature about some issues while…jealous over others.
:( So true...but then you want to win. Such a hard decision to make.
Kuroyuki and Takumu had to go home for some reason instead of leaving their stuff in Haruyuki’s living room. This gave Yuniko and Haruyuki time to talk. I like how Yuniko talks about how she has no problems with Kuroyuki, its just how things are. Kings can’t be close. They only have false alliances. And yet Yuniko actually looks up to Kuroyuki for making the decision she did. That while Yuniko wants to keep on playing the game there really is no point unless they can move on and progress. Although it made me really sad that Yuniko blames herself for her legion mate being all possessed like.
Oh lord must hold back tears! :(
Also wasn’t it heart breaking when Haruyuki was talking about how people leave games when they no longer become interesting? I am so guilty of that myself but it happened to me too. Not so much now that Facebook games have very limited interaction with “friends” but back in the day I was so into Maple Story and Neopets. Going on quests with friends, hunting down certain monsters, and just hanging out. Then slowly people started coming on less and less until they were replaced. And eventually I became one of those people too but by then most of my original friends had left. So watching Haruyuki talk about that…just brought back memories of me being the Tank and things got lonely. Haruyuki needs a hug!!! I think I do too!
Don't tell her I said that!!!
So while Yuniko will never admit all these things and it was a bit special for Takumu and Kuroyuki to be out of the room at just the right time…I feel like we are learning a lot about this world. That this show is more than a video game fighting mess. It really deals with how people view games and how they become part of their personality. Like I am a Gamer. But then it goes a step closer and shows how Accelerating really might not be worth all the pain and suffering. I thought maybe we would see more accelerating going on but I guess Takumu’s implied cheating and Kuroyuki getting hit by a buss is all we are going to get. So funny how this is a video game show and yet so much more.
PSHT who needs explanations.
But then Takumu and Kuroyuki show up and I was a bit lost slightly. More rules that are just explained in passing. See once you reach level 4 you can Accelerate in a different way. To a place where there is no time limit. Although I am a bit confused WHERE it is. It is a parallel world to the real one right? Because I don’t see any people frozen in space. Perhaps it doesn’t matter. Maybe it just a set up that is based on the entire world.
Kids get off my lawn even though I am only 12.
Haruyuki realizing that the girls and Takumu might be YEARS older than him was interesting. I touched on that issue a few episodes back but now it has been flat out said. I mean…it is quite easy to lose track of time when you are playing a game. Do so hear and you might be 40 in a month yet still in junior high. That might be a low ball number since I have seen some gamers in my family got entire weekends without eating real meals. Very interesting indeed though. But don’t worry, Kuroyuki and Yuniko still have immature teenage moments. XD
MOG Cloverfield!!!!
I think the monster hunts are bit boring. Which is probably the point. Yuniko says that in a world with a false treaty this is one of the best ways to level up…and it still only gives you 10 points. I am not sure how many points you need to level as no one has bothered to explain that tiny tidbit but I am going to assume it is a lot. So maybe Kuroyuki and her head choppin ways are correct. Like the game makers added these monsters at the last minute to help make the game…doable after higher levels but even then it isn’t enough.
If my avatar ended up looking like that I delete the game.
The episode ends with our crew being blasted out of the sky. It can’t be Chrome Disaster so the mystery has to be revealed right away. Enter…the clown! Or the Yellow King. Me thinks that he planted Chrome Disaster into the Red Legion so this would happen on purpose. Now….what THIS is I am not sure yet. Did he really think that Yuniko would be taken out thus one less King? Do all the Kings just have to be DEAD and the one left over is the winner? Because if so then Yellow King taking out Yuniko makes sense. If not….well I am sure Kuroyuki will explain it later.
Well don't get on her bad side or she will chop your head off.
SO MANY WORDS! XD I started writing this like 25 hours ago. I am such a slacker. Hope I didn’t forget anything….


Anonymous said...

This yellow clown seems suspicious, he/she may had a hand in turning Cherry Rook into Chrome Disaster (the monster) and trap/want to kill the 2 kings in one go.........

Assume he/she calculated that the 2nd Red King will ask for help, and sine the Yellow King does not known who the 2nd Red King will ask, the present of the Black King must be a bonus.

Gee, now I just realize the Kings want to chop each others' heads for real!!!

eternia said...

Haruyuki said some pretty good things. I bet most of us have experienced it at least once. When I was still in elemntary school, I played Ragnarok Online and made a lot of 'friends'. Found a guild, hunt monsters in large group. Yet in the end, all of them disappear without even saying good bye.
So much for online friendship.

Anonymous said...

I don't play game much but I have to say, the time/aging thing is very interesting.
It is given in the animate that the level 9s came out almost at the same time and that was 5 years after the game started(the game is 7 years old and KYH became AWOL 2 years prior to the start of the series).
Coupled with how leveling up to level 2 costs 300 points, same level battles wins you 10 points, killing those large monsters costs barely 10 points too and there’s a non-agression pact in the whole AccWorld, it’s pretty hard to reach high level like, level 9.

Also, basically it was because of KYH (Black Lotus) that Niko became a King. After KYH killed the previous Red King, Red Rider, there were major group battles in the Unlimited Field every day in a mad scramble to level up and become level 9. And looking at Niko’s Avatar, with her Enhanced Armament being a giant robot with quite a lot of firepower, she was able to rack up a lot of points to become level 9. Without that chaos, she would have taken longer to become level 9.

Christina said...

Anonymous- This plan the Yellow King cooked up to get rid of Red King must have happened before Kuroyuki revealed herself. So I wonder what other King he/she had planned to take out originally. Sadly we might not find out as this King seems expendable, our first death probably.

Eternia- :( My memories of Maple Story are so sad now. Of course I eventually left too but that was after some real drama. X___X But before the drama it was so much fun guild talking and boss monster hunting. :( Poor Haruyuki making us all cry.

Anonymous- 10 points for those monsters seems rather pathetic. Especially since we don't know the spawn rate of those things. If everyone was scrambling at once it must have been super hard to level after the first Red King died. Unless of course you were nearly on the edge of leveling yourself. XD

But yes spending YEARS to one month real time is a bit creepy and a very interesting concept. I approve. XD