Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Hyouka episod 10: Part three of the movie mystery!

Hello my lovely readers. Instead of blogging and wasting time on my SLOW internet maybe I should be building a boat. Maybe that is why my internet is so slow. Move over Japan, the rainy season is here in Florida! Build a boat people! Maybe I can be a witty cruise skipper like at Disney. Kira can be the first mate who just…dies at the bottom of the boat because she is scared of going outside, rain, other people, and probably boats.
Do we know who doneit yet?!
So while I wait for the slowest Photobucket load ever!!!!!! time to blog anime! Up now is episode 10 of Hyouka! XO Why is this series flying by now that it is getting interesting? Spoilers for Houtarou being “special”. XD
Your experts sucked!!! Thanks for the food though.
Episode Summary: Houtarou allows himself to be kidnapped by Irisu who takes him to a super old looking…inn? They have some official looking tea time which worries Houtarou. Irisu asks Houtarou to explain why each of the theories were rejected. After explaining the reasoning Irisu asks if Houtarou if he was the one who came up with these reasons. He states he was and she goes oh…I knew it. I only wanted you, not the Classic Club. Houtarou, the genius that he is, didn’t realize that fact and becomes a little frightened. Irisu then asks Houtarou to figure out what Hongou was trying to accomplish with her movie. Houtarou gets embarrassed about all the compliments Irisu sends his way. Irisu tells a very sad story about how people who downplay their special talents really make those with no talents sad. Houtarou in the end must agree to figure out the movie as he walks to school on a holiday. He is joined by Satoshi who comments that Irisu must have gotten to him. Houtarou asks if Satoshi thinks he is special. Satoshi says he wishes he was good at mysteries, like Houtarou is, but realizes he will never reach that status. He states he is jealous of Houtarou but hopes he can be good at something else anyway.
I love how they didn't even bother to rescue him.
They get to the club room where Mayaka is shocked to see Houtarou…but figures that Irisu got to Houtarou. They decide they will watch the movie again and figure out the mystery together. They view it again, talking about how the other theories had to be wrong. Mayaka spends a great deal of time talking about how boring the movie was and that it being poorly shot made it hard to focus on anything else. Before Satoshi can give his opinions he is dragged away by another classmate as he has failed some tests and has to take make up exams. He gives Houtarou his notebook as he goes off to his death. Mayaka then decides she is going to leave because she doesn’t want to help Houtarou…or because she has to go work in the library. Eru is not present because she is hungover from her chocolates. Houtarou watches the video over and over again, having Houtarou vision. Suddenly he figures it out. He has a sit down with Irisu as he explains his theory.
Is homegirl in a coma? Can we not ask her or something?!
After going over the basic points of other people’s theories and the layout of the run down inn Houtarou brings up the point that Hongou wanted a 7th actor for the film. Thus it is his conclusion that the killer is the camera man. That the reason why everything is shaky cam is that the “camera” is really being held by another student on this “trip” but no one likes him/her. Very limited interaction with the group allows for him/her to commit the murder and everyone automatically suspects that person thus no craziness happens after the fact. Irisu smirks…and realizes as crazy as this sounds Houtarou has to be right. Sometime later school starts back up and Houtarou is summoned with the rest of the Classic Club to view the now complete movie. He only sees the tail end but the rest of the audience seems happy with the results (well not one of the detectives from last time). Satoshi congratulates him on his hard work and Eru says she will tell Houtarou her opinion later. Mayaka straight up asks Houtarou if everything about the ending was he is idea. When he says yes Mayaka looks horrified and asks…WHAT ABOUT THE ROPE?! Oh snap! THE END!
Houtarou is the king of rejection!
X___X There is going to be a part 4 of this arc?! Part 4?! How am I supposed to focus on part 3 if I am wondering how part 4 will turn out? I guess I will have to endure. Although the irony doesn’t escape me, that this movie arc is much longer than the “main” plot of kicked out of school Uncle. Psht who needs to worry about someone’s sad past when we got a kid’s mystery movie to solve!
It was you I wanted all along!
Irisu was pretty amazing this episode yes? I thought Houtarou already figured out she wanted only him, not the entire Classic Club. Remember that scene from the first viewing? That ew yuck what is that smell face? What is up Houtarou? You are quick about everything else but not that? Goob. Such shocking information.
Can't we just have a burger?
Irisu does know how to dine right? Talk about super informal. I felt the need to sit up straight and look more presentable at that little snack time. Since that is Japan I would worry about the price too Houtarou, even if that wasn’t your intent of that comment. Irisu plays it cool and I guess she should pay since she did the inviting…and the picking of a way serious location.
Words are so dangerous. The line between bragging about yourself and downplaying your abilities is a fine one indeed.
I think Houtarou and Irisu had a point when it came to the notion of Houtarou being “special”. Actually special, not “special” like I just wrote. Some people, especially Japanese people because I am full of learnings, don’t like to brag or bring attention to themselves. Or in Houtarou’s case he doesn’t want to be labeled as then his life will be harder and people will ask him for help. You know, stuff that is obviously not happening now. But then Irisu made a great point. If you downplay your own special talents how does that make someone….less talented feel? Especially when they are giving it their all but come up short? So I see both points. Houtarou ends up helping Irisu. He kinda entered Houtarou vision when this happened and I hope this doesn’t mean he has a crush on her too, as he has this expression around Eru. Maybe it is his default embarrassed mode face. Poor Houtarou, always being suckered into things..
But I will never be as amazing as my best friend so why bother?
Speaking about feeling bad for people and being less talented…Satoshi. I have a feeling he likes Mayaka but seems to be confused on who she likes despite the fact that it has been announced she likes Satoshi. It is probably a hot complicated mess but maybe Satoshi doesn’t think he is good enough for Mayaka and that Houtarou seems more her type? I don’t know, just throwing it out there. But putting that aside I still feel bad for Satoshi. He has accepted his fate as the data base when really he wants to be the detective. :( At least he isn’t resentful of Houtarou yes?
To be fair to Mayaka sometimes I can tell when a word is spelled wrong but can't spell it right myself....
Mayaka’s contribution was pretty…well small this episode. Of course that is more than what Eru added to the discussion so you know. XD Mayaka is not a fan of shaky cam is she? XD She did have a good point though. If you are unable to enjoy watching the movie or are unaware of the genre you are watching it is hard to pay attention to the details you are supposed to be watching for. If that makes any sense at all. She could have worded it a bit gentler though but since she is with “friends” I guess she was just allowing the honestly to fly from her mouth. XD Maybe I like that?
Houtarou's mind is a bit scary....
So with two tiny details, that Hongou was looking for a 7th actor and Mayaka commenting on the way the movie looks Houtarou is able to figure out the mystery. I wish we saw more of the insanity that is his mind but we got him rewinded and rewinding, fast forwarding the video over and over again.
I didn't even think of the camera man. X____X
Who doneit? According to Houtarou it was the camera man! Something one should have guessed or a very clever trick? We got Cloverfield, a monster movie that has shakycam because one of the characters is filming their attempt to flee the city. Then we have The Hunger Games that also has shakycam only as a style of filming. It is easy to see that a student made film would have a tiny budget and shakycam would not be a method of filming but really the best/only decision they could come up with.
Psht who wants to talk to a mere cameraman!
Irisu has to think about this theory and for very good reason. While Houtarou is right there are some questions his theory brings up. If there is a 7th character why is it no one talks to him/her? Houtarou tries to explain that maybe that person isn’t popular which is fine. But no one talking to that person at all?! A bit strange. Why not invite someone else on the trip instead of taking an outsider to do the dirty work with the camera? Also why it makes sense that the camera man was left without a key thus stayed in the hallway he/she still had to follow the victim, commit the crime (in silence?!), and make it back to the lobby to return the key before anyone noticed. Now it appears everyone was assigned one room and the room the victim died in seemed to be at the end of the hall. That would mean the victim was walking pretty fast and got to the room before everyone else reached their rooms so the killer could commit the crime and make it back before he/she was noticed.
XO That was very unHoutarou like....
Houtarou dismisses this concerns and others as nonimportant. That doesn’t seem like him but maybe there is a reason for that. Maybe with real life situations he thinks he has to account for weird details as they did happen. With this movie maybe Houtarou figures any discrepancies can be explained away since an amateur was trying to create an artificial reality. Hongou was just learning about mystery and without her there on the set maybe things didn’t pan out exactly the way she thought they would. Maybe that is why Houtarou pushed aside such questions instead of trying explain every single aspect. Which can still be amusing as Houtarou picked apart everyone else’s theories. XD
He named the movie and they didn't even wait for him!
XO Houtarou was late the screening! And since he was late we the viewers didn’t get to see the final product. Unless what we saw was all the new detail. In any event I would have liked to see it all. Also maybe one should wait to show the movie until the person who saved the project shows up! Poor Houtarou…again.
Satoshi still being all jealous like.
The reaction of the Classic Club was a bit weird. We got Satoshi who basically said good job and went on his merry way. We have Eru who wants to speak to Houtarou later. She is the kind of person who would tell Houtarou something negative, like his theory is wrong, in private. I think she would have praised him in front of the whole group. And then we have Mayaka who is like MOG HOUTAROU how could this be?! Homegirl was seriously acting like it was the end of the world. Sorta reminded me to prior episodes when there was much ado about nothing.
So what is Mayaka’s freakout about and why we are going to have a part 4 to this mystery? THE ROPE FOLKS! THE ROPE! How could Houtarou forget about the rope that Hongou asked for but wasn’t in any scenes. How could Houtarou forget about the rope! THE ROPE!!!!...Yeah I would just say um okay freak they have to take care of the suspect in some way yes? So one of the characters finds a rope later and ties the killer up so they can haul him/her back to town.
But is Houtarou's any better?
Of course that won’t be the explanation. Nothing can be that simple. Houtarou has doubted himself now thus there will be a part 4. I am slightly glad at the part 4 though as I spent a lot of time wondering why Hongou was even chosen to do this movie when she is a sick person. So more time spent on this mystery means there might be a chance I was right to go off on a crazy tangent. XD THE ROPE FOLKS!


Anonymous said...

Oreki must be wrong. The guy in the room above the lobby would have seen the cameraman.

Christina said...

Anonymous- I was wondering how no one would see ANY killer given the layout of the building. I figured it was just me not paying super close attention to the map people keep drawing for us. But right when everyone find the dead body one character and the cameraman (if it is determined he/she is a character look towards the corner of the room. Like there was something super important over there. Maybe that is another entrance to the room no one else saw before then? But Houtarou being wrong? It will probably shock even if it turns out to be a minor mistake. XD Which is good, can't have him being perfect all the time.