Monday, April 26, 2010

Uragiri wa Boku no Namae wo Shitteiru episode 3


Well someone isn't happy for a new week...

Hello Monday! Most of the day was spent sleeping in and not getting anything done. Tis a shame because by Tuesday night I will be whining about where my weekend went and how I don’t want to go back to work and blah blah. But yes, Hello Monday. Thank you for being lazy and drama free.

I do with that my preferred anime viewing site of choice would show Uragiri wa Boku no Namae o Shitteiru. Not that the show is beyond amazing but I don’t like change. XD But I should be happy that someone is blogging this confusing pile of sparkly eyes.

Beware of giant sparkly demon dogs and lack of important details! XD


Yep. That is a hole. Good job Yuki.

Episode Summary: The last minute of episode plays because apparently the producers think the audience has the memory of a goldfish. But Yuki is very concerned about the hole in the ground the heroes made. Like super concerned. Yuki tells Takashiro that he needs to time to think about all this drama. Tsukumo and Touko seem rather concerned but Takashiro tells them and Zess to stay away from Yuki and not tell him about the sparkle demon dogs. This makes Zess run after Yuki and protect him from the sparkle demon dogs. Yuki is all happy and full of smiles when Zess is protecting him. Zess tells Yuki to be careful because it’s Walpurgis Night and that is when the demon sparkle dogs get all powerful and harm people. He tells Yuki to stay inside and not to be alone. Yuki is grateful and is all I feel as if I have known you forever AWWWW!


I think Yuki needs to run away. Red roses and vines never turn out well.

Takashiro is off being important and driving around in his car and looking rich. He has nightmares of something from the past and of a man that has wronged him. He wants revenge but he needs Yuki to do so. Too bad Yuki calls Takashiro and tells him he is not going to Tokyo and that he is going to stay and read bed time stories to the kids. The bed time stories consist of him actually talking about girl Yuki and Zess but whatever. Two of the kids end up going missing and Yuki runs off alone into the night which makes Zess, Tsukumo, and Touko all X_X! Yuki gets a text message which was not translated but I am assuming it is from Uzuki who wants him to go to the school’s roof. Takashiro is busy driving back to Tokyo being all pissed off and Kanata is walking around caring his demon book looking suspicious. Everyone is running to save Yuki while the scary music plays. The end!


Okay. We get it. You were in love. Now go away!

I still hate girl Yuki. She is dead/boy Yuki and I hate her. XD Good job me. But I am not a fan of all these girl Yuki/Zess flashbacks. Makes me worry that Zess will only see boy Yuki as a girl Yuki replacement. I want Zess to make a replacement with boy Zess based on his merits and not because of what they used to have. See I have my reasons for being a hater?


Exactly. It is all coming together now...

Other than that it feels as if not much happened. X_X I know I wrote a lot in my summary but it felt very slow. We need more plot details please. I am not satisfied with just sparkly cute boys and demon dogs. I want to know what is going on.


Whose side are you on?!

I think it bothers me the most about the lack of details is Kanata. I want to know which side he is on so I can either hate him or cheer on this love triangle. Please give me details! XO


Aw I love this moment.

I do like that Zess isn’t taking any of Takashiro’s crap. Well I guess not crap. His gentle way of making Yuki come to their side without pushing too hard I should say. But Zess isn’t on Takashiro’s side so haha to you and your plans. You go out and openly defy the person in charge of the group you semi side with! HA!


What is there to think about?! This all makes total sense!

I am not sure how I feel about Yuki having to think about whether or not to run off with these random strangers. I mean on one hand yeah it sounds really dumb to go off with people who have special powers just because they say they can help me. They might really be the baddies and hello I don’t want to actually run into MORE sparkle demon dogs. But on the other hand if I really love my orphan kids (actually getting really tired of all my animes being filled with tons of 5 year olds that take up storyline) I would want to leave them before I accidentally get them hurt with my powers or ability to make the sparkle demon dogs find/attack me. I might want answers to why I myself was a sad little orphan and why do I have special powers. At the very least he should want to run off with Zess….


The crazy person is touching me!!!

The brother and sister team need more personality. I am not really on board with Touko’s over the top love fest with Yuki. I am sure it will make sense later but I think Yuki has the right to be all weirded out about the situation. Tsukumo likes birds. That is all I know. More character development please.


It's morphin time!!

I guess that’s about it. Yuki has no idea what is going on, I don’t know what is going on, and the people who know what is going on are too busy killing sparkly demon dogs. Watch next week as Uzuki is still bring a jerk and Zess will save the day again! Thanks for reading!

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