Saturday, April 3, 2010

New Anime Series! Angel Beats!!!

HAPPY DAYS! I wake up from a good night sleep (except for the random church people who woke us…) and what do I find? Angel Beats has been subbed! And subbed well. As in the sentences make sense and I understand what is going on. Welcome to the Spring 2010 anime line-up!


And the theories are already starting. Are they really dead or are they on the edge and this is all their subconscious?

I think I am way too excited about the season. XD Not sure why as I have a list of potential older series I could watch but there is something fun about waiting each week for a new series and being excited with everyone else at the new development and characters.

But as always a few things confused me with this series. XD Nothing new there. So when I blog things about Angel Beats and I turn out to be way wrong feel free to laugh at me. Don’t spoil things for me but smile at the knowledge I am going off on a crazy path.

Summary and thoughts on Episode 1 are in this post. Enjoy!

Episode Summary:


Um hello crazy person....?

Otonashi wakes up on the ground with no memories of who is he and where he might be. He sits up to see a girl brandishing a gun and trying to snip another young girl. Yuri (the gun touting girl) explains to Yuri he is dead and is currently on the battlefield against Tenshi, the angel enemy. Instead of completely explaining the situation she goes on and on about what the name of her organization should be. But we will go with the Like Hell I’m Dead Battlefront name for now because I think it is cute. A male student joins the two also brandishing a weapon. Otonashi decides that these people are freaks and runs down to Tenshi to explain to her someone is trying to snip her. Tenshi also agrees with the other students that Otonashi is dead and demonstrates that fact to him by stabbing him in the chest.


Otonashi is great at making friends!

Otonashi wakes up in the nurse’s room and freaks out. A boy runs in and is pissed off that Otonashi has disrespected Yuri and kills Otonashi. A few minutes later Otonashi wakes up and tries to find an adult so he can wake up from this craziness. Through a series of events Otonashi ends up in the LHIDB headquarters where the situation of this world is explained in more details. If Otonashi conforms to this world and acts like a normal student he will disappear and be reincarnated. The members of the LHIDB are convinced that they will not be reincarnated as humans are fighting for their right to exist. Yuri introduces the other members (pretty big cast) and Otonashi joins even though he is a bit confused on his decision and is trying to not make many waves.


Introducing the random band!

Yuri and Otonashi go to the roof top where she explains how the other students are either NPC’s or students who have conformed to this world and will disappear. She explains that Tenshi won’t bother you as long as you are doing “normal” things but act out of line and poof you go. Yuri admits she doesn’t know what the true intentions of Tenshi are but won’t stop fighting. Otonashi thinks that he has time to remember who he is and why he died but Yuri decides to throw him into the battlefield right away. She has asked more members of her group to put on a surprise concert while some members work to steal everyone’s meal passes. Otonashi is given the job to help guard the building from Tenshi while the concert goes on. Tenshi chooses to attack his path and he hesitates to shoot Tenshi where it counts. He panics but the other members show up to help with the battle. The meal cards are taken away and the plan is a success. While the LHIDB celebrate their victory Otonashi is conflicted on what is going on and what he should do. THE END!


Angels don't need wings okay!

Long summary is long. X_X I really should work on being briefer. But I am just trying to give an accurate description of what happened so someone can follow along easier and better decide if this series sounds interesting to them. That and the first episode of any series is going to have more details as we need to explain what is going on. XD


Why do I have to be the plain one?!

At times I thought the art was a little iffy. Especially the first scene. I had to hold back my disappointed from what I saw from promo pics and posters. But it slowly improved into what I was expecting. I do think that Otonashi is a little plain looking when compared to the rest of the cast.


It's too early to know all your names. But hello anyway.

There were a LOT of characters in this premier episode. It was almost overwhelming at times. On one hand I think it was important to Otonashi to learn how big the LHIDB really is and they are a serious organization. That and I personally find it annoying when we are getting into a series and in the middle of episode 7 we are introduced to the main characters friends. When you join an organization/club/group you do meet everyone at once and that is supposed to be overwhelming and X_X. It is more realistic. But I want to the main character to be confused and overwhelmed, not me. XD So yeah I want my cake and ice cream and no tummy ache!


Total Haruhi moment.


Bad things happening to confused people.

This show reminded me a lot of The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Yuri reminded me of Haruhi. She spoke quickly and went off on tangents that only made sense to her. She is the leader of this odd group and her plans might make little to no sense now but she is focused and determined. But Yuri seems to be more patience with Otonashi whereas Haruhi would have drop kicked Kyon for not going on with her plans. Otonashi is a bit like Kyon. He also speaks very fast and often to himself. He is shocked to find himself in the midst of all this craziness even though he has seen the crazy first hand. He is going to go along with Yuri because the options otherwise are certain death…ish.


Supporting characters keeping the background interesting.

The other members of the LHIDB didn’t get enough screen time for me to accurately form an opinion of them. But they all seem like stereotypical back-up characters. The big guy who knows karate, the kid wearing glasses, the moody weird girl, the rebel, and the angry kid. Add in the all girl band and a few other not amazing characters and we have an entire classroom full of kids! Too many to get decent screen time on the first episode. While I don’t want episode after episodes devoted to one particular kid and why he/she died I do want them to have a bit story.


I think that Noda annoys a lot of people.....

But Noda is going to get on my nerves. I can sense it!


I wish to understand the other students better.

Yuri lost me a little bit when she was explaining the other students at the school. Are they all just NPC’s? Because if so what is really the point of the school? If the LHIDBers are the only “real” people then the school really isn’t fooling them and therefore is unnecessary. And that would be an awful lot of NPC’s for like 20 people. So I am hoping that I just misunderstood things and that some of the students are NPC’s and some are “real people” who have conformed to this world.


He flies through the air with the greatest of ease!

This episode was a lot funnier than I thought it was going to be. In my mind I thought it was going to be a more serious series what with everyone being dead and all. But there were plenty of laughs mixed in with action and the underlining thought that oh yeah I am dead. I appreciate the good nature of this show. It shows you just because these kids are dead doesn’t mean they have stopped being who they are/were.


Of course do we need classroom scenes if it's going to be a nonstop laugh fest?

But I am wondering where this series is going to go. Yuri said that if you partake in normal school activities you disappear. So this is going to be a high school type anime…without the characters going to high school? Or are they going to go but not take things seriously? I hope there is some fun regular high school scenes. We can’t be blowing up Tenshi all the time right?


Yuri will sure be an interesting character...

In conclusion yes. I will be blogging this show and plan to do so on Saturdays if all goes well in subbing land. The first episode was very fast paced but had enough details to draw the viewer in. Despite the familiarness of the characters the plot was original and the art was pretty decent. I hope this show lived up to everyone’s expectations and that people will enjoy this series every week like I will. Although it does make me sad there are only 13 scheduled episodes…:( But we can’t whine for a season two when season one just started right?


Get back here and watch this show now!!

Yay for new anime and yay for blogging before work! It certainly put me in a better mood than blogging after a crazy night. See ya next week Angel Beats!!

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