Wednesday, April 21, 2010

K-On!! Season Two Episode 3


Why do we only get K-On!! once a week?!

I am still having fun with my new Final Fantasy IV game. But since K-On!! is not boring I shall take the time to blog about it. And eat Cheesecake Factory cake. Overpriced piece of nom XD

While this episode might not have a lot to talk about it was still fun. Very K-On!! like which…you know. That’s what the show should be like. Some might wish there was “plot” but other than getting new club members I am not sure what plot K-On!! is going to get. Which is fine with me.

Spoilers! Cute baby turtles! And Yui acting special.


My Mugi is always special.

Episode Summary: Yui is spending a lot of time looking at the new club member Turtle-san. Azusa tries to bring Yui does to Earth with silly things like responsibility and feedings and such. But the Light Music club has bigger problems to deal with. Ritsu is in a slump. She replays video of the concerts they have put on and in all of them Ritsu is in the background and the dark, a forgotten piece of toast. Ritsu wants to stand out and has decided to stop playing the drums. Yui is happy to help Ritsu and lends her the precious guitar. But after Yui and Azusa spend a little while teaching Ritsu she gives up, deeming it way too hard. There is slight bento talk and how Sawako is looking younger (although by the end of the episode she goes far in the quest for youth…at the age of 24….).


Say cake!

Soon Ritsu decides to try out the keyboard and Mugi is on board for helping. Apparently Ritsu can make the keyboard speak. Mio is scared that Ritsu will soon want to be the bassist and everyone AWS over Mio being cute and moe or something. Yui spends a lot of time trying to think of ways to make Ritsu shine in the spotlight but none of them seem to stick. Yui seems a little bummed because she wants Ritsu to be happy. Ritsu is trying to do her homework but keeps thinking about her drums and how she started the club because of her passion for drums. She informs the others the next day she wants to continue playing the drums, to watch them from behind and hear their music. Yui is happy and Mugi is off writing another song inspired by Ritsu. Also there is cake. The end!



Short episode summary is short. I guess I could have gone into more detail about Sawako and her shiny youth but meh. I think it is a bit humorous that they put so much emphasis on her being young when she is only 24. I am older than her X_X. But this show is based on/written by people from Japan. And in Japan by the age of 25 if a woman is not married well…tis bad. Youth really does mean teenagers over there so meh. MEH! It’s okay Sawako, you’re not old. If anything to make myself feel better! XD


I want to shine!!!

While I think Ritsu is a silly person I do understand her thinking in this episode. The club exists because of Ritsu. She had to convince Mio that this Light Music club was worthwhile. Even if Ritsu’s main reason for doing this all was so she could playing in a huge famous stadium it was still her idea. Now her place in the group is behind everyone else and in the darkness? That would make me sad too.


I want to shine...but this is too much work.

Granted Ritsu decides at the end of the episode that she is okay being in the back supporting everyone I would have understood if she really did want to stand out more. I thought Yui’s idea of switching positions wasn’t that bad. At least taking turns every once in a while is a bit fair and might take a little pressure off Mio and her inability to handle the tiniest bit of stress. I am tired of bands that the guitarist gets all the glory while the drummer is left out in the cold.


Ritsu shall be the corner. XD

But Ritsu has decided to be okay to be in the back. She has decided that she doesn’t have to be the star. It is good that she is accepting these things because I doubt things can change now. XD But I wouldn’t think ill of Ritsu if she didn’t come to that realization, if in the back of her mind she really did want to shine. The show had to go this way so all the viewers can think that Ritsu is such a noble and awesome character. Don’t worry Ritsu; I would have supported you either way. XD


Don't turn around!!!!

Yui is special. But no matter how crazy her antics she is really a good friend. Some of her ideas might be out there and she doesn’t think things through but her intentions are good. Someone like that in real life might be annoying but in anime it works. Yay for Yui and her cute smiles and happy ways.


I heart turtles too Yui. XD

Turtles! That is all.

I am glad this episode had no talk about new club members. But it could have used more Mugi. :(


I can't eat something so pretty. :(

I thought the class picture was cute. XD Since these seniors are all AW memories when thinking about their freshmen year I am sure these pictures will be lovely when they are old and grey and 24. The bento boxes were meh. Meh I say. I love looking at awesome cakes but then I realize all that hard work will be gone in a matter of moments. So when I see these bentos I do think they are cute but it makes me sad because they are moments away from being nommed.


Yui is such an awesome friend....

I think I have covered the major points. This episode was enjoyable. Went by way too fast for me. XD I enjoyed my little Wednesday anime. Here’s hoping my happy mood will last all week until I get my boost from Angel Beats. Thanks for reading!

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