Monday, November 5, 2012

Zetsuen no Tempest episode 4

Hello there my lovely readers. Can someone explain to me why people coming to do a service in your house or to deliver a package give you a ten hour time frame yet the people doing the yard work around my complex are there bright and yearly every week at 8 am? EXPLAIN THIS PLEASE! Good thing there was a time change and it only felt like 9....
NO! Don't show how cute we were!!!
But since I got up early...I can get somethings blogged before I go to work. XD Go me! Up now is Zetsuen no Tempest episode 4. Spoilers for a bit of a flashback into the lives of Mahiro and Yoshino.
This looks warm and welcoming....not!
Episode Summary: Yoshino and Mahiro are dropped off by bus in a very quaint looking village. They briefly look around and Yoshino sees a pair of boys playing in the mud. Yoshino tries to say the boys reminded him of them when they were younger…but realizes they were never that cute. They walk up to a temple where Hakaze has hidden more talismans. Yoshino muses that both Mahiro and Hakaze are being disrespectful to the grounds when he notices a butterfly. Hakaze is shocked another fruit has appeared so soon which means Samon is rushing the process. Yoshino takes off to warn an older couple of the danger but they brush him off. The ground starts to break and Yoshino takes off to save the boys he saw earlier. He doesn’t make it in time and the boys are infected by the black iron syndrome. He puts an umbrella over them as Mahiro sorta just…watches. They go to a now abandon house where Mahiro makes quick work of making himself at home. Yoshino accidentally walks in on Mahiro naked so he retreats to the kitchen to make dinner. Hakaze muses about Yoshino and Mahiro being close friends and Yoshino corrects her, saying they did not start off as friends. Thus it is flashback time.
Well thanks for raining on my parade!
Back in elementary school Mahiro was avoided by teachers and kids because he was the rich kid in town. Since no one approached him everyone grew afraid of him and Mahiro grew upset and fights occurred. Yoshino kept his distance as well. One day Mahiro was walking home from school and was stuck by a car. He was injured and spent a lot of time in the hospital. No one in class wanted to visit Mahiro so the teacher selected the one on class duty to go to the hospital. Yoshino freaked out because that was sadly him. Off to the hospital Yoshino went with the teacher. Mahiro sent the teacher out of the room to talk to Yoshino alone. Yoshino and Mahiro both are harsh with each other, accusing the other of not having friends. Mahiro continues to ask for help though, saying no adults will believe him. Mahiro has no facts but he feels as if the person ran him over on purpose. Originally the person on the motorcycle was running from a robbery but Mahiro thinks that was just a cover up for the true crime of trying to kill him. Yoshino still looks like he wants to run away so Mahiro pretends to be best friends with Yoshino so the teacher will send Yoshino again. Soon Yoshino returns to the hospital with tons of journals and what not. Yoshino points out he operates out of logic and not emotion. Yoshino shows Mahiro that the real culprit was the driver of the limo, the person fired by Mahiro’s father. He had a grudge against the family and he worked with the motorcycle guy to kill Mahiro. Mahiro was shocked at this information and informs his father.
That really didn't work out for you did it? XD
Hakaze is like oh what a touching story and this is how you became friends? Yoshino is like no I was trying to find the culprit to be free from Mahiro. Only the teacher made Yoshino Mahiro’s guardian and that for the rest of their school time they were paired together. Mahiro muses that people’s opinion of Mahiro slowly changed and maybe people really liked him and wanted to be friends. Mahiro emerges from the bath and they eat a weird meal together. They settle down for the night and Mahiro wants to talk about Aika but Mahiro has already fallen asleep. Mahiro wakes up early and takes a morning walk. Hakaze asks his version of the story but Mahiro is like it was all just stupid. He does shed light on the situation on why people suddenly started being friendly with him. Yoshino did a report on the accident and said Mahiro got hit by the motorcycle because he was protecting a puppy. Everyone went AWWW and that is when Mahiro realizes that Yoshino had a dark side. Hakaze starts laughing, realizing that these two are really good friends and are trying to deny it. Or they hate each other. Either way Mahiro stops by the two young boys who were turned to metal. After the event happened Yoshino covered them with his umbrella. Mahiro stops by and leaves them a bottle of water. THE END!!!
Yes. Simple indeed.
Again another simple little episode for me to blog. Or maybe I am putting aside the episodes that I think will blow my brain into tiny pieces. I have so much to blog I guess I have plenty to pick from. XD But yes this episode was a breeze to watch.
Yes you boys ARE hard to understand.
I know that I am a girl and it is hard for me to understand man relationships. At times it was hard for me to watch Kimi to Boku because I thought the boys were way too mean to each other. I still think that they are….but maybe that is just me. Apparently boys are okay with not talking and sitting in quietness while doing things. Maybe boys just define their relationships different? Or being close really isn’t a factor? I don’t know.
I don't think you are supposed to ride that.
Are the boys going to go all over Japan to find talisman? I mean it does make sense to hide weapons all over the place. Did Sarah Conner only have that one spot on the border or was that just only one we saw? But I feel as if Mahiro and Yoshino are being chased by these fruits. Like stop going to where people are Mahiro and Yoshino! You is bad luck and killing people. Maybe Samon can sense where they are and is summoning up nearby fruit to kill them? Either way Hakaze is not impressed.
Peace out old people :(
I am glad that Yoshino was showing some concern for people this week. When his town was hit by the black iron syndrome he was like oh I see. Yoshino just may be good at hiding his emotion. The old people he tried to help were quite rude but….maybe if some young punk was telling me that killer butterflies were coming to kill me I would be like um move along. And despite not seeing himself in those two boys….I think he did. Now I don’t know why Mahiro or Yoshino didn’t just USE a talisman to get to the kids. Like WHOOSH here I am hold this now. Why jump around on broken ground to reach the kids when you can whoosh there? Maybe Yoshino wasn’t thinking. Either way the kids died in a protective pose and of course you have to feel sad for them.
Not sure how these kids were supposed to find a way X____X
Mahiro talks about Aika being dead in a very casual manner. He has had time to deal with it but he has acted like meh when other people have died, entire towns full of people. Maybe the first time he saw it happen he was shocked and upset. Now it is like oh look more dead people lets find a house to spend the night in. Like he has become numb to it all. Really can’t blame him right? I can understand that Yoshino has been conditioned not to go into people’s houses and use their things. Even if the inhabitants are dead there is a level of disrespect that goes along with that. But….Mahiro is right. They aren’t here and we need to rest. Use what you can and don’t touch personal belongings.
Can you make me some dinner too and give me a story?
After some naked bathroom antics Yoshino sets to work making dinner. I wonder if it would make me sound really lame if I talk about how impressed I am all the time with teenagers cooking in animes. I HATE cooking. It just is way too hard and doesn’t look like something fun to do. I do understand putting your heart into cooking for the person you love but…since my heart is not in it I am like BORING. Anyway cooking was a perfect time for Hakaze to ask Yoshino for story time. At first I thought it was weird that she wanted to know so much about the boys but hello she is on an island all alone. She is like someone PLEASE talk to me I am bored!
More like why did this have to happen to you!
The back story of Mahiro and Yoshino was…..interesting. I figured that they didn’t start off close given that they don’t act close now. I just didn’t think it involved running over kids and solving mysteries. Again kids are amazing and smart, solving things like this. At 9 I am pretty sure I was playing with ninja turtles and watching Dark Wing Duck. Not off going to places alone and finding potential killers. And they are pretty calm about the entire situation. Like if I thought someone tried to kill me I would be a sobbing mess. People wouldn’t believe me because I would be hysterical. I wouldn’t think to ask another kid for help because I would be like ADULTS LISTEN TO ME! So…amazing kids. American kids need to be more like fictional anime kids from Japan gosh!
Yoshino is so harsh. X___X
As for the boys….wow. X___X What messed up little kids. Mahiro has no friends because he is rich and people think he can get away with anything. Yet had people put him in his place sooner he would have more friends and not had such an attitude. I thought Yoshino was going to be a shy little kid, thus explaining why he had no friends. But he just wanted to avoid conflict with Mahiro. Maybe he could have done a better job of that because his smart mouth wasn’t winning him any brownie points….but maybe that earned him some respect in Mahiro’s eyes.
NOOO! I'm not nice! Don't lie about me!
Either way both boys are special and manipulative. Mahiro pretending to be friends with Yoshino in front of the teacher, Yoshino making up that speech in front of the class. Sorta puts the whole OH someone was trying to kill Mahiro thing at the bottom of the caring list. I thought that it might be connected to the Aika murder but now it seems it was just a disgruntle worker. So through this special crisis the boys were able to….well find a partner in crime so to speak.
Boys are just so special!
After watching this episode I am still not sure if Hakaze was laughing because the boys are super close friends and don’t know it or because they have each other’s back and barely can tolerate each other. XD Maybe because she is a girl and she was having the same thoughts I was. Boys are hard to understand!
But we need our daily flashback of Aika....
Despite learning about all this back story the episode did end on a bit of a sad note. Yoshino wanted to talk about Aika and both boys were thinking about the dead kids. :*( I guess that is to be expected, can’t be a happy anime when death is the name of the game. But as long as Yoshino and Mahiro are really friends deep down inside I guess I can handle it. Is there a cure for the black iron syndrome or would that be too much anime magic to ask for? Until next time!

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