Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Psycho-Pass episode 5

4 posts in a row? Go me! But I also must thank this creepy movie that Hilary Swank stars in. I am watching it right now and it is helping the blogging process. Like I must watch this movie and so I shall catch up with everything while doing so. Kira is helping the blogging process by laying on the computer and getting cat fur everywhere. Good job Kira.
Oh snap Ms. Spooky Boogie!
So what is up now? Psycho-Pass episode 5. Spoilers for Tenchi wanting to make a cute avatar to make up for all these ugly ones!
Do you see Shinya in the corner? Yeah he is over there solving everything by himself.
Episode Summary: Akane has a meeting with Spooky Boogie. Ms. Boogie is clearly upset that her involvement with Akane has led to some of her fans being pissed/arrested and will no longer assist the police. Akane seems upset and Shion tries to make small talk but clearly Akane is trying to pretend like the situation isn’t that upsetting to her. While everyone continues to focus on the Talisman killer Shinya is off in the corner doing his own thing. Akane tries to update Tomomi on what the whole community/online avatar is all about but he is fine with telling kids to get off his own. He tries to counter Akane by saying things should only add to society and does this online system do that? Shinya interrupts the old timer and the newbie with news that Spooky Boogie has also been killed despite Akane just talking to her. Spooky Boogie using the word cop when she has never done that before means OPPIES she is dead. They are able to narrow down who the real life Spooky Boogie is due to the fact she claims to know Akane. They make it to her apartment and bits of her are found in the sink. So someone is out there killing famous avatars. What could that mean? Akane takes a moment to blame herself for what has happened and Shinya takes another moment to remind Akane that Spooky Boogie did this of her own free will. Shion informs the team that there is a third famous avatar that is still running about despite the owner being dead.
So with three people dead and their avatars being used still all the Enforcers plus one ounce of Ginoza talk about who the killer could be. They conclude a super fan is doing the killing and determine whoever is taking the accounts will stop visiting that person shortly after the deaths. This leads to one person named Mido. There is some minor apartment blowing up as the team tries to track him down but soon they get another lead and off the team goes. Tomomi brings along some booze because he isn’t 20 years old and knows how to use it. When they enter where they think Mido is the holographics in the room go crazy. Mido starts to escape but Tomomi uses the booze to activate the sprinklers. The water messes with the holographs and Shinya manages to blow off Mido’s arm. Mido continues his escape despite the fact he is missing an arm. He makes it to another one of his safe spots where he uploads all three of the avatars he hijacks. He talks to them as if he freed them from the horrible humans that invented them. He says they can be who they want to be forever until Shougo takes control of said avatars and says that while it has been fun it is time for Mido to die. Enter the Enforcers and the magical guns that blow people up. After Mido is blown to pieces things are cleaned and wrapped up. Ginoza congratulates Akane for not messing up this time. Akane asks Ginoza why he is so hard on the Enforcers, especially Shinya as they are really a great part of solving crimes. Ginoza gives Akane a file about how he lost his partner and why he thinks the way he does. Akane plays the file only to see Ginoza’s ex-partner was Shinya. THE END!
Yeah....I'm going to go solve crimes over myself.
Shows over folks. We found the killer, nothing more to see here. Mido has been arrested. Or would have been arrest if it were 2012 and not 20XX where people are blown away instead of taken into custody.
Crime solved. Time for doughnuts.
Also this show is clearly being dominated by Shinya. Everyone else is like well why bother solving crimes if Shinya is here? We might as well kick back and have some Code Red because clearly he is the most amazing person ever. Not as amazing as Daryl, MacReady, or Jake obviously. But maybe a different kind of amazing as all three of the men I just listed like to solve problems with guns and explosives. Shinya is clearly different than those three as he solves the crime and then solves the problem with guns and explosives. See totally different.
Akane's new job isn't looking so rosy. Hopefully she knew that going in though.
Akane didn’t mess up in this episode which means she either has hope for being a bitter CID worker like Ginoza or that there wasn’t room for her to mess up. I felt bad for her when she found out who the second victim was. Akane didn’t seem to remember her and they didn’t have a close relationship. But still a dead former classmate is a dead former classmate. She had a right to be upset about the situation and question whether or not she had a hand in her death. I wouldn’t call that a weakness or fault, just part of being human.
Insert hug here because Shinya doesn't do hugs.
Shinya took a break from being right about everything based on a single word choice to make sure Akane wasn’t too down in the dumps. He has a logical way about him which can be slightly robotic but he was correct. Akane didn’t force her classmate into anything. In fact the classmate approached Akane. Akane was off spying on her own when Ms. Classmate was like well eff me effing the system for just today. I notice that Shinya didn’t mention the fact that Ms. Classmate probably did all of this for her own popularity but that would probably be too much. He did the right thing by talking about Akane didn’t force her to become an informant nor was the meetup Akane’s idea. That still won’t make Akane feel better but hearing someone say the truth helps a little. Yay for Shinya being human…although that might be better explained later on.
Kids these days....why I remember when people owned books!
I think I can relate to Tomomi in this episode. He is like I don’t understand all this crazy avatar stuff. Whatever happened to brain chips in your head and semi dangerous NervGear? Kids these days. Of course I am even worse than Tomomi. I would probably be the one in the retirement home complaining about the way Tomomi grew up. XD Akane calling him an old timer…sorta rude. Like what do you know old man? I sense that Tomomi had a point bringing up things that contribute to society and are these Communities online the same thing? Akane was like um yes they are and moved on. XD
TADA! Instant results!
After everything was investigated and said and done…our team moved pretty fast. They are like okay we will find out who is a fan of all three popular avatars and whoever stopped visiting said popular avatars the day after the deaths is the killer and BAM the computer printed out the results in 5 seconds. I mean the thinking was correct just it happened so fast. It was seriously like watching an episode of CSI on fast forward. Because solving a crime in 42 minutes was way too long folks. We need to get to the apprehension of the suspect even sooner. Hurry up people!
Oh yes. Protect the avatars from the people who created them.
Mido….he might have been the ultimate mastermind last episode but this episode he fell apart at an alarming rate. Like oh snap maybe the CID is smarter than I am time to take my happy tricks and talk to avatars. Of course he was missing his arm at the time. That might account for some of his mental breakdown. The lack of limbs and blood can do that to a person. That and he was like I was outwitted by some guys with booze? Unfair!
These are my real friends weeee!
But Mido’s reason for taking the avatars and killing their previous owners was lamer than I thought it was going to be. But I guess it is understandable. We have people in Japan now going bonkers for idols, losing their damn minds when they find out that idols are human beings who have sex, drink, and smoke. So maybe this isn’t such a leap, that Mido wanted to kill the imperfect humans behind the faces of the avatars to keep them pure. The flaw in that is Mido is also human. Shougo might have been toying with Mido as well but yeah….who was really right in this conversation. Fans made idols famous and then the idol becomes separated from the actual person. Almost like the famous person becomes a victim of their own fame. But Mido took idol love way too far and done killed people. Am I the only one thinking that hue checks should be mandatory and not sporadic checks that can be easily memorized?
It is time to reveal a deep dark secret folks!
The last few seconds of the show…my poor little mind. I was not expecting that at all. Maybe I should have but I wasn’t. I thought the focus was going to be on Tomomi and Ginoza going at it. Like what is their relationship? But nope. That was all a lie. Smoke and mirrors. Maybe they have a past too but for now it is Ginoza and Shinya. Ex-partners. My poor mind.
But we were bros! Why so much hate?!
Now of course that doesn’t explain why Ginoza is a giant pain in the ass. Maybe he feels guilty that he didn’t push for Shinya to get hue treatments. Or maybe he is so pissed at Shinya for becoming one of them. Either way Ginoza is mad, mad that even as one of them Shinya is still the better cop. Okay maybe I am starting to see the problem Ginoza has. Shinya seems to be okay with the situation and doesn’t have total ill will towards Ginoza. Maybe this way Shinya has more freedom and doesn’t have to follow all the rules the same as an Inspector has to. I do think that Shinya should have taken better care of himself so this wouldn’t have happened. Or maybe treatments should be mandatory. I am sure he had a good reason for neglecting his health and that it will have something to do with Shougo but still….I guess it just goes to show you every single person in this society is in danger of becoming a latent criminal.
Picking people out of sinks lalala
Did I cover all the main issues? Shinya is the most amazing person ever, Japan still worships idols even if they make them up themselves, and Mido was just used for…..well something at this point. Not sure what. Entertainment for Shougo perhaps? What was Shougo using Mido for? Perhaps we will find out later but for now case closed? Yay question marks!!!


Anonymous said...

About the Anonymity, Tenchi, why don't you try different wording in your next post on Psycho-Pass, and see if anyone will call you "IMPOSTER!!!!!" XD

I love Masaoka's way of dealing with vision hacking, it certainly was awesome. YAY!! GO flame and alcohol!!!

This (above) only shown that their weapon, Dominators, are weighed down by bureaucracy.
Quote from SCAMP:
> When one of them points the gun at someone, it first needs to identify the criminal, then read his Psycho Pass hue, then fill out the forms and send them to headquarters, then wait 3-4 working day for someone to get off their big fat arse to process them, then get the return form lost in the post so they have to go to the post office to pick them up, and then finally they can shoot the criminal who by this stage has escaped to South America and lives a peaceful life with 4 kids and 11 grandchildren before dying in an unfortunate champagne bottle opening incident.

…where was I? <

As for Kogami, yes, I agree, it is a bit surprising that he solve cases so fast. But the revelation that he used to be a cop, but got too much into his job, and "has the mind of a criminal" make it easier for viewer, at least for me, to understand how it is easier for him to solve cases.

Christina said...

Anonymous- I think everyone would know if I was an imposter or not. What Tenchi is spelling words right? Clearly this is someone else! XD

I really thought that Tomomi was going to get drunk thus his blurry vision would see things correctly into of the holographics messing with his mind.

In this world of instant results maybe the 4 seconds that it takes the Dominator to decide whether or not to blast people IS bureaucracy at work. XD Without all that red tape it would be 1 second between aiming and blowing people into tiny pieces of goo.

I would think that the CID would want to keep Shinya as an Inspector despite that tiny little fact that he is a latent criminal. Like you are so good at your job we will pretend that your number isn't like...300. XD If I didn't think Shougo was the reason behind Shinya's fall from grace I would suspect the CID made Shinya the way he was. Like he is limited as an Inspector but as an Enforcer he can get the job done faster so no treatments for him. But since Shinya clearly hates Shougo and it was his crime Shinya focused on too much....I guess the CID is off the hook for ONE thing. XD

Anonymous said...

If you spell OMG right I will know it's an imposter!

Wow you are posting a lot. I have to read this whole thing later, but yes the avatars are lame looking. Could only think that maybe b/c the real people are cartoons already, the avatars have to be another full degree of bad drawing worse so that you'll know they are avatars. Akane looks like somebody's avatar in real life.


Christina said...

K8- XD I love my little MOGs. Truly that will be way to figure me out from an imposter.

Given how stressful this society must be for people maybe picking out avatars helps them show their individuality. Guess I am just used to Accel World's internet avatars being mainly cute, even the pig. XD But boring coins and zombie cats? Weirdos. Everyone in this world needs help.