Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Psycho-Pass episode 4

More anime posts! All brought to you by the slowest internet possible and Code Red. Code Red. The wonderful soda that no store carries as a fountain drink because they hate Tenchi.
And then its time to leave....
So what is up now? Lets try some Psycho-Pass episode 4 so Tenchi can feel all warm and fuzzy getting caught up on way old posts. Spoilers for Akane looking weirder than usual.
Still not as scary as the Fail Eevee guys.
Episode Summary: Akane has logged onto the net to ask a popular…internet celebrity Mr. Talisman some questions for her “friend”. Akane’s friend has a problem understanding her new “coworker”. He says something but does another and the poor friend doesn’t know what to do. Mr. Talisman is like GURL you probably crazy and take off your rose colored glasses. Akane logs out and sighs, all she wants is to understand Shinya. Or make him like her. She goes to Tomomi to ask him about Shinya. Tomomi tries to remind Akane that they are really two different kinds of people and Shinya is going to be Shinya. He tries to talk about Ginoza but suddenly Akane is called into work. Off she goes to work with Shinya, Ginoza, and Shusei. At some apartment a toilet has been broken for two months and apparently that is serious enough for the CID to be called in. The person who owns the apartment and broken toilet has not been seen in two months either leaving his apartment. He is registered as unemployed but gets money from other sources. Shusei concludes the person must be an internet celebrity. Akane wants to set up the room to the last setting to start the investigation. She does so and Shinya is like case closed I know what happened. A moved couch and some left over tape on the floor means that the victim was cut up into tiny pieces and is the reason why the toilet doesn’t work. Ginoza is like lucky guess assholes as he looks for actual evidence that this is what happened. Akane goes over to the computer and realizes that the victim was actually the person behind Mr. Talisman. She explains to everyone she just talked to this hommie hours ago and that he has been online for the past two months. To the Scooby Van! Everyone goes to visit Shion who basically tells them that whoever is using the Mr. Talisman avatar now has covered their tracks and if she pries further they will be discovered. But that means that Mr. Talisman or whoever is using him has no idea he/she has been found out. TO THE INTERNETS! Akane and Ginoza logs on. It is worth mentioning that Ginoza has the worst avatar in the history of made up virtual reality video games. They watch as Mr. Talisman leaves his area of the net to visit another popular avatar. Spooky Boogie is some sorta of deranged looking cat that appears to be popular.
What the hell are you supposed to be?
Ginoza turns to ask Akane what can be done as she is the pro but she is gone. POOF! Akane has been transported into Spooky Boogie’s house. She appears and reveals she knows who Akane is as they went to school together. Despite being against the system Spooky Boogie wants to know why Akane is there. After Akane explains the murder Spooky Boogie says that Talisman was actually acting odd 2 months ago and then he went back to normal. Probably to help her own image Spooky Boogie agrees to help Akane by hosting a real life meet up. People will go to a club and wear their avatar. She makes sure to call out Talisman so he will show up. All the Enforcers go to the club while Shinya, Ginoza, and Akane are the ones to actually enter the club. Talisman shows up but Akane has to move closer to him to activate her Dominator. The second she does so the club’s owner gets a notification. He then warns Talisman it was a set up and to go to plan WOOHOO now everyone looks like Talisman. Ginoza and Shinya start shooting at everyone because apparently they are all criminals but Talisman gets away. People flock to Spooky Boogie and demand answers as people they know and love were arrested. Talisman shows up to smile and say that Spooky Boogie doesn’t deserve her fame. She gets upset and logs off. She starts to throw a fit in real life when a boring looking dude shows up and strangles her. Boring looking dude starts the process of destroying the body while talking about how she didn’t deserve to be Spooky Boogie. Shougo, the person Shinya was fighting at the “beginning” of episode 1 is there smiling and saying Mr. Boring Dude will make a good Spooky Boogie. THE END!
You are FIRED from the internet. FIRED!
X___X What am I watching? Who am I? And if I don’t remember can I at least get a Jellyfish avatar? I would say I would want to look like myself but then people wouldn’t recognize me and might hit on me if they are my relatives. Also I don’t want to look smushed like Akane.
Oh yes your friend......
So in case this computer/tech based society wasn’t messed up enough we got…this. Thisness. We have chat rooms and forums now folks but nothing that allows you to go all Accel World. The best we got now is using our own bodies in real time or having a picture next to our name. Sure there are games we can play now that have characters we mold into but nothing like this.
The internets is where you can go to and ask the questions you don't want to ask your friends.
This being….the whole internets. We make avatars in games or on forums but in this anime you can carve yourself your own slice of the internet. Make what you want, basically like your home in the real world but with more possibilities. Sorta like blogging but a lot more complicated. Or maybe like youtube. And just like youtube there are people who are there to have a good time and watch and there are those who want to be stars and famous. In an age of such technology maybe famous avatars replace singing idols of this age?
Why so obsessed with Shinya when there are three other people you can get to know too?
With that said wasn’t it magical that Akane is so connected to this portion of popular culture at the right time? Maybe the Enforcers aren’t allowed to go on the net/whatever it is called and Ginoza is way too old for words. Like he is 25 or something guys. No no he just strikes me as someone who is anti fun always. So Akane asks Mr. Famous Talisman about Shinya and TADA in a few hours there is a case about him. For what it is worth I think Mr. Talisman gave some good advice to Akane. I mean her friend. Akane didn’t give a lot of details but maybe Mr. Talisman could sense that Akane saw things in way different terms than the rest of the world does. Unreasonable expectations indeed.
A toilet is broken? Call the police!
So…in this world of hue checking and fancy pretend clothes over your real ones…..big brother is really, really on people’s asses. Even your bathroom habits are not safe. This was a bit of a stretch for me. Someone’s toilet has been broken for a while and the cops are called? Um how about the landlord go in there and make sure things are on the up and up? There is only so much elastic in the world folks!
Old people painting...so cute.
Earlier in the episode Tomomi tried to give Akane some advice about Shinya. Well I am not sure if any of that matters because Shinya and Shusei were like oh here is the crime scene and here is how it happened down to a science. A bit disappointed that everything is just an illusion and people don’t get new apartments every time. So disappointed that reality still exists folks. But back to Shinya and Shusei being the most amazing people ever. Why was Akane hired again? Ginoza was pretty useless too. They were right about a lot of things but I do think they got lucky with being SO right. CSI in 5 seconds folks. Onto the rest of the episode.
I already got this crime solved bro. Just stand back and watch me at work.
Why would you flush a body down a toilet? I mean obviously to hide a crime but there was no other way? No other way? Like oh look I will move in for a few weeks and each day take a pound of person out? No down the toilet? Clearly big brother is correct and these people must be punished! They are messing with the bathroom habits of many people. That is not very Japanese at all!
It's Friday Friday gotta get paid on Friday....
Akane and her magical web surfing abilities helps the team figure out who the killer could be. Mr. Dead Dude is dead. In the drain guys. But his persona online Mr. Talisman is still alive and kickin, giving advice to bobbling headed girls around the world. I started to have high school flashbacks or flash forwards as it hasn’t happened yet. Like did someone really get killed so their online avatar could get stolen and some nobody could become popular? That would be lame. LAME.
I said case solved dude!
By the end of the episode we don’t know if that is what is happening or not. Perhaps it is happening but there is a bigger plan going on. The fact is that there are some weird people out there. Here and now. I understand that it is much easier to be yourself online, especially when you can change your face and hide who you are. In this state of big brother it might even be a necessary outlet for some people. But I am not sure I would seek advice from strangers on the net if they looked like that. Oh snap I am judging. Even if Talisman had good advice. I just wonder how these characters got popular in the first place. But I am sure they are just trends. Popular one minute and thrown away the next time something amazing comes along. Which will probably be super detrimental to those who only have this type of outlet.
How did you know?!
I am not quite sure how Spooky Boogie figured out who Akane was. I know her avatar is a slightly shrunken version of her but was that the only clue? I mean…clearly anyone could figure out who Ginoza was right? RIGHT! But yeah….wonder how Spooky Boogie knew all this and why she wants to help Akane. Probably has more to do with her own popularity and not a sense of justice. It was interesting that Spooky Boogie knew that Talisman was acting normal now and was odd two months ago, not the other way around.
People wearing costumes are weird but having your soul turned into a number is normal? I see now.
Shinya finding the meet-up odd was…odd itself. But since I go to anime conventions I guess I don’t find it that odd? This society just sounds hard to me despite Shusei going on and on how amazing it is to be carefree and have things laid out for you. It just sounds hard for those different from others to make their way. And if people are going to spend tons of time online looking different dressing in costumes doesn’t seem that farfetched. Unless you are a hue detecting machine you don’t know much about anyone do you?
So many people to arrest, so little time.
I don’t think Akane is to blame for the bust going bad. After all they got tons of “criminals” instead. Not surprising, if people need an outlet it is probably a cry for help. And this society’s version of help seems to be locking people up and then asking questions. Yay for asking questions later. Akane did everything right but Talisman was just one step ahead of the game. Probably because he has a lot of help. Spooky Boogie…well I can see how everyone can blame her and that they were right but…wait what was my point? Talisman was dangerous but probably not to anyone but popular avatars. And she did go against her own statement for her benefit. So I guess she deserves to get yelled at in the net and thrown out but killed in a gruesome way? Probably not so much.
Lolita hate crime!
So Ms. Spooky Boogie and her horrible hair are now dead. Mr. Boring seems to be the one killing the popular avatar people but clearly someone else is pulling the strings and benefiting from the situation. Someone Shinya really hates, this Shougo dude is all happy this is going on. So why are they running around killing creepy yet innocent enough people? Well I guess we will find out in the next episode won’t we? Until then….rest in peace Spooky Boogie.


Anonymous said...

Ginoza’s coin avatar is just awesome. I mean apart from just the inherent amusement that it’s a goddamn coin, there’s the irony that he’s got LIBERTY plastered across his face when his job involves enforcing this totalitarian Orwellian rule---Oh wow, look at that irony! XD

I found it fascinating that "the chances of the guy escaping the city without being detected were basically impossible", because people are tracked as a natural part of functioning society, like George Orwell's "1984" GEE they even give it (book cover) the scree time!!

Quoting from SCAMP:
>What I’ve been particularly enjoying is how the crowd treat her boss Ginoza as an outsider to their gang who they all commentate on, but it’s Akane who has to deal with his attitude<

Now we can see some really BAD people, who not only choke people but also blend tomatoes.

Christina said...

Anonymous- Liberty! That thing you gave us so you can have pretend houses and clothes in exchange for big brother monitoring your toilet habits!

I find it interesting that Akane has been accepted into this group so easily. Or maybe that is what she thinks when really the Enforcers see someone they can push over/get their way with more. Ginoza might talk a lot of crap but he doesn't seem to keep people in line. HMMM!